65 research outputs found

    Optical coherence tomography in optic disk pit maculopathy treated by the macular buckling procedure

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    PURPOSE: To report optical coherence tomography in optic disk pit maculopathy treated with macular scleral buckling procedure. METHODS: Twenty six eyes (26 patients) with optic disk pit maculopathy were treated with macular buckling procedure and evaluated with optical coherence tomography. In group 1, five eyes were evaluated with optical coherence tomography before and after macular buckling procedure. In group 2, 21 eyes were evaluated with optical coherence tomography after macular buckling procedure. With optical coherence tomography, cross-sectional, horizontal retinal images were obtained through the fovea and optic disk pit. RESULTS: In group 1, four of five eyes showed absorption of intraretinal fluid 7 to 9 months after macular buckling procedure. After absorption of fluid, retinal thickness in the foveal center ranged from 128 to 178 mum. In one eye the channel from optic disk to fovea reopened and fluid reappeared. In group 2, 20 of 21 eyes showed absorption of intraretinal schisis and subretinal fluid after macular buckling procedure. After absorption of fluid, retinal thickness in the foveal center ranged from 119 to 216 mum. CONCLUSIONS: In optic disk pit maculopathy, optical coherence tomography enabled morphologic assessment of the retina before and after macular buckling procedure. In the successfully treated cases the permanent closure of the connection between the optic disk pit and the intraretinal schisis was demonstrated. Eventual dis, appearance of schisis and subretinal fluid was depicted. It was also proved that the thickness of the macula returned to normal and visual acuity improved. (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved


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    PURPOSE: We studied a case of congenital optic disk pit and coloboma with associated malformations of the retinal vessels. METHODS: Slit-lamp biomicroscopy and fluorescein angiography were performed. RESULTS: Multiple retinal venous anastomoses associated with a congenital coloboma and pit of the optic disk were observed. The retinal vascular anomalies extended from the optic disk to the temporal periphery. CONCLUSIONS: We consider the coexistence of retinal venous anastomoses with optic disk coloboma and pit to be an extremely rare congenital retinal anomaly

    Optical coherence tomography in the study of the Goldmann-Favre syndrome

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    PURPOSE: To report a case of Goldmann-Favre syndrome with special emphasis on the optical coherence tomography findings. METHODS: In a 23-year-old white man with an 8-year history of visual impairment in both eyes and night blindness, vertical and horizontal optical coherence tomography images were obtained through the macula and through the retinoschisis located at the temporal side of the macula. RESULTS: Optical coherence tomography showed in the left eye a clear loss of the inner retinal layer at the fovea and the formation of inner and outer retinal layer holes in the temporally located retinoschisis, The outer retinal layer hole had rolled edges. CONCLUSION: In Goldmann-Favre syndrome, optical coherence tomography demonstrated confluent macular cystoid changes and retinoschisis in both eyes. In the left eye, a lamellar macular hole and retinoschisis with inner retinal layer and outer retinal layer holes were observed. The outer retinal layer hole had rolled edges. (Am J Ophthalmol 2000;129:542-544. (C) 2000 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.)

    Cystoid macular edema in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and past ocular history of cytomegalovirus retinitis after initiation of protease inhibitors

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    Purpose: To describe a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who presented with cystoid macular edema (CME) which was not associated with active cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis or AIDS-related microvasculopathy. Method: A 32-year-old man with AIDS and a past ocular history of inactive CMV retinitis was placed on protease inhibitors when his CD4(+) T lymphocyte counts dropped to 8 cells/mm(3). Three months later, after his CD4(+) T lymphocyte counts had increased to 196 cells/mm(3) he complained of micropsia and metamorphopsia in his right eye of 1 week duration. The patient had a complete ocular examination including fluorescein angiography (FA). Results: Visual acuity (VA) was 7/10 OD. Fundus examination revealed CME and inactive CMV retinitis, and FA demonstrated CME and a hot disc. Two transseptal injections of corticosteroids were administered 2 weeks apart in the right eye as treatment of the CME. The patient reported gradual visual improvement and 6 weeks later, his VA was 10/10(-2). CME had resolved clinically and angiographically. Conclusions: CME in our case is associated with inactive CMV retinitis and gradually increasing number of CD4(+) T lymphocytes after initiation of treatment with protease inhibitors. It may be amenable to regional administration of corticosteroids without reactivation of retinitis

    Regression of neovascular age-related macular degeneration following infliximab therapy

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    PURPOSE: To describe the effects of the antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) monoclonal antibody Infliximab systemic therapy on choroidal neovacularisation (CNV) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative series of three patients. METHODS: A subretinal membrane secondary to AMD was documented by fluoroangiography at baseline in three elderly patients scheduled to receive Infliximab therapy for inflammatory arthritis (infusions of 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, 6, and every 8 weeks thereafter). Follow-up was performed at three months post-baseline, as well as during 18 months of continuing treatment in the first patient. RESULTS: CNV regressed partially at three months and resolved at six months in the first patient. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) increased from 0.05 to 0.2; this effect was sustained at 18 months. Regression of subretinal membrane and increase of BCVA was also documented in the other patients. No ocular or extra-ocular side effects were noted. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a plausible pathogenetic role of TNF in CNV secondary to AMD. Additional patients should he studied to confirm the promising clinical results. (c) 2005 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Optical coherence tomography appearance of “drusenoid” pigment epithelial detachment

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    A case of bilateral “drusenoid” pigment epithelial detachment that was studied with fundus fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography is described. Fundus fluorescein anglography depicted staining of the drusen without any sign of pooling of the dye, whereas optical coherence tomography displayed detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium. These findings remained unchanged during a 10-month period

    A preliminary assessment of macular function by MF-ERG in myopic eyes with CNV with complete response to photodynamic therapy

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate by multifocal electroretinogram (MF-ERG) macular function before and after photodynamic therapy (PDT) in myopic eyes with choroidal neovascularization (CNV). PATIENTS AND METHODS. Ten eyes with classic subfoveal CNV due to pathologic myopia were studied with MF-ERG before and after PDT in order to evaluate the results of PDT with verteporfin. The post-treatment follow-up was 6 months. Visual acuity testing, ophthalmic examinations, fluorescein and indocyanine green angiograms, and MF-ERG recordings were used to evaluate the results of PDT with verteporfin. The post-treatment period was 6 months. RESULTS. Before treatment, the electrical response densities in the foveal and perifoveal areas were apparently decreased in all patients. Six months after treatment, the mean retinal response densities in the same areas were found to be higher than before treatment. CONCLUSIONS. MF-ERG evaluates objectively the macular function in myopic eyes with CNV After successful PDT, the electrical activity of the foveal and parafoveal areas is higher than before treatment. This finding postulates the efficacy of PDT in the treatment of CNV

    Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographic findings in congenital optic disk pit associated with macular detachment

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    Purpose: To investigate the pattern of congenital optic disk pits associated with maculopathy using indocyanine green angiography (ICG) and fluorescein angiography (FA). Methods: Seventeen consecutive patients with unilateral congenital optic disk pit complicated by maculopathy were prospectively enrolled in the study. Complete ophthalmologic examination, color stereophotography, red-free photography, FA, and ICG angiography were performed on all patients during their first examination in our department. Results: Absolute hypofluorescence of the optic disk pit was noted in all eyes on ICG angiography. On the contrary, all eyes showed early hypofluorescence and late staining of the optic pit on FA. All 17 eyes presented a delineated late hyperfluorescence corresponding to the area of macular elevation on both ICG angiography and FA. The intensity of the hyperfluorescence was milder in cases with long-standing maculopathy. Conclusion: imaging of congenital optic disk pits associated or not with macular elevation using ICG angiography has not been reported in the literature. The increased hyperfluorescence in the late phases of the macular elevation in the studied eyes could be attributed to leakage of indocyanine or fluorescein dye into the schisis cavity and the subretinal fluid