20 research outputs found

    Membrane-Bound IL-21 Promotes Sustained Ex Vivo Proliferation of Human Natural Killer Cells

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    NK cells have therapeutic potential for a wide variety of human malignancies. However, because NK cells expand poorly in vitro, have limited life spans in vivo, and represent a small fraction of peripheral white blood cells, obtaining sufficient cell numbers is the major obstacle for NK-cell immunotherapy. Genetically-engineered artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPCs) expressing membrane-bound IL-15 (mbIL15) have been used to propagate clinical-grade NK cells for human trials of adoptive immunotherapy, but ex vivo proliferation has been limited by telomere shortening. We developed K562-based aAPCs with membrane-bound IL-21 (mbIL21) and assessed their ability to support human NK-cell proliferation. In contrast to mbIL15, mbIL21-expressing aAPCs promoted log-phase NK cell expansion without evidence of senescence for up to 6 weeks of culture. By day 21, parallel expansion of NK cells from 22 donors demonstrated a mean 47,967-fold expansion (median 31,747) when co-cultured with aAPCs expressing mbIL21 compared to 825-fold expansion (median 325) with mbIL15. Despite the significant increase in proliferation, mbIL21-expanded NK cells also showed a significant increase in telomere length compared to freshly obtained NK cells, suggesting a possible mechanism for their sustained proliferation. NK cells expanded with mbIL21 were similar in phenotype and cytotoxicity to those expanded with mbIL15, with retained donor KIR repertoires and high expression of NCRs, CD16, and NKG2D, but had superior cytokine secretion. The mbIL21-expanded NK cells showed increased transcription of the activating receptor CD160, but otherwise had remarkably similar mRNA expression profiles of the 96 genes assessed. mbIL21-expanded NK cells had significant cytotoxicity against all tumor cell lines tested, retained responsiveness to inhibitory KIR ligands, and demonstrated enhanced killing via antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. Thus, aAPCs expressing mbIL21 promote improved proliferation of human NK cells with longer telomeres and less senescence, supporting their clinical use in propagating NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy

    Free methyl salicylate and its glycosides mapping in monovarietal Italian white wines

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    Aroma is an identifying characteristic of wines and is of crucial importance for the consumer appreciation. Among all odour-active compounds, some key molecules appear only after ageing and give a strong contribution to both identity and added value of the wine bottle. Methyl salicylate (MeSA) is an odorant which usually appears after ageing and could provide an increase in fruity aromas and freshness. This odour-active ester can be found mainly bound to one or more carbohydrates, forming a glycoside. In wines, the hydrolysis of glycosides contributes to the aroma evolution of wine. In our previous works, MeSA was found in relevant content, both in bound and free form, in some genetically related Italian varieties such as Trebbiano di Lugana, Trebbiano di Soave (both employed in the production of Lugana wines), and Verdicchio. In this research, a straightforward filter-and-shot LC-MS/MS method was used for the determination of 7 different MeSA glycosides in 246 samples representative of 18 different monovarietal Italian white wines. MeSA glycosides were found in relevant concentrations in Verdicchio and Lugana wines, whereas they were determined for the first time in all others. Results were in accordance with the literature since Lugana and Verdicchio emerged for the total amount of glycosides, together with Erbaluce, whose richness was not known to date. This trend was observed for all analytes, with stronger intensity, especially in MeSA–glucoside, MeSA–gentiobioside and MeSA–violutoside. The triglycosylated form was not detected in any case. The same trend was also observed for the free form, whose value was not above the olfactory threshold for any sample. MeSA in all its forms also showed a qualitative trend, with MeSA-glucoside and MeSA–primeveroside emphasised in richer cultivars with also a characteristic pattern. The knowledge of the concentration of MeSA glycosides could be considered a potential predictor of the potential evolution of white wines towards balsamic-like nuances