98 research outputs found

    Arricchimento lessicale e disabilitĂ  visiva: i laboratori dei sensi

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    La ricerca presentata riguarda un soggetto non vedente di 11 anni, il quale si distingue rispetto ai compagni di classe per una povertà lessicale ed espressivo-descrittiva accentuata. Dopo il pre test di valutazione lessicale attraverso una checklist di oggetti comuni, è stato applicato un training strutturato su attività laboratoriali, finalizzate ad insegnare al soggetto a descrivere gli item della stessa e di altre checklist con il maggior numero di termini possibili. Ai successivi post test si evidenzia un miglioramento statisticamente significativo della prestazione del soggetto.This study refers to a blind child, 11 years old, attending the public school, who shows difficulties in lexical and descriptive performances. Pre test: we gave to the subject and his classroom a checklist to test the lexical level, then he experienced the training, structured on laboratories; the aim was teaching to the subject how giving the largest description about objects. Post test: the results underline the improvement in lexical abilities, defined through lower differences than the other children in his clas

    Gruppi eterogenei di apprendimento cooperativo

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    La ricerca intende verificare se il Cooperative Learning migliori il rendimento scolastico e promuova le abilità relazionali nel lavoro in gruppi eterogenei in tutti gli alunni, indipendentemente dalle loro abilità scolastiche prerequisite. Sono stati coinvolti 22 studenti di una classe prima media in una scuola di Modena. Per la formazione dei gruppi eterogenei di 3 componenti e l’analisi delle differenze tra alunni con abilità prerequisite diverse, gli studenti sono stati suddivisi in 3 categorie sulla base delle loro competenze nella comprensione del testo, che è stato l’argomento di lavoro in gruppi cooperativi, e classificati in studenti ad alto, medio e basso rendimento. Le competenze scolastiche sono state valutate attraverso le prove MT di comprensione del testo; mentre i comportamenti relazionali sono stati rilevati attraverso un’osservazione diretta e focale su ogni gruppo di lavoro con una matrice di campionamento. I risultati mostrano un generale miglioramento nelle abilità di comprensione del testo, che risulta superiore per gli alunni ad alto rendimento. Inoltre, a seguito del training, si evidenzia per tutti gli alunni una diminuzione significativa dei comportamenti negativi e una distribuzione più omogenea degli scambi positivi all’interno del gruppo tra compagni con competenze diverse.This study was aimed at examining if, reducing the influence of school preexistent abilities, Cooperative Learning increase school performance and promote social skills in heterogeneous working groups. The sample was composed by 22 students attending the first class in a secondary school in Modena. To make up heterogeneous groups of 3 and to analyse differences in preexistent abilities, the sample was divided in 3 categories (high-performance students, medium-performance students and low-performance students) referred to different ability in comprehension of written text (topic of cooperative group work). School abilities were examined through specific tests (prove MT di comprensione del testo) and social behaviors were codified during direct observation of working groups. The results show an improvement in comprehension abilities, more evident for high-performance students. Moreover, as consequence of the training, the results show a decrease of negative interactions and an homogeneous distribution of positive interactions in working groups between students with different preexistent abilitie

    JLB: a flexible and effective device in critical patients. Review of clinical cases

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    JLB catheter (Deltamed Inc) is an alternative way to manage difficult venous access; it is placed under US-guidance in large bore veins, with an easy-sterile approach. Internal jugular vein (IJV) is the first choice for cannulation, followed by subclavian or deep upper-arm veins. The catheter is available in different lengths and gauges, it allows high flow rates and can be left in place up to 30 days. From June 2015 to March 2017, JLB has been positioned in 409 patients: in 354 as primary access in IJV, brachial or subclavian vein; in 55 cases JLB became an introducing line for the Seldinger guidewire and further CVC positioning. All clinical cases were reviewed selecting those with greater clinical relevance. We report 8 cases in which JLB resulted determinant for the patient treatment: a 16 years old obese girl born with perinatal distress, a 78 years old obese woman with hemorrhagic shock caused by gastrointestinal bleeding, a 40 years old man with severe hypokalemia, a 30 years old man with severe sepsis, a 40 years old man with Becker’s muscular dystrophy and severe sepsis, a 40 years old man with multiple myeloma who had to carry out cycles of chemotherapy, a 76 years old man with CMV pancolitis and myelofibrosis who needed parenteral nutrition, antiviral therapy and frequent blood and platelets transfusion. Moreover, it has been useful in elderly patients who needed to carry out palliative care for seniority or cancer lasting up to 30 days . In our experience the JLB catheter is safe, easy to place, quick and cost –effective. It is a valid solution either in unstable patients requiring an immediate access in emergency and stable patients with difficult venous access, in which invasive devices can be considered an over-treatment

    Les aléas de la transmission

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    La question de la transmission sous des formes variées, et selon des problématiques renouvelées, constitue aujourd’hui encore l’une des interrogations majeures de l’ethnologie. Indissociable de l’idée de « continuité culturelle » sur laquelle s’est fondée la discipline, elle n’en reste pas moins essentielle dans les sociétés modernes. La transmission se conjugue donc le plus souvent avec « la tradition » et « l’identité », et celles-ci sont également soumises à des questionnements multiples et surtout à de fréquentes réévaluations critiques de la part des anthropologues. Les contributions réunies dans ce recueil ne reflètent pas tous les aspects du problème mais permettent de mieux saisir la perspective qui fût la nôtre et sa portée heuristique. En effet, elles sont d’une très grande diversité et permettent d’appréhender quelques-unes des formes inédites, actuelles, que peut prendre la transmission avec ses impasses, ses transformations, ses renversements même. Enfin, elles font la preuve qu’à défaut d’être « organisée » elle reste de toute façon « bonne à penser » en dépit de tous les aléas auxquels, aujourd’hui, elle est le plus souvent soumise. Le Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques rassemble chaque année universitaires, membres de sociétés savantes et jeunes chercheurs. Ce recueil est issu de travaux présentés lors du 143e Congrès sur le thème « La transmission des savoirs »

    Incomplete gastric metaplasia in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and celiac disease. An ultrastructural study

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    BACKGROUND: The association of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and celiac disease (CD) has been widely reported in children but the relationship between the two conditions is incompletely understood. Moreover, specific studies on intestinal biopsies of patients with the association of the two diseases are still lacking. METHODS: We studied the ultrastructure of the duodenal mucosa in 12 patients with both IDDM and CD. RESULTS: All patients had either total or partial atrophy of duodenal mucosa. In seven subjects, an accumulation of electrondense granules in the apical cytoplasm of groups of enterocytes was found. In four of them, a double population of granules existed (mean diameter: 400-800 nm and 100-200 nm respectively) showing a biphasic pattern. In the other three patients, only smaller granules (100- 200 nm) were found in the enterocytes. CONCLUSIONS: The present work suggests that patients with IDDM/CD may represent a subgroup in the context of the CD population. Intestinal biopsies of such individuals often show accumulation of electrondense granules in the apical cytoplasm of enterocytes that can be interpreted as incomplete gastric metaplasia
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