6 research outputs found

    Running GAGs: myxoid matrix in tumor pathology revisited: What’s in it for the pathologist?

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    Ever since Virchow introduced the entity myxoma, abundant myxoid extracellular matrix (ECM) has been recognized in various reactive and neoplastic lesions. Nowadays, the term “myxoid” is commonly used in daily pathological practice. But what do today’s pathologists mean by it, and what does the myxoid ECM tell the pathologist? What is known about the exact composition and function of the myxoid ECM 150 years after Virchow? Here, we give an overview of the composition and constituents of the myxoid ECM as known so far and demonstrate the heterogeneity of the myxoid ECM among different tumors. We discuss the possible role of the predominant constituents of the myxoid ECM and attempt to relate them to differences in clinical behavior. Finally, we will speculate on the potential relevance of this knowledge in daily pathological practice

    One-bottle adhesives: in vitro analysis of solvent volatilization and sealing ability Adesivos de frasco único: análise in vitro da volatilização do solvente e do selamento marginal

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    The aim of this study was to compare the solvent volatilization rate and evaluate the sealing ability of different one-bottle adhesives that were in constant clinical use - an ethanol/water-based adhesive (Single Bond, 3M/ESPE - SB) and an acetone-based adhesive (Prime & Bond 2.1, Dentsply/Caulk - PB). Nine bottles of each agent were collected from the clinics of a dental school, and new ones were used as controls. The weight of all bottles and of empty bottles was determined using an analytical balance. A drop of each solution was dispensed onto the balance, taking its initial weight (IW) and, after 10 min, its final weight (FW). The IW/FW ratio was used to determine the solvent’s volatilization rate. The bottles with the highest evaporation levels (SB Control and PB Control) and with the lowest evaporation levels (SB Test and PB Test) of each agent were applied in Class V restorations with margins in dentin. Specimens were thermocycled and immersed in a 0.5% basic fuchsin solution. Dye penetration was evaluated under magnification and the data were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test. Solvent volatilization was faster for the acetone-based adhesive. IW/FW ratios ranged from 1.239 to 1.515 for SB, and from 3.488 to 6.476 for PB. The PB-Control and SB-Control groups exhibited similar microleakage patterns. The highest dye penetration scores were found for the PB-Test group (p < 0.05). Results indicate that the sealing ability can be affected by the repeated opening of acetone-based adhesive bottles.<br>O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a taxa de volatilização do solvente e a capacidade de selamento de diferentes adesivos de frasco único que estavam em constante uso clínico - um à base de etanol/água (Single Bond, 3M/ESPE) e um à base de acetona (Prime & Bond 2.1, Dentsply/Caulk). Nove frascos de cada agente foram coletados das clínicas da faculdade e outros novos foram utilizados como controle. Os pesos de todos os frascos e de frascos vazios foram determinados em uma balança analítica. Uma gota de cada solução foi dispensada na balança, tomando-se seu peso inicial (PI) e, após 10 min, seu peso final (PF). A razão PI/PF foi utilizada para determinar a taxa de volatilização do solvente. Os frascos com os maiores níveis de evaporação (SB Controle e PB Controle) e com os menores níveis de evaporação (SB Teste e PB Teste) foram aplicados em restaurações Classe V com margens em dentina. Os espécimes foram termociclados e imersos em solução de fucsina básica a 0,5%. A penetração do corante foi avaliada sob magnificação e os dados foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis. A volatilização do solvente foi mais rápida para o adesivo à base de acetona. As razões PI/PF variaram de 1,239 a 1,515 para SB e de 3,488 a 6,476 para PB. PB-Controle e SB-Controle exibiram vedamento similar. Os maiores escores de penetração foram encontrados para o PB-Teste (p < 0,05). Os resultados indicam que a habilidade de selamento pode ser afetada pela repetida utilização dos frascos de adesivo à base de acetona

    Benign Fibro-Osseous Lesions of the Craniofacial Complex A Review

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