18 research outputs found

    Error Field and Correction Coils in DTT: a preliminary analysis

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    The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility, construction starting at Frascati, Italy, is designed to test different solutions for divertor in view of DEMO. A preliminary analysis of the error fields (EFs) assumed a simplified model of rigid and independent displacements and rotations. A methodology based on the first order truncated Taylor expansion has been applied, linking the displacement parameters and the EFs within the required accuracies. A system of in-vessel copper coils has been designed to counteract EFs and the ampere-turns necessary to force them back within the request limits has been calculated. Here, the details of the analysis have been provided

    Effect of the relative shift between the electron density and temperature pedestal position on the pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C

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    The electron temperature and density pedestals tend to vary in their relative radial positions, as observed in DIII-D (Beurskens et al 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 056120) and ASDEX Upgrade (Dunne et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 14017). This so-called relative shift has an impact on the pedestal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability and hence on the pedestal height (Osborne et al 2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 063018). The present work studies the effect of the relative shift on pedestal stability of JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) baseline low triangularity (\u3b4) unseeded plasmas, and similar JET-C discharges. As shown in this paper, the increase of the pedestal relative shift is correlated with the reduction of the normalized pressure gradient, therefore playing a strong role in pedestal stability. Furthermore, JET-ILW tends to have a larger relative shift compared to JET carbon wall (JET-C), suggesting a possible role of the plasma facing materials in affecting the density profile location. Experimental results are then compared with stability analysis performed in terms of the peeling-ballooning model and with pedestal predictive model EUROPED (Saarelma et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion). Stability analysis is consistent with the experimental findings, showing an improvement of the pedestal stability, when the relative shift is reduced. This has been ascribed mainly to the increase of the edge bootstrap current, and to minor effects related to the increase of the pedestal pressure gradient and narrowing of the pedestal pressure width. Pedestal predictive model EUROPED shows a qualitative agreement with experiment, especially for low values of the relative shift

    Improved feedback control of MHD instabilities and errors fields in reversed-field pinch and tokamak

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    This Thesis presents a series of results on the development of advanced magnetic feedback schemes for the active control of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities and error elds obtained in two magnetically conned toroidal experiments: the RFX-mod reversed-eld pinch (RFP) in Padova, Italy, and the DIII-D tokamak at General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA. In the last years, these two devices have explored dierent types of highperformance regimes, also thanks to their sophisticated active control systems. In RFX-mod, high-plasma current experiments, up to 2MA, were performed for the rst time in a RFP. These experiments allowed for the discovery of a new self-organized helical equilibrium with good connement properties [40]. Instead, in DIII-D, steady-state, high-performance tokamak operations are being explored. The scientic programs of these experiments, in particular on error eld and MHD mode control, can give precious contributions to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and to magnetic fusion research in general. The RFP and the tokamak are toroidal devices for the magnetic connement of thermonuclear plasmas. An introduction to thermonuclear fusion, the main requests to exploit fusion as a future energy source, the magnetic connement of the plasma, and the MHD model which describes the plasma behavior in many cases of interest will be given in Chapter 1. The role of magnetic feedback control for the development of advanced operational regimes in RFX-mod and in DIII-D will be also discussed in this Chapter. Chapter 2 describes the two experiments above mentioned and their magnetic feedback control systems. They are in fact equipped with very exible systems devoted to the control of MHD instabilities and error elds. In particular the feedback control strategies that are crucial for the work discussed in this Thesis will be presented. The rst important result of this Thesis is reported in Chapter 3 and regards the optimization of multi-mode control of tearing instabilities in RFX-mod. Tearing modes, which sustain the reversed-eld conguration typical of RFP experiments through a dynamo mechanism, can not be completely suppressed by magnetic feedback control. Nonetheless, it is important to reduce their edge radial magnetic eld amplitude to the lowest possible value, since it produces a deformation of the last closed ux surface, enhancing the plasma-wall interaction. In this work, the control of tearing modes has been optimized by using a non-linear model of the tearing mode dynamics in presence of the multiple-shell layout of RFX-mod and of the magnetic feedback system. This model of tearing modes has been implemented in a code named RFXlocking and previously described in [84]. Given the good match between the model predictions and the experimental mode behavior, the RFXlocking code has been used as a tool to identify a new set of mode control parameters (i.e. feedback gains), which allow to reduce the radial magnetic eld of multiple tearing modes at the plasma edge, maintaing at the same time the modes into rotation and avoiding coil current saturations. The optimization approach consisted in simulating the mode dynamics varying the feedback gains and identifying the gain set, which fullls the requirements above described. Once the "model-based" gain set was identied, an extensive experimental campaign was performed on RFX-mod, obtaining satisfactory results in terms of edge radial magnetic eld reduction and also conrming the code predictions. The magnetic feedback optimization performed during this Thesis work concerned not only tearing modes, but also the main magnetic eld errors present in RFX-mod. The presence of poloidal gaps in the RFX-mod wall modies the pattern of eddy-currents induced in it by the vertical magnetic eld during the plasma current ramp-up, thus forming toroidally-localized error elds to which tearing modes are phase-locked. Two advanced feedback control strategies have been applied to correct these error elds: a multi-mode control scheme and a dynamic decoupling scheme. Regarding the rst feedback control strategy, a Simulink model of the RFXmod magnetic feedback system has been used to identify the feedback gains, which allow a signicant reduction of the error eld amplitude, avoiding coil current saturations. A dynamic decoupler has also been used to compute oine the feedback currents needed to cancel the error elds. As will be described in Chapter 4, these two techniques have been tested during a dedicated experimental campaign. The best result in terms of error eld reduction has been obtained when both multimode control and the decoupler are used. With error eld correction during the plasma current ramp-up, the phase-locking among tearing modes is no more localized near the poloidal gaps of the wall, thus reducing the plasma-wall interaction at these positions. As mentioned above, the high-current RFX-mod experiments have disclosed a promising physics regime, where the RFP spontaneously evolves towards an Ohmic helical equilibrium. This new magnetic equilibrium is characterized by a single helical magnetic axis and helical magnetic surfaces in the plasma core. This leads to a signicant decrease in the stochastic transport and to the formation of core electron temperature barriers. During the last experimental campaign, it has been demonstrated that a (1;-7) helical equilibrium can be sustained and controlled by applying helical boundary conditions at the plasma edge through magnetic feedback. In this Thesis work, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 deal with the optimization of the helical boundary conditions used to control the helical equilibrium. The optimization procedure uses control strategies analogous to those described above and adopted to improve the control of tearing modes and error elds. The RFXlocking code has been modied by adding the possibility to apply a helical boundary conditions. In this way, the mode dynamics has been simulated with this new helical boundary, by varying the feedback gains and the amplitude and phase of the helical magnetic eld perturbations imposed at the plasma edge. A model-based optimization approach similar to the one described in Chapter 3 has been adopted here to identify the feedback gains that allow to produce the requested radial eld pattern at the edge with the lowest possible coil current. A partial gain scan has been performed in the experiment and the results conrm the model predictions. The main outcomes of the model-based optimization and an analysis of the effects on the plasma performance of the applied helical boundary conditions are described in Chapter 5. Vacuum eld analyses described in Chapter 6 reveal that, when rotating magnetic eld perturbations are applied through magnetic feedback, as in the case of the helical equilibria above described, error elds are induced by the frequency response of the wall to external magnetic elds varying in time. These error elds, that are mainly introduced by the presence of the toroidal and poloidal gaps in the wall structure, may somehow aect the good connement properties of the helical equilibrium. For this reason, a dynamic decoupler similar to the one used to correct the error elds in the current ramp-up phase of the plasma discharges has been applied. Encouraging results in terms of error eld reduction are obtained. The frequency-response of the wall to any external time-varying magnetic eld has been investigated also in the DIII-D tokamak, in the framework of a collaboration between the RFX-mod and DIII-D teams. In the DIII-D control algorithm, the magnetic feedback measurements are usually real-time compensated for spurious magnetic elds, due for instance to the feedback and axi-symmentric coils. These contributions are calculated from the zero-frequency coupling coecients between each actuator and sensor. In this way the eects of eddy-currents induced in the wall are neglected. The relevance of these frequency-dependent, or AC eects, on RWM and error eld control has been evaluated by analyzing past experiments. The analyses suggested that, if the wall frequency response is not taken into account in the feedback compensation scheme, error elds can be introduced when doing magnetic feedback. These can be important especially at high β, where uncorrected error elds can be strongly amplied by the plasma. An AC compensation algorithm has been implemented and tested in real-time in dry-shots and Ohmic plasmas. More tests of this algorithm at high β have been proposed for the next experimental campaign to assess its relevance on plasma performance in scenarios where the plasma is less resilient to error elds. The main outcomes of this Thesis work is reported in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 summarizes the main conclusions of this work and describes a series of experiments that could be made both in RFX-mod and DIII-D in the near future, to further develop the studies started with this Thesis.Questa Tesi presenta una serie di risultati sullo sviluppo di avanzati schemi di feedback per il controllo di instabilità magnetoidrodinamiche (MHD) e di campi errori ottenuti in due esperimenti toroidali a connamento magnetico: il reversed-eld pinch (RFP) RFX-mod, a Padova, Italia, e il tokamak DIII-D, presso la General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA. Negli ultimi anni, questi due esperimenti hanno esplorato differenti tipi di regimi ad alte prestazioni, anche grazie ai loro sofisticati sistemi di controllo attivo. Ad RFX-mod, esperimenti ad alta corrente di plasma, sino a 2MA, sono stati realizzati per la prima volta in un RFP. Questi esperimenti hanno permesso la scoperta di un nuovo equilibrio elicoidale, auto-organizzato e con buone proprietà di connamento [40]. Invece, a DIII-D scenari stazionari ed operazioni ad alte prestazioni vengono investigati. I programmi scientifici di questi esperimenti, in particolar modo il controllo di campi errori e di instabilità MHD, possono dare preziosi contributi all'International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) e, più in generale, alla ricerca nel campo della fusione. Il RFP e il tokamak sono esperimenti toroidali per il connamento magnetico di plasmi termonucleari. Un'introduzione alla fusione termonucleare, i principali requisiti per sfruttare la fusione come una sorgente di energia per il futuro, il connamento magnetico del plasma, e il modello MHD che descrive il comportamento del plasma in molti casi di interesse, verranno descritti nel Capitolo 1. Il ruolo del controllo dei campi magnetici in feedback per lo sviluppo di regimi operazionali avanzati in RFX-mod e a DIII-D verrà anche discusso in questo Capitolo. Il Capitolo 2 descrive gli esperimenti sopra citati e i relativi sistemi di controllo dei campi magnetici in feedback. Questi infatti sono muniti di sistemi molto essibili per il controllo di instabilita MHD e di campi errori. In particolar modo, verranno presentate le strategie di controllo in feedback che sono cruciali per il lavoro discusso in questa Tesi. Il primo risultato importante di questa Tesi è riportato nel Capitolo 3 e riguarda l'ottimizzazione del controllore a multi-modo delle instabilita tearing di RFX-mod. I modi tearing, che sostengono la congurazione a campo rovesciato tipica degli esperimenti RFP attraverso un meccanismo di dinamo, non possono essere completamente soppressi dal controllo dei campi magnetici in feeedback. Ciò nonostante, è importante ridurre la loro ampiezza di campo magnetico radiale al bordo del plasma al più piccolo valore possibile, dal momento che questa produce una deformazione dell'ultima superficie chiusa di flusso, aumentando l'interazione plasmaparete. In questo lavoro, il controllo dei modi tearing è stato ottimizzato utilizzando un modello non lineare che simula la dinamica dei modi tearing in presenza del layout a multipla shell di RFX-mod e del sistema per il controllo di campi magnetici in feedback. Questo modello dei modi tearing è stato sviluppato in un codice chiamato RFXlocking che è stato descritto in [84]. Dato il buon accordo tra le predizioni del modello e il comportamento dei modi nell'esperimento, il codice RFXlocking è stato usato per identicare un nuovo set di parametri di controllo (i.e. i guadagni del feedback), che permetta di ridurre l'ampiezza radiale dei modi tearing al bordo del plasma, mantenendo allo stesso tempo i modi in rotazione ed evitando saturazioni di corrente nelle bobine di controllo. L'approccio per l'ottimizzazione prevede di simulare la dinamica dei modi tearing al variare dei guadagni del feedback, e di identicare un set di guadagni che soddisfa le richieste sopra descritte. Una volta trovato il set di guadagni ispirato dal modello, una lunga campagna sperimentale è stata fatta ottenendo soddisfacenti risultati in termine di riduzione di campo magnetico radiale al bordo del plasma e confermando così le previsioni del codice. L'ottimizzazione del controllo dei campi magnetici in feedback svolta in questo lavoro di Tesi non ha solo riguardato i modi tearing ma anche i principali campi errori in RFX-mod. La presenza di tagli in direzione poloidale nella struttura conduttiva di RFX-mod modica il pattern delle correnti immagine indotte dal campo magnetico verticale durante la fase di salita di corrente di plasma, inducendo campi errori localizzati dove i modi tearing hanno un'inteferenza costruttiva. Due tecniche di controllo in feedback sono state utilizzate per sopprimere questi campi errori: uno schema di controllo a multi modo e il disaccoppiatore dinamico. Per quanto riguarda la prima strategia di controllo, un modello di Simulink del sistema magnetico di feedback di RFX-mod è stato usato per identicare i guadagni del feedback, che permettono di ridurre signicativamente l'ampiezza del campo errore, evitando saturazioni di corrente nelle bobine di controllo. Un disaccopiatore dinamico è stato usato per calcolare le correnti nelle bobine di controllo necessarie a cancellare i campi errore. Come verrà descritto nel Capitolo 4, durante una campagna sperimentale dedicata, queste due tecniche sono state testate. Il miglior risultato in termini di riduzione dei campi errore è stato ottenuto quando il controllore a multi-modo e il disaccopiatore sono stati usati contemporaneamente. Quando la correzione del campi errori è applicata durante la fase di salita di corrente di plasma, l'interferenza costruttiva tra i modi tearing non è piu localizzata vicino ai tagli in direzione poloidale della struttura conduttrice, in questo modo viene ridotta l'interazione plasma-parete in queste zone. Come accennato precedentemente, gli esperimenti ad alta corrente in RFX-mod hanno rivelato un nuovo regime promettente, in cui l'RFP evolve spontaneamente in uno stato elicoidale Ohmico. Questo nuovo equilibrio magnetico è caratterizzato da un singolo asse magnetico elicoidale e da superci magnetiche elicoidali all'interno del plasma. Questo produce una diminuzione del trasporto stocastico e la formazione di proli di temperatura elettronica molto ripidi. Nell'ultima campagnia sperimentale è stato dimostrato che un equilibrio elicoidale con elicità (1,-7) può essere indotto e controllato applicando condizioni elicoidali al bordo del plasma per mezzo del sistema magnetico di feedback. In questo lavoro di Tesi, il Capitolo 5 e il Capitolo 6 descrivono l'ottimizzazione delle perturbazioni magnetiche elicoidali usate per controllare l'equilibrio elicoidale. La procedura di ottimizzazione usa le stesse strategie di controllo che sono state adottate per migliorare il controllo dei modi tearing e dei campi errori. Il codice RFXlocking è stato modificato permettendo di applicare condizioni elicoidali al bordo del plasma. In questo modo, la dinamica dei modi può essere simulata con questo nuovo boundary elicoidale, al variare dei guadagni di feedback, dell'ampiezza e della fase delle perturbazioni elicoidali imposte al bordo del plasma. Un approccio di ottimizzazione ispirato dal modello, simile a quello descritto nel Capitolo 3, è stato adottato in questo caso per identicare i guadagni di feedback che permettono di produrre il richiesto pattern di campo radiale al bordo del plasma con la minor richiesta di corrente nelle bobine di controllo. Uno scan parziale dei guadagni è stato svolto nell'esperimento e i risultati confermano le predizioni del modello. I risultati salienti dell'ottimizzazione ispirata dal modello e le prestazioni del plasma negli stati elicoidali sostenuti imponendo condizioni elicoidali al bordo plasma sono descritti nel Capitolo 5. Analisi di esperimenti a vuoto, descritte nel Capitolo 6, rivelano che, quando una perturbazione rotante di campo magnetico viene applicata dal sistema di feedback, come nel caso degli stati elicoidali descritti sopra, campi errori vengono indotti dalla risposta in frequenza della struttura conduttrice ai campi magnetici esterni che variano nel tempo. Questi campi errori, che sono indotti principalmente dalla presenza di tagli in direzione toroidale e poloidale nella struttura conduttrice, possono in qualche modo influenzare le proprietà di buon connamento degli stati elicoidali. Per questo motivo un disaccoppiatore dinamico, simile a quello usato per correggere i campi errori durante la fase di salita delle corrente, è stato utilizzato. Esperimenti a vuoto mostrano risultati incoraggianti in termini di riduzione dell'ampiezza del campo errore. La risposta in frequenza della struttura conduttiva ad un campo magnetico variabile nel tempo è stata esaminata anche nell'esperimento DIII-D, durante una collaborazione tra i gruppi di ricerca di RFX-mod e di DIII-D. Nell'algoritmo di controllo di DIII-D, le misure di campo magnetico sono compensate in tempo reale dai campi magnetici spuri, che possono essere indotti dalle bobine di controllo o dalle bobine assialsimmetriche. Questi contributi esterni sono calcolati dai coefficienti di accoppiamento tra ciascun attuatore e sensore, a frequenza nulla. In questo approccio, gli effetti delle correnti immagine indotte nella struttura conduttiva vengono trascurati. L'importanza di questi effetti che dipendono dalla frequenza, o effetti AC, per il controllo di RWM e di campi errori è stata valutata analizzando esperimenti precedenti. Le analisi suggeriscono che campi errori possono essere indotti quando viene applicato il controllo in feedback se la risposta in frequenza delle strutture conduttive non è inclusa nell'algoritmo di feedback di compensazione. Questi possono risultare importanti specialmente ad alto β regime in cui i campi errori residui possono essere amplicati dal plasma. Un algoritmo di compensazione AC e stato implementato e testato in tempo reale in spari a vuoto e in spari Ohmici. Un maggior numero di test di questo algoritmo ad alto β è stato proposto per la prossima campagna sperimentale per testare la sua rilevanza nella performance del plasma quando questo è più soggetto ai campi errori. I risultati più salienti di questo lavoro di Tesi sono discussi nel Capitolo 7. Il Capitolo 8 riassume le conclusioni principali di questo lavoro e presenta degli esperimenti che posso essere eseguiti ad RFX-mod e a DIII-D nel futuro prossimo che possono indagare ulteriormente gli studi iniziati in questo lavoro di Tesi

    Feedback-assisted extension of the tokamak operating space to low safety factora)

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    Physics of Plasmas Volume 21, Issue 7, July 2014, Article number 072107 Feedback-assisted extension of the tokamak operating space to low safety factor (Article) Hanson, J.M.a , Bialek, J.M.a, Baruzzo, M.b, Bolzonella, T.b, Hyatt, A.W.c, Jackson, G.L.c, King, J.d, La Haye, R.J.c, Lanctot, M.J.c, Marrelli, L.b, Martin, P.b, Navratil, G.A.a, Okabayashi, M.e, Olofsson, K.E.J.a, Paz-Soldan, C.d, Piovesan, P.b, Piron, C.b, Piron, L.b, Shiraki, D.af, Strait, E.J.c, Terranova, D.b, Turco, F.a, Turnbull, A.D.c, Zanca, P.b a Department of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027-6900, United States b Consorzio RFX, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy c General Atomics, P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608, United States d Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-8050, United States e Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543-0451, United States f Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, United States View additional affiliations View references (58) Abstract Recent DIII-D and RFX-mod experiments have demonstrated stable tokamak operation at very low values of the edge safety factor q(a) near and below 2. The onset of n = 1 resistive wall mode (RWM) kink instabilities leads to a disruptive stability limit, encountered at q(a) = 2 (limiter plasmas) and q 95 = 2 (divertor plasmas). However, passively stable operation can be attained for q(a) and q95 values as low as 2.2. RWM damping in the q(a) = 2 regime was measured using active MHD spectroscopy. Although consistent with theoretical predictions, the amplitude of the damped response does not increase significantly as the q(a) = 2 limit is approached, in contrast with damping measurements made approaching the pressure-driven RWM limit. Applying proportional gain magnetic feedback control of the n = 1 modes has resulted in stabilized operation with q95 values reaching as low as 1.9 in DIII-D and q(a) reaching 1.55 in RFX-mod. In addition to being consistent with the q(a) = 2 external kink mode stability limit, the unstable modes have growth rates on the order of the characteristic wall eddy-current decay timescale in both devices, and a dominant m = 2 poloidal structure that is consistent with ideal MHD predictions. The experiments contribute to validating MHD stability theory and demonstrate that a key tokamak stability limit can be overcome with feedback. \ua9 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Tokamak Operation with Safety Factorq95<2via Control of MHD Stability

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    Magnetic feedback control of the resistive-wall mode has enabled the DIII-D tokamak to access stable operation at safety factor q95=1.9 in divertor plasmas for 150 instability growth times. Magnetohydrodynamic stability sets a hard, disruptive limit on the minimum edge safety factor achievable in a tokamak, or on the maximum plasma current at a given toroidal magnetic field. In tokamaks with a divertor, the limit occurs at q95=2, as confirmed in DIII-D. Since the energy confinement time scales linearly with current, this also bounds the performance of a fusion reactor. DIII-D has overcome this limit, opening a whole new high-current regime not accessible before. This result brings significant possible benefits in terms of fusion performance, but it also extends resistive-wall mode physics and its control to conditions never explored before. In present experiments, the q95<2 operation is eventually halted by voltage limits reached in the feedback power supplies, not by intrinsic physics issues. Improvements to power supplies and to control algorithms have the potential to further extend this regime

    Internal and external electron transport barriers in the RFX-mod reversed field pinch

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    An interesting result of magnetic chaos reduction in RFX-mod high current discharges is the development of strong electron transport barriers. An internal heat and particle transport barrier is formed when a bifurcation process changes the magnetic configuration into a helical equilibrium and chaos reduction follows, together with the formation of a null in the q shear. Strong temperature gradients develop, corresponding to a decreased thermal and particle transport. Turbulence analysis shows that the large electron temperature gradients are limited by the onset of micro-tearing modes, in addition to residual magnetic chaos. A new type of electron transport barrier with strong temperature gradients develops more externally (r/a = 0.8) accompanied by a 30% improvement of the global confinement time. The mechanism responsible for the formation of such a barrier is still unknown but it is likely associated with a local reduction of magnetic chaos. These external barriers develop primarily in situations of well-conditioned walls so that they might be regarded as attempts towards an L-H transition. Both types of barriers occur in high-current low-collisionality regimes. Analogies with tokamak and stellarators are discussed

    Helical equilibria and magnetic structures in the reversed field pinch and analogies to the tokamak and stellarator

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    The reversed field pinch configuration is characterized by the presence of magnetic structures both in the core and at the edge: in the core, at high plasma current the spontaneous development of a helical structure is accompanied by the appearance of internal electron transport barriers; at the edge strong pressure gradients, identifying an edge transport barrier, are observed too, related to the position of the field reversal surface. The aim of this paper is the experimental characterization of both the internal and edge transport barriers in relation to the magnetic topology, discussing possible analogies and differences with other confinement schemes

    Overview of the RFX Fusion Science Program

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    With a program well-balanced among the goal of exploring the fusion potential of the reversed field pinch (RFP) and that of contributing to the solution of key science and technology prob- lems in the roadmap to ITER, the European RFX-mod device has produced a set of high-quality results since the last 2010 Fusion Energy Conference. RFX-mod is a 2 MA RFP, which can also be operated as a tokamak and where advanced confinement states have 3D features studied with stellarator tools. Self-organized equilibria with a single helical axis and improved confinement (SHAx) have been deeply investigated and a more profound understanding of their physics has been achieved. First wall conditioning with Lithium provides a tool to operate RFX at higher density than before, and application of helical magnetic boundary conditions favour stationary SHAx states. The correlation between the quality of helical states and the reduction of magnetic field errors acting as seed of magnetic chaos has been robustly proven. Helical states provide a unique test-bed for numerical codes conceived to deal with 3D effects in all magnetic configura- tions. In particular the stellarator equilibrium codes VMEC and V3FIT have been successfully adapted to reconstruct RFX-mod equilibria with diagnostic input. The border of knowledge has been significantly expanded also in the area of feedback control of MHD stability. Non-linear dynamics of tearing modes and their control has been modelled, allowing for optimization of feedback models. An integrated dynamic model of the RWM control system has been developed integrating the plasma response to multiple RWMs with active and passive conducting structures (CarMa model) and with a complete representation of the control system. RFX has been oper- ated as a tokamak with safety factor kept below 2, with complete active stabilization of the p2, 1q Resistive Wall Mode (RWM). This opens the exploration of a broad and interesting operational range otherwise excluded to standard tokamaks. Control experiments and modelling led to the design of a significant upgrade of the RFX-mod feedback control system to dramatically enhance computing power and reduce system latency. The possibility of producing D-shaped plasmas is being explore