256 research outputs found

    Flooding tolerance in plants

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    Global warming is associated with an increase in flooding events, making many ecosystems worldwide vulnerable to submergence. Water submersion can severely affect crop production, since it drastically reduces oxygen availability necessary for plants' respiration, thus survival. Plants tolerant to flooding evolved morphological, physiological and biochemical adaptations to oxygen deficiency. Recently, considerable progress has been made in terms of understanding the molecular aspects governing these responses. However, the upstream stress-sensing mechanism of oxygen shortage has not yet been fully understood and many of the systems described in bacteria, fungi and animals have been excluded for plants. Many studies on oxygen deprivation stress have focused on rice (Oryza sativa), since it is one of the crops better adapted to a flooded environment. Beside being able to germinate under submergence, rice varieties display different mechanisms for a successful survival. Agronomically, the study of rice strategies to survive flooding in ecotypes adapted to extreme environments shows big potential in the context of climate change and the worldwide increasing need for food

    How plants sense low oxygen

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    The recent identification of the oxygen-sensing mechanism in plants is a breakthrough in plant physiology. The presence of a conserved N-terminal motif on some ethylene responsive factors (ERFs), targets the protein for post-translational modifications finally leading to degradation under normoxia and thus providing a mechanism for sensing the presence of oxygen. The stabilization of the N-terminus under low oxygen activates these ERFs, which regulate low oxygen core genes that enable plants to tolerate abiotic stress such as flooding. Additional mechanisms that signal low-oxygen probably also exist, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been observed under low oxygen, suggesting that ROS might be part of the network involved in plant acclimation. Here, we review the most recent findings related to oxygen sensing

    Iodine biofortification of crops: agronomic biofortification, metabolic engineering and iodine bioavailability

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    Iodine deficiency is a widespread micronutrient malnutrition problem, and the addition of iodine to table salt represents the most common prophylaxis tool. The biofortification of crops with iodine is a recent strategy to further enrich the human diet with a potentially cost-effective, well accepted and bioavailable iodine source. Understanding how iodine functions in higher plants is key to establishing suitable biofortification approaches. This review describes the current knowledge regarding iodine physiology in higher plants, and provides updates on recent agronomic and metabolic engineering strategies of biofortification. Whereas the direct administration of iodine is effective to increase the iodine content in many plant species, a more sophisticated genetic engineering approach seems to be necessary for the iodine biofortification of some important staple crops

    ROS signaling as common element in low oxygen and heat stresses

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    The activation of the oxidative metabolism in plants under low oxygen conditions has prompted controversial views. The presence of a ROS component in the transcriptome in response to low oxygen has been observed and an overlap with heat stress has been proved. It has been also demonstrated that ROS are produced during both anoxia and heat, but the site of their production remain contentious. Membrane NADPH oxidase and mitochondrial electron transport flow have been indicated as possible ROS generation systems. Both anoxia and heat have been shown to induce the transcription of Heat Shock Factors (HSFs) and Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), among which HSFA2 and some of its targets. HSFA2 over-expressing plant has been shown to be more tolerant to anoxia, while the knockout hsfa2 lose the capability of wild type plants to cross-acclimate to anoxia through mild heat pre-treatment. The production of ROS seems to be an integral part of the anoxia and heat response, where HSFs likely play a central role in activating the HSP pathway. This mechanism is suggested to result in enhanced plant tolerance to both anoxia and heat

    Plant responses to flooding stress

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    Most plant species cannot survive prolonged submergence or soil waterlogging. Crops are particularly intolerant to the lack of oxygen arising from submergence. Rice can instead germinate and grow even if submerged. The molecular basis for rice tolerance was recently unveiled and will contribute to the development of better rice varieties, well adapted to flooding. The oxygen sensing mechanism was also recently discovered. This system likely operates in all plant species and relies on the oxygen-dependent destabilization of the group VII ethylene response factors (ERFVIIs), a cluster of ethylene responsive transcription factors. An homeostatic mechanism that controls gene expression in plants subjected to hypoxia prevents excessive activation of the anaerobic metabolism that could be detrimental to surviving the stress
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