874 research outputs found

    The fate of the zero mode of the five-dimensional kink in the presence of gravity

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    We investigate what becomes of the translational zero-mode of a five-dimensional domain wall in the presence of gravity, studying the scalar perturbations of a thick gravitating domain wall with AdS asymptotics and a well-defined zero-gravity limit. Our analysis reveals the presence of a wide resonance which can be seen as a remnant of the translational zero-mode present in the domain wall in the absence of gravity and which ensures a continuous change of the physical quantities (such as e.g. static potential between sources) when the Planck mass is sent to infinity. Provided that the thickness of the wall is much smaller than the AdS radius of the space-time, the parameters of this resonance do not depend on details of the domain wall's structure, but solely on the geometry of the space-time.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; v2: 2 machine-generated typos in the introduction correcte

    Quasilocalized gravity without asymptotic flatness

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    We present a toy model of a generic five-dimensional warped geometry in which the 4D graviton is not fully localized on the brane. Studying the tensor sector of metric perturbation around this background, we find that its contribution to the effective gravitational potential is of 4D type (1/r) at the intermediate scales and that at the large scales it becomes 1/r^{1+alpha}, 0<alpha=< 1 being a function of the parameters of the model (alpha=1 corresponds to the asymptotically flat geometry). Large-distance behavior of the potential is therefore not necessarily five-dimensional. Our analysis applies also to the case of quasilocalized massless particles other than graviton.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Stability of the Higgs mass in theories with extra dimensions

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    We analyze the ultraviolet stability of the Higgs mass in recently proposed Kaluza-Klein models compactified on S_1/Z_2 or S_1/(Z_2\times Z_2'), both at the field theory and string theory level. Fayet-Iliopoulos terms of U(1) hypercharge are shown to be of vital importance for this discussion. Models with a single Higgs doublet seem to be generically affected by quadratic divergences.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of Durham IPPP meeting May 2001.(12 pages, LaTeX

    Strong coupling in massive gravity by direct calculation

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    We consider four-dimensional massive gravity with the Fierz-Pauli mass term. The analysis of the scalar sector has revealed recently that this theory becomes strongly coupled above the energy scale \Lambda = (M_{Pl}^2 m^4)^{1/5} where m is the mass of the graviton. We confirm this scale by explicit calculations of the four-graviton scattering amplitude and of the loop correction to the interaction between conserved sources.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, some clarifications adde

    Synthetic models of distribution networks based on open data and georeferenced information

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    Many planning and operation studies that aim at fully assessing and optimizing the performance of the distribution grids, in response to the current trends, cannot ignore grid limitations. Modelling the distribution system, by including the electrical characteristics of the network (e.g., topology) and end user behaviors, has become complex, but essential, for all conventional and emerging actors/players of power systems (i.e., system and market operators, regulators, new market parties as service providers, aggregators, researchers, etc.). This paper deals with a methodology that, starting from publicly available open data on the energy consumption of a region or wider area, is capable to obtain reasonable load and generation profiles for the network supplied by each primary substation in the region/area. Furthermore, by combining these profiles with territorial and socio-economic information, the proposed methodology is able to model the network in terms of lines, conductors, loads and generators. The results of this procedure are the synthetic networks of the real distribution networks, that do not correspond exactly to the actual networks, but can characterize them in a realistic way. Such models can be used for all the kind of optimization studies that need to check the grid limitations. Results derived from Italian test cases are presented and discussed

    Optical Line Emission from z∼\sim6.8 Sources with Deep Constraints on Lyα\alpha Visibility

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    We analyze a sample of zz-dropout galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS South and UDS fields that have been targeted by a dedicated spectroscopic campaign aimed at detecting their Lyα\alpha line. Deep IRAC observations at 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum are used to determine the strength of optical emission lines affecting these bands at z∼\sim6.5-6.9 in order to i) investigate possible physical differences between Lyα\alpha emitting and non-emitting sources; ii) constrain the escape fraction of ionizing photons; iii) provide an estimate of the specific star-formation rate at high redshifts. We find evidence of strong [OIII]+Hβ\beta emission in the average (stacked) SEDs of galaxies both with and without Lyα\alpha emission. The blue IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] color of the stack with detected Lyα\alpha line can be converted into a rest-frame equivalent width EW([OIII]+Hβ\beta)=1500−440+530A˚^{+530}_{-440}\AA assuming a flat intrinsic stellar continuum. This strong optical line emission enables a first estimate of fesc≲_{esc}\lesssim20% on the escape fraction of ionizing photons from Lyα\alpha detected objects. The objects with no Lyα\alpha line show less extreme EW([OIII]+Hβ\beta)=520−150+170A˚^{+170}_{-150}\AA suggesting different physical conditions of the HII regions with respect to Lyα\alpha-emitting ones, or a larger fesc_{esc}. The latter case is consistent with a combined evolution of fesc_{esc} and the neutral hydrogen fraction as an explanation of the lack of bright Lyα\alpha emission at z>>6. A lower limit on the specific star formation rate, SSFR>>9.1Gyr−1Gyr^{-1} for Mstar=2×109M⊙M_{star}=2 \times 10^9 M_{\odot} galaxies at these redshifts can be derived from the spectroscopically confirmed sample.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; The Astrophysical Journal in press; matched to the published versio

    Effect of the irrigation method and genotype on the bioaccumulation of toxic and trace elements in rice

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    The total concentration of three toxic elements (As, Cd and Pb) and five oligoelements (Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni and Se) has been determined using an original and completely validated ICP-MS method. This was applied to rice grains from 26 different genotypes cultivated in the same soil and irrigated with the same water in three different ways: by the traditional continuous flooding (CF) and by two intermittent methods, the sprinkler irrigation (SP) and the periodical saturation of the soil (SA). The adoption of SP hugely minimizes the average amounts of almost all elements in kernels (−98% for As, −90% for Se and Mn, −60% for Mo, −50% for Cd and Pb), with the only exception of Ni, whose concentration increases the average amount found in the CF rice by 7.5 times. Also SA irrigation is able to reduce the amounts of As, Mo and Pb in kernels but it significantly increases the amounts of Mn, Ni and – mainly - Cd. Also the nature of the genotype determined a wide variability of data within each irrigation method. Genotypes belonging to Indica subspecies are the best bioaccumulators of elements in both CF and SP methods and, never, the worst bioaccumulators for any element/irrigation method combination. In the principal component analysis, PC1 can differentiate samples irrigated by SP by those irrigated by CF and SA, whereas PC2 provides differentiation of CF samples by SA samples. When looking at the loading plot Ni is negatively correlated to the majority of the other elements, except Cu and Cd having negative loadings on PC2. These results allow to envisage that a proper combination of the irrigation method and the nature of rice genotype might be a very valuable tool in order to successfully achieve specific objectives of food safety or the attainment of functional properties

    On brane-induced gravity in warped backgrounds

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    We study whether modification of gravity at large distances is possible in warped backgrounds with two branes and a brane-induced term localized on one of the branes. We find that there are three large regions in the parameter space where the theory is weakly coupled up to high energies. In one of these regions gravity on the brane is four-dimensional at arbitrarily large distances, and the induced Einstein term results merely in the renormalization of the 4d Planck mass. In the other two regions the behavior of gravity changes at ultra-large distances; however, radion becomes a ghost. In parts of these regions, both branes have positive tensions, so the only reason for the appearance of the ghost field is the brane-induced term. In between these three regions, there are domains in the parameter space where gravity is strongly coupled at phenomenologically unacceptable low energy scale.Comment: 12 pages, 2 fig, JHEP3 style required, typos correcte
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