31 research outputs found

    Artificial light pollution influences behavioral and physiological traits in a keystone predator species, Concholepas concholepas

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    Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) is an increasing global problem that, despite being widely recognized in terrestrial systems, has been studied much less in marine habitats. In this study we investigated the effect of ALAN on behavioral and physiological traits of Concholepas concholepas, an important keystone species of the south-eastern Pacific coast. We used juveniles collected in intertidal habitats that had not previously been exposed to ALAN. In the laboratory we exposed them to two treatments: darkness and white LED (Lighting Emitting Diodes) to test for the impacts of ALAN on prey-searching behavior, self-righting time and metabolism. In the field, the distribution of juveniles was observed during daylight-hours to determine whether C. concholepas preferred shaded or illuminated microhabitats. Moreover, we compared the abundance of juveniles collected during day- and night-time hours. The laboratory experiments demonstrated that juveniles of C. concholepas seek out and choose their prey more efficiently in darkened areas. White LED illuminated conditions increased righting times and metabolism. Field surveys indicated that, during daylight hours, juveniles were more abundant in shaded micro-habitats than in illuminated ones. However, during darkness hours, individuals were not seen to aggregate in any particular microhabitats. We conclude that the exposure to ALAN might disrupt important behavioral and physiological traits of small juveniles in this species which, as a mechanism to avoid visual predators, are mainly active at night. It follows that ALAN in coastal areas might modify the entire community structure of intertidal habitats by altering the behavior of this keystone species

    Species-specific responses to ocean acidification should account for local adaptation and adaptive plasticity

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    Global stressors, such as ocean acidification, constitute a rapidly emerging and significant problem for marine organisms, ecosystem functioning and services. The coastal ecosystems of the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile harbour a broad physical–chemical latitudinal and temporal gradient with considerable patchiness in local oceanographic conditions. This heterogeneity may, in turn, modulate the specific tolerances of organisms to climate stress in species with populations distributed along this environmental gradient. Negative response ratios are observed in species models (mussels, gastropods and planktonic copepods) exposed to changes in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) far from the average and extreme pCO2 levels experienced in their native habitats. This variability in response between populations reveals the potential role of local adaptation and/or adaptive phenotypic plasticity in increasing resilience of species to environmental change. The growing use of standard ocean acidification scenarios and treatment levels in experimental protocols brings with it a danger that inter-population differences are confounded by the varying environmental conditions naturally experienced by different populations. Here, we propose the use of a simple index taking into account the natural pCO2 variability, for a better interpretation of the potential consequences of ocean acidification on species inhabiting variable coastal ecosystems. Using scenarios that take into account the natural variability will allow understanding of the limits to plasticity across organismal traits, populations and species

    Ocean Acidification Disrupts Prey Responses to Predator Cues but Not Net Prey Shell Growth in Concholepas concholepas (loco)

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    Background Most research on Ocean Acidification (OA) has largely focused on the process of calcification and the physiological trade-offs employed by calcifying organisms to support the building of calcium carbonate structures. However, there is growing evidence that OA can also impact upon other key biological processes such as survival, growth and behaviour. On wave-swept rocky shores the ability of gastropods to self-right after dislodgement, and rapidly return to normal orientation, reduces the risk of predation. Methodology/Principal Findings The impacts of OA on this self-righting behaviour and other important parameters such as growth, survival, shell dissolution and shell deposition in Concholepas concholepas (loco) were investigated under contrasting pCO2 levels. Although no impacts of OA on either growth or net shell calcification were found, the results did show that OA can significantly affect self-righting behaviour during the early ontogeny of this species with significantly faster righting times recorded for individuals of C. concholepas reared under increased average pCO2 concentrations (± SE) (716±12 and 1036±14 µatm CO2) compared to those reared at concentrations equivalent to those presently found in the surface ocean (388±8 µatm CO2). When loco were also exposed to the predatory crab Acanthocyclus hassleri, righting times were again increased by exposure to elevated CO2, although self-righting times were generally twice as fast as those observed in the absence of the crab. Conclusions and Significance These results suggest that self-righting in the early ontogeny of C. concholepas will be positively affected by pCO2 levels expected by the end of the 21st century and beginning of the next one. However, as the rate of self-righting is an adaptive trait evolved to reduce lethal predatory attacks, our result also suggest that OA may disrupt prey responses to predators in nature

    Field experimental evidence of sandy beach community changes in response to artificial light at night (ALAN)

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    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a pervasive but still under-recognized driver of global change. In coastal settings, a large majority of the studies assessing ALAN impacts has focused on individual species, even though it is unclear whether results gathered from single species can be used to predict community-wide responses. Similarly, these studies often treat species as single life-stage entities, ignoring the variation associated with distinct life stages. This study addresses both limitations by focusing on the effects of ALAN on a sandy beach community consisting of species with distinct early- and late-life stages. Our hypothesis was that ALAN alters community structure and these changes are mediated by individual species and also by their ontogenetic stages. A field experiment was conducted in a sandy beach of north-central Chile using an artificial LED system. Samples were collected at different night hours (8-levels in total) across the intertidal (9-levels) over several days in November and January (austral spring and summer seasons). The abundance of adults of all species was significantly lower in ALAN treatments. Early stages of isopods showed the same pattern, but the opposite was observed for the early stages of the other two species. Clear differences were detected in the zonation of these species during natural darkness versus those exposed to ALAN, with some adult-juvenile differences in this response. These results support our hypothesis and document a series of changes affecting differentially both early and late life stages of these species, and ultimately, the structure of the entire community. Although the effects described correspond to short-term responses, more persistent effects are likely to occur if ALAN sources become established as permanent features in sandy beaches. The worldwide growth of ALAN suggests that the scope of its effect will continue to grow and represents a concern for sandy beach systems

    Roger N. Hughes' contribution to bryozoology

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    In the present work we aim at reviewing Roger N. Hughes (May 27th, 1944-August 30th, 2015) contribution to bryozoology using as a tool the citation index of ISI Web of Science (WOS) and Google Scholar (GS). Roger N. Hughes publications are relevant and profusely quoted, with more than 4600 and 9300 citations in WOS and GS, respectively (as recorded until January 6th, 2016). Was the author of 210 publications, 199 of them were refereed papers, 3 books and several books chapters and reviews. Fifty of such publications dealt with clonal organisms, 41 of them on bryozoans, which lead Roger, in his most recent CV to describe his current research as “Gametic recognition and mate choice in marine colonial invertebrates. Use of clonal animals to partition genetic and environmental control of resource allocation in the investigation of life-history evolution. Molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of hippothoid bryozoans”. By 1985 Roger published the review entitled “An ecological Overview of cloning in Metazoa” (Hughes and Cancino, 1985; with more than 100 citations in GS) and four years later, the book “A functional biology of Clonal animals” (Hughes, 1989), with over 300 citations, and his fifths most cited publication in Google Scholar. In agreement with his statement the most cited bryozoan papers are the ones on the use of mating trials and DNA barcoding to reveal cryptic speciation on hippothoid bryozoans (Gómez et al. 2007, WOS cited 63 times), followed by those on various aspects of the life history of Celleporella hyalina (Cancino and Hughes,1987, 1988; 43, and 25 times WOS cited, respectively), sexual reproduction and self-fertilisation (Hunter and Hughes, 1993, WOS cited 24 times), water borne sperm longevity and triggering of vitellogenic egg growth (Bishop et al. 2000, Manríquez et al 2001, WOS cited 24 times). All publications on bryozoans were written with one or more co-authors, from which is clear that one of Rogers´ talents was his willingness to work in partnership, giving support, and being open to new ideas

    Artificial light pollution at night (ALAN) disrupts the distribution and circadian rhythm of a sandy beach isopod

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    Coastal habitats, in particular sandy beaches, are becoming increasingly exposed to artificial light pollution at night (ALAN). Yet, only a few studies have this far assessed the effects of ALAN on the species inhabiting these ecosystems. In this study we assessed the effects of ALAN on Tylos spinulosus, a prominent wrack-consumer isopod living in sandy beaches of north-central Chile. This species burrows in the sand during daylight and emerges at night to migrate down-shore, so we argue it can be used as a model species for the study of ALAN effects on coastal nocturnal species. We assessed whether ALAN alters the distribution and locomotor activity of this isopod using a light system placed in upper shore sediments close to the edge of the dunes, mimicking light intensities measured near public lighting. The response of the isopods was compared to control transects located farther away and not exposed to artificial light. In parallel, we measured the isopods’ locomotor activity in the laboratory using actographs that recorded their movement within mesocosms simulating the beach surface. Measurements in the field indicated a clear reduction in isopod abundance near the source of the light and a restriction of their tidal distribution range, as compared to control transects. Meanwhile, the laboratory experiments showed that in mesocosms exposed to ALAN, isopods exhibited reduced activity and a circadian rhythm that was altered and even lost after a few days. Such changes with respect to control mesocosms with a natural day/night cycle suggest that the changes observed in the field were directly related to a disruption in the locomotor activity of the isopods. All together these results provide causal evidence of negative ALAN effects on this species, and call for further research on other nocturnal sandy beach species that might become increasingly affected by ALAN