84 research outputs found

    Long-lived magnetism from solidification-driven convection on the pallasite parent body.

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    Palaeomagnetic measurements of meteorites suggest that, shortly after the birth of the Solar System, the molten metallic cores of many small planetary bodies convected vigorously and were capable of generating magnetic fields. Convection on these bodies is currently thought to have been thermally driven, implying that magnetic activity would have been short-lived. Here we report a time-series palaeomagnetic record derived from nanomagnetic imaging of the Imilac and Esquel pallasite meteorites, a group of meteorites consisting of centimetre-sized metallic and silicate phases. We find a history of long-lived magnetic activity on the pallasite parent body, capturing the decay and eventual shutdown of the magnetic field as core solidification completed. We demonstrate that magnetic activity driven by progressive solidification of an inner core is consistent with our measured magnetic field characteristics and cooling rates. Solidification-driven convection was probably common among small body cores, and, in contrast to thermally driven convection, will have led to a relatively late (hundreds of millions of years after accretion), long-lasting, intense and widespread epoch of magnetic activity among these bodies in the early Solar System.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement No. 320750, the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 312284, the Natural Environment Research Council, Fundación ARAID and the Spanish MINECO MAT2011-23791.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v517/n7535/full/nature14114.html

    Predicting the F(ab)-mediated effect of monoclonal antibodies in vivo by combining cell-level kinetic and pharmacokinetic modelling

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    Cell-level kinetic models for therapeutically relevant processes increasingly benefit the early stages of drug development. Later stages of the drug development processes, however, rely on pharmacokinetic compartment models while cell-level dynamics are typically neglected. We here present a systematic approach to integrate cell-level kinetic models and pharmacokinetic compartment models. Incorporating target dynamics into pharmacokinetic models is especially useful for the development of therapeutic antibodies because their effect and pharmacokinetics are inherently interdependent. The approach is illustrated by analysing the F(ab)-mediated inhibitory effect of therapeutic antibodies targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor. We build a multi-level model for anti-EGFR antibodies by combining a systems biology model with in vitro determined parameters and a pharmacokinetic model based on in vivo pharmacokinetic data. Using this model, we investigated in silico the impact of biochemical properties of anti-EGFR antibodies on their F(ab)-mediated inhibitory effect. The multi-level model suggests that the F(ab)-mediated inhibitory effect saturates with increasing drug-receptor affinity, thereby limiting the impact of increasing antibody affinity on improving the effect. This indicates that observed differences in the therapeutic effects of high affinity antibodies in the market and in clinical development may result mainly from Fc-mediated indirect mechanisms such as antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity

    Derangement of body representation in complex regional pain syndrome: report of a case treated with mirror and prisms

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    Perhaps the most intriguing disorders of body representation are those that are not due to primary disease of brain tissue. Strange and sometimes painful phantom limb sensations can result from loss of afference to the brain; and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)—the subject of the current report—can follow limb trauma without pathology of either the central or peripheral nervous system. This enigmatic and vexing condition follows relatively minor trauma, and can result in enduring misery and a useless limb. It manifests as severe pain, autonomic dysfunction, motor disability and ‘neglect-like’ symptoms with distorted body representation. For this special issue on body representation we describe the case of a patient suffering from CRPS, including symptoms suggesting a distorted representation of the affected limb. We report contrasting effects of mirror box therapy, as well as a new treatment—prism adaptation therapy—that provided sustained pain relief and reduced disability. The benefits were contingent upon adapting with the affected limb. Other novel observations suggest that: (1) pain may be a consequence, not the cause, of a disturbance of body representation that gives rise to the syndrome; (2) immobilisation, not pain, may precipitate this reorganisation of somatomotor circuits in susceptible individuals; and (3) limitation of voluntary movement is neither due to pain nor to weakness but, rather, to derangement of body representation which renders certain postures from the repertoire of hand movements inaccessible

    Differential analysis for high density tiling microarray data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High density oligonucleotide tiling arrays are an effective and powerful platform for conducting unbiased genome-wide studies. The <it>ab initio </it>probe selection method employed in tiling arrays is unbiased, and thus ensures consistent sampling across coding and non-coding regions of the genome. These arrays are being increasingly used to study the associated processes of transcription, transcription factor binding, chromatin structure and their association. Studies of differential expression and/or regulation provide critical insight into the mechanics of transcription and regulation that occurs during the developmental program of a cell. The time-course experiment, which comprises an <it>in-vivo </it>system and the proposed analyses, is used to determine if annotated and un-annotated portions of genome manifest coordinated differential response to the induced developmental program.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have proposed a novel approach, based on a piece-wise function – to analyze genome-wide differential response. This enables segmentation of the response based on protein-coding and non-coding regions; for genes the methodology also partitions differential response with a 5' versus 3' versus intra-genic bias.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The algorithm built upon the framework of Significance Analysis of Microarrays, uses a generalized logic to define regions/patterns of coordinated differential change. By not adhering to the gene-centric paradigm, discordant differential expression patterns between exons and introns have been identified at a FDR of less than 12 percent. A co-localization of differential binding between RNA Polymerase II and tetra-acetylated histone has been quantified at a p-value < 0.003; it is most significant at the 5' end of genes, at a p-value < 10<sup>-13</sup>. The prototype R code has been made available as supplementary material [see Additional file <supplr sid="S1">1</supplr>].</p> <suppl id="S1"> <title> <p>Additional file 1</p> </title> <text> <p>gsam_prototypercode.zip. File archive comprising of prototype R code for gSAM implementation including readme and examples.</p> </text> <file name="1471-2105-8-359-S1.zip"> <p>Click here for file</p> </file> </suppl

    Evolutionarily Conserved Transcriptional Co-Expression Guiding Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation

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    Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling pluripotency in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is of central importance towards realizing their potentials in medicine and science. Cross-species examination of transcriptional co-expression allows elucidation of fundamental and species-specific mechanisms regulating ESC self-renewal or differentiation.We examined transcriptional co-expression of ESCs from pathways to global networks under the framework of human-mouse comparisons. Using generalized singular value decomposition and comparative partition around medoids algorithms, evolutionarily conserved and divergent transcriptional co-expression regulating pluripotency were identified from ESC-critical pathways including ACTIVIN/NODAL, ATK/PTEN, BMP, CELL CYCLE, JAK/STAT, PI3K, TGFbeta and WNT. A set of transcription factors, including FOX, GATA, MYB, NANOG, OCT, PAX, SOX and STAT, and the FGF response element were identified that represent key regulators underlying the transcriptional co-expression. By transcriptional intervention conducted in silico, dynamic behavior of pathways was examined, which demonstrate how much and in which specific ways each gene or gene combination effects the behavior transition of a pathway in response to ESC differentiation or pluripotency induction. The global co-expression networks of ESCs were dominated by highly connected hub genes such as IGF2, JARID2, LCK, MYCN, NASP, OCT4, ORC1L, PHC1 and RUVBL1, which are possibly critical in determining the fate of ESCs.Through these studies, evolutionary conservation at genomic, transcriptomic, and network levels is shown to be an effective predictor of molecular factors and mechanisms controlling ESC development. Various hypotheses regarding mechanisms controlling ESC development were generated, which could be further validated by in vitro experiments. Our findings shed light on the systems-level understanding of how ESC differentiation or pluripotency arises from the connectivity or networks of genes, and provide a "road-map" for further experimental investigation