8,955 research outputs found

    High Reynolds Number tests of the NASA SC(2)-0012 airfoil in the Langley 0.3-meter transonic cryogenic tunnel

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    A wind-tunnel investigation of the NASA SC(2)-0012 airfoil has been conducted in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. This investigation supplements the two-dimensional airfoil studies of the Advanced Technology Airfoil Test Program. The Mach number was varied from 0.60 to 0.84. The stagnation temperature and pressure were varied to provide a Reynolds number range from 6 to 40 x 10 to the 6th power based on a 6.0-in. (15.24-cm) airfoil chord. No corrections for wind-tunnel wall interference have been made to the data. The aerodynamic results are presented as integrated force and moment coefficients and pressure distributions without any analysis

    Measurements in atmospheric electricity designed to improve launch safety during the Apollo series

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    Ground test measurements were made during the launches of Apollo 13 and 14 in an effort to better define the electrical characteristics of a large launch vehicle. Of particular concern was the effective electrical length of the vehicle and plume since this parameter markedly affects the likelihood of a lightning stroke being triggered by a launch during disturbed weather conditions. Since no instrumentation could be carried aboard the launch vehicle, the experiments were confined to LF radio noise and electrostatic-field measurements on the ground in the vicinity of the launch pad. The philosophy of the experiment and the instrumentation and layout are described. From the results of the experiment it is concluded that the rocket and exhaust do not produce large-scale shorting of the earth's field out to distances of thousands of feet from the launch pad. There is evidence, however, that the plume does add substantially to the electrical length of the rocket. On this basis, it was recommended that there be no relaxation of launch rules for launches during disturbed weather

    Preliminary evaluation of radar imagery of Yellowstone Park, Wyoming

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    Evaluation of radar imagery of Yellowstone Park, Wyomin

    D. L. Pierce, Leo Quinnelly, and O. E. Pulliam to Secretary General, 28 September 1962

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    Telegram supporting Barnett; discusses state sovereignty. The telegram was forwarded.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/west_union_tel/1059/thumbnail.jp

    Quantum Films Adsorbed on Graphite: Third and Fourth Helium Layers

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    Using a path-integral Monte Carlo method for simulating superfluid quantum films, we investigate helium layers adsorbed on a substrate consisting of graphite plus two solid helium layers. Our results for the promotion densities and the dependence of the superfluid density on coverage are in agreement with experiment. We can also explain certain features of the measured heat capacity as a function of temperature and coverage.Comment: 13 pages in the Phys. Rev. two-column format, 16 Figure

    On the validity of mean-field amplitude equations for counterpropagating wavetrains

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    We rigorously establish the validity of the equations describing the evolution of one-dimensional long wavelength modulations of counterpropagating wavetrains for a hyperbolic model equation, namely the sine-Gordon equation. We consider both periodic amplitude functions and localized wavepackets. For the localized case, the wavetrains are completely decoupled at leading order, while in the periodic case the amplitude equations take the form of mean-field (nonlocal) Schr\"odinger equations rather than locally coupled partial differential equations. The origin of this weakened coupling is traced to a hidden translation symmetry in the linear problem, which is related to the existence of a characteristic frame traveling at the group velocity of each wavetrain. It is proved that solutions to the amplitude equations dominate the dynamics of the governing equations on asymptotically long time scales. While the details of the discussion are restricted to the class of model equations having a leading cubic nonlinearity, the results strongly indicate that mean-field evolution equations are generic for bimodal disturbances in dispersive systems with \O(1) group velocity.Comment: 16 pages, uuencoded, tar-compressed Postscript fil

    Calibration of a polarimetric imaging SAR

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    Calibration of polarimetric imaging Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR's) using point calibration targets is discussed. The four-port network calibration technique is used to describe the radar error model. The polarimetric ambiguity function of the SAR is then found using a single point target, namely a trihedral corner reflector. Based on this, an estimate for the backscattering coefficient of the terrain is found by a deconvolution process. A radar image taken by the JPL Airborne SAR (AIRSAR) is used for verification of the deconvolution calibration method. The calibrated responses of point targets in the image are compared both with theory and the POLCAL technique. Also, response of a distributed target are compared using the deconvolution and POLCAL techniques