59 research outputs found

    Multiplicity of young brown dwarfs in Cha I

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    How frequent are brown dwarf binaries? Do brown dwarfs have planets? Are current theoretical pre-main-sequence evolutionary tracks valid down to the substellar regime? - Any detection of a companion to a brown dwarf takes us one step forward towards answering these basic questions of star formation. We report here on a search for spectroscopic and visual companions to young brown dwarfs in the Cha I star forming cloud. Based on spectra taken with UVES at the VLT, we found significant radial velocity (RV) variations for five bona-fide and candidate brown dwarfs in Cha I. They can be caused by either a (substellar or planetary) companion or stellar activity. A companion causing the detected RV variations would have about a few Jupiter masses. We are planning further UVES observations in order to explore the nature of the detected RV variations. We also found that the RV dispersion is only ~ 2km/s indicating that there is probably no run-away brown dwarf among them. Additionally a search for companions by direct imaging with the HST and SOFI (NTT) has yielded to the detection of a few companion candidates in larger orbits.Comment: Conference proceeding "Origins of stars and planets: The VLT view", ESO, Garching, April 24-27 200

    Estimating the Capacity for ART Provision in Tanzania with the Use of Data on Staff Productivity and Patient Losses

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    BACKGROUND: International targets for access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) have over-estimated the capacity of health systems in low-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The WHO target for number on treatment by end 2005 for Tanzania was 10 times higher than actually achieved. The target of the national Care and Treatment Plan (CTP) was also not reached. We aimed at estimating the capacity for ART provision and created five scenarios for ART production given existing resource limitations. METHODS: A situation analysis including scrutiny of staff factors, such as available data on staff and patient factors including access to ART and patient losses, made us conclude that the lack of clinical staff is the main limiting factor for ART scale-up, assuming that sufficient drugs and supplies are provided by donors. We created a simple formula to estimate the number of patients on ART based on availability and productivity of clinical staff, time needed to initiate vs maintain a patient on ART and patient losses using five different scenarios with varying levels of these parameters. FINDINGS: Our scenario assuming medium productivity (40% higher than that observed in 2002) and medium loss of patients (20% in addition to 15% first-year mortality) coincides with the actual reported number of patients initiated on ART up to 2008, but is considerably below the national CTP target of 90% coverage for 2009, corresponding to 420,000 on ART and 710,000 life-years saved (LY's). Our analysis suggests that a coverage of 40% or 175,000 on treatment and 350,000 LY's saved is more achievable. CONCLUSION: A comparison of our scenario estimations and actual output 2006-2008 indicates that a simple user-friendly dynamic model can estimate the capacity for ART scale-up in resource-poor settings based on identification of a limiting staff factor and information on availability of this staff and patient losses. Thus, it is possible to set more achievable targets

    Contested Collective Intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human-machine annotation study

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    We propose the concept of Contested Collective Intelligence (CCI) as a distinctive subset of the broader Collective Intelligence design space. CCI is relevant to the many organizational contexts in which it is important to work with contested knowledge, for instance, due to different intellectual traditions, competing organizational objectives, information overload or ambiguous environmental signals. The CCI challenge is to design sociotechnical infrastructures to augment such organizational capability. Since documents are often the starting points for contested discourse, and discourse markers provide a powerful cue to the presence of claims, contrasting ideas and argumentation, discourse and rhetoric provide an annotation focus in our approach to CCI. Research in sensemaking, computer-supported discourse and rhetorical text analysis motivate a conceptual framework for the combined human and machine annotation of texts with this specific focus. This conception is explored through two tools: a social-semantic web application for human annotation and knowledge mapping (Cohere), plus the discourse analysis component in a textual analysis software tool (Xerox Incremental Parser: XIP). As a step towards an integrated platform, we report a case study in which a document corpus underwent independent human and machine analysis, providing quantitative and qualitative insight into their respective contributions. A promising finding is that significant contributions were signalled by authors via explicit rhetorical moves, which both human analysts and XIP could readily identify. Since working with contested knowledge is at the heart of CCI, the evidence that automatic detection of contrasting ideas in texts is possible through rhetorical discourse analysis is progress towards the effective use of automatic discourse analysis in the CCI framework

    Four-Year Treatment Outcomes of Adult Patients Enrolled in Mozambique's Rapidly Expanding Antiretroviral Therapy Program

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    BACKGROUND: In Mozambique during 2004-2007 numbers of adult patients (≥15 years old) enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) increased about 16-fold, from <5,000 to 79,500. All ART patients were eligible for co-trimoxazole. ART program outcomes, and determinants of outcomes, have not yet been reported. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In a retrospective cohort study, we investigated rates of mortality, attrition (death, loss to follow-up, or treatment cessation), immunologic treatment failure, and regimen-switch, as well as determinants of selected outcomes, among a nationally representative sample of 2,596 adults initiating ART during 2004-2007. At ART initiation, median age of patients was 34 and 62% were female. Malnutrition and advanced disease were common; 18% of patients weighed <45 kilograms, and 15% were WHO stage IV. Median baseline CD4(+) T-cell count was 153/µL and was lower for males than females (139/µL vs. 159/µL, p<0.01). Stavudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine or efavirenz were prescribed to 88% of patients; only 31% were prescribed co-trimoxazole. Mortality and attrition rates were 3.4 deaths and 19.8 attritions per 100 patient-years overall, and 12.9 deaths and 57.2 attritions per 100 patient-years in the first 90 days. Predictors of attrition included male sex [adjusted hazard ratio (AHR) 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.3-1.8], weight <45 kg (AHR 2.1; 95% CI, 1.6-2.9, reference group >60 kg), WHO stage IV (AHR 1.7; 95% CI, 1.3-2.4, reference group WHO stage I/II), lack of co-trimoxazole prescription (AHR 1.4; 95% CI, 1.0-1.8), and later calendar year of ART initiation (AHR 1.5; 95% CI, 1.2-1.8). Rates of immunologic treatment failure and regimen-switch were 14.0 and 0.6 events per 100-patient years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: ART initiation at earlier disease stages and scale-up of co-trimoxazole among ART patients could improve outcomes. Research to determine reasons for low regimen-switch rates and increasing rates of attrition during program expansion is needed

    Formation, evolution and multiplicity of brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets

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    This proceeding summarises the talk of the awardee of the Spanish Astronomical Society award to the the best Spanish thesis in Astronomy and Astrophysics in the two-year period 2006-2007. The thesis required a tremendous observational effort and covered many different topics related to brown dwarfs and exoplanets, such as the study of the mass function in the substellar domain of the young sigma Orionis cluster down to a few Jupiter masses, the relation between the cluster stellar and substellar populations, the accretion discs in cluster brown dwarfs, the frequency of very low-mass companions to nearby young stars at intermediate and wide separations, or the detectability of Earth-like planets in habitable zones around ultracool (L- and T-type) dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood.Comment: "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V", Proceedings of the VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) held in Santander, 7-11 July, 2008. Edited by J. Gorgas, L. J. Goicoechea, J. I. Gonzalez-Serrano, J. M. Diego. Invited oral contribution to plenary sessio

    Effect of Crowd Composition on the Wisdom of Artificial Crowds Metaheuristic

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    This paper investigates the impact that task difficulty and crowd composition have on the success of the Wisdom of Artificial Crowds metaheuristic. The metaheuristic, which is inspired by the wisdom of crowds phenomenon, combines the intelligence from a group of optimization searches to form a new solution. Unfortunately, the aggregate formed by the metaheuristic is not always better than the best individual solution within the crowd, and little is known about the variables which maximize the metaheuristic\u27s success. Our study offers new insights into the influential factors of artificial crowds and the collective intelligence of multiple optimization searches performed on the same problem. The results show that favoring the opinions of experts (i.e., the better searches) improves the chances of the metaheuristic succeeding by more than 15% when compared to the traditional means of equal weighting. Furthermore, weighting expertise was found to require smaller crowd sizes for the metaheuristic to reach its peak chances of success. Finally, crowd size was discovered to be a critical factor, especially as problem complexity grows or average crowd expertise declines. However, crowd size matters only up to a point, after which the probability of success plateaus