3 research outputs found

    The Influence of Pesticides and Biopesticides on Morphological Changes in Raspberry (Rubus ideaus L. „POLKA“) Infected with the Bacterium Agrobaterium tumefaciens

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    Proizvodnja maline (Rubus idaeus L.), kao jedna od najperspektivnijih grana voćarstva u Bosni i Hercegovini, mogla bi biti trajno ugrožena zbog sve češćega pojavljivanja bolesti bakterioznoga tumora korijena, čiji je uzročnik Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati morfološke promjene na sadnicama mali ne izazvane bakterijom A. tumefaciens, kao i veličinu i brojnost tumora u zavisnosti od primijenjenoga biološkog ili kemijskog tretmana. U radu je korišten referentni soj Agrobacterium tumefaciens MTCC 431 (ATCC 15955). Morfometrijski parametri na sadnicama maline izmjereni su uz pomoć programa ImageJ 1.48v. Za mjerenje dijametra guka korišteno je binokularno povećalo pri uvećanju od 20x. Statistička analiza rezultata podrazumijevala je analizu glavnih komponenata na osnovi korela cijske matrice u računalnome programu R v. 3.4.0. Sadnice maline koje su inokuli rane bakterijom A. tumefaciens imale su niži potencijal rasta u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Soj K1026 Rhizobium rhizogenes kao aktivna tvar biopesticida pozitivno je utjecao na rast zaraženih biljaka maline suzbijajući infekciju. Primijenjeno kemijsko sredstvo na bazi bakrova (I) oksida pokazalo je nešto manji učinak na intenzitet pro mjena uzrokovanih A. tumefaciens u odnosu na biološko sredstvo. U ovome je radu zabilježen i niži intenzitet promjena kod istodobne primjene biopesticida i fungicida u odnosu na pojedinačne tretmane.The production of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) as one of the most promising branches of fruit growing in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be permanently endangered due to the increasing incidence of crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The aim of this paper was to examine the morphological changes on raspberry seedlings caused by the bacterium A. tumefaciens, as well as the size and number of tumors depending on the applied biological or chemical treatment. The strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens MTCC 431 (ATCC 15955) was used. Morphometric parameters on raspberry seedlings were measured using the ImageJ 1.48v program. A binocular magnifier at 20x magnification was used to measure the the gook diameter. The computer program R c. 3.4.0 was used for a statistical analysis of results and an analysis of main components. It was observed that the raspberries inoculated with A. tumefaciens had a lower growth potential when compared to the control line. Rhizobium rhizogenes strain K1026, as an active substance of biopesticide, had a positive effect on the growth of infected raspberry plants, reducing bacterial infection. The applied chemical agent based on copper (I) oxide demonstrated lesser impact on the intensity of A. tumefaciens infection when compared to the biological agent. In this paper, a lower intensity of changes in raspberry plants was observed when the biopesticides and fungicides were applied simultaneously, in comparison with the individual treatments


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    Akvakultura kao poljoprivredna djelatnost u našoj zemlji je u stanjuproizvoditi velike količine ribe različitih vrsta i kategorija. Klimatske i geografskekarakteristike naše zemlje, njen reljef i razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao ipoštovanje principa „održivog razvoja”, mjesta i značaja ribarstva u višenamjenskomkorišćenju voda, moraju da određuju pravac razvoja proizvodnje pastrmki ubudućnosti. Najvažnija riblja vrsta koja se uzgaja u pastrmskim ribnjacima kodnas je kalifornijska pastrmka, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Osim što jegajenje ove vrste ribe privlačno za veliki broj proizvođača, s obzirom na mogućnostpostizanja visokih prinosa, nju odlikuje i značajna tolerantnost na variranjamikroambijentalnih uvjeta okoliša. S obzirom za značaj proizvodnje ribe u Bosni iHercegovini, koja je jedna od rijetkih grana prehrambenog sektora koja je uspjelaispuniti međunarodne standarde i postavljene kriterije te osigurati izlazak na tržištezemalja Europske unije, neophodno je ustanoviti optimalne uslove koji obezbjeđujuvisoku produktivnost salmonidnog gospodarstva. Proučavanje reproduktivnogciklusa može dati vrlo precizne i značajne rezultate o stanju organizma za vrijemeovog vrlo složenog fiziološkog procesa, kao i populacije u datom ekosistemu


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    Aquaculture as an agricultural activity in our country is capable ofproducing large amounts of different types and categories of fish. Climate andgeographic characteristics of our country, the terrain and development of agriculturalproduction as well as compliance with the principle of “sustainable development”,the position and importance of fishery in a multipurpose water utilization, mustdetermine the direction of development of the future trout production. The mostimportant type of fish grown in the trout fisheries in BiH is the rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). In addition to the fact that growing thistype of fish is attractive to many producers, considering the high yield potential,it is also characterized by a significant level of tolerance to varying microambientconditions of the environment. Given the importance of fish production in Bosniaand Herzegovina, which is one of the rare branches of food sector that has fulfilledthe international standards and criteria and secured access to the markets of the EUcountries, it is necessary to establish optimal conditions to ensure high productivityof salmonid fisheries. Studying the reproductive cycles can provide very preciseand significant results of the overall condition of the entire organism during thisvery complex physiological process and of the overall population in the respectiveecosystem