32 research outputs found

    Improving the conditioned qualities of sunflower seeds by pre-sowing treatment with a pulsed electric field

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    The article reflects the results of scientific studies of responsiveness to germination and germination energy of sunflower hybrid seeds to the electrophysical effect of a pulsed electric field with different intensity and exposure time. Seeds of sunflower hybrids NK Neoma and ES Petunia were taken for research. During the experiments, pulse field intensity of 2, 4, 8, 10 kV/cm, pulse duration of 40 microseconds, electric field exposure time of 15, 30, 60, 90, 105 seconds were taken. Optimal modes for processing sunflower seeds with a pulsed electric field have been experimentally established to increase the conditioned qualities – seed treatment for 90 seconds at a field intensity of 6 kV/cm or treatment at a field intensity of 8 kV/cm for 60 seconds

    Bound state spectra of three-body muonic molecular ions

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    The results of highly accurate calculations are presented for all twenty-two known bound S(L=0),P(L=1),D(L=2)S(L = 0)-, P(L = 1)-, D(L = 2)- and F(L=3)F(L = 3)-states in the six three-body muonic molecular ions ppμ,pdμ,ptμ,ddμ,dtμpp\mu, pd\mu, pt\mu, dd\mu, dt\mu and ttμtt\mu. A number of bound state properties of these muonic molecular ions have been determined numerically to high accuracy. The dependence of the total energies of these muonic molecules upon particle masses is considered. We also discuss the current status of muon-catalysis of nuclear fusion reactions.Comment: This is the final version. All `techical' troubles with the Latex-file have been resolved. A few misprints/mistakes in the text were correcte

    Progress in 433 MHz RFQ technology at NPK LUTS NIIEFA

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    The paper is a survey of progress in 433 MHz RFQ technology at Production Complex of Linacs and Cyclotrons of D.V. Efremov Institute Sci. over past three years. RFQs and APF-cavities are designed as bases for ion accelerators for different applications. The use of 433 MHz frequency determines high requirements for RFQ manufacture facilities, which are discussed herein. The test experimental results of RFQ full-scale stands and high power rf testing data under beam load of 1 MeV on a deuteron RFQ made of chromium copper are presented.Приведен обзор работ по созданию ПОКФ на 433 МГц в НПК ЛУЦ НИИЭФА им. Д.В. Ефремова за последние три года. ПОКФ и ПФФ-резонаторы планируется использовать в качестве основных резонаторов ускорителей ионов для различных применений. Использование частоты 433 МГц определяет высокие требования для изготовления ПОКФ, которые обсуждены в статье. Представлены экспериментальные результаты тестирования полномасштабных стендов ПОКФ и данные испытаний резонатора из хромистой меди для ускорения дейтронов до энергии 1 МэВ при высоком уровне ВЧ-мощности и нагрузке пучком.Наведено огляд робіт зі створення ПОКФ на 433 МГц у НПК ЛУЦ НІІЕФА ім. Д.В. Єфремова за останні три роки. ПОКФ і ЗФФ-резонатори планується використати як основні резонатори прискорювачів іонів для різних застосувань. Використання частоти 433 МГц визначає високі вимоги для виготовлення ПОКФ, які обговорені в статті. Представлено експериментальні результати тестування повномасштабних стендів ПОКФ і дані випробувань резонатора із хромистої міді для прискорення дейтронів до енергії 1 МеВ при високому рівні ВЧ-потужності і навантаженню пучком


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    In this work the effect of the stacking fault energy (SFE) in manganese and chromium-manganese austenite on the crystallographic mechanism of martensite nucleus formation is considered. This mechanism is determined by the SFE of alloyed austenite as determined by its structural and thermodynamical parameters

    Improving the quality of irrigation water by vacuum treatment

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    The first stage of research of the water purification plant was carried out in laboratory conditions on a hydraulic model at the Department of Water Supply of the Volga State University, the second stage of tests for purification and activation of water was carried out at the experimental production site of the Volga State University “Innovative Village” before sowing tomatoes in the ground, on a plant with a capacity of 10 m3/ day. The second stage included the work performed in the following sequence: first, they achieved stable operation of the water purification unit by vacuum-ejection method, then they achieved stable operation of the water activation unit using a vacuum activator. The final tests were carried out at the start of both installations. The installations worked in semi-automatic mode. It should be noted that the vacuumejection unit includes a vacuum-ejection oxidizer and a semi-automatic sand filter, working as a single unit

    Dependences of the yield of common beans on agrotechnical factors in the zone of chestnut soils of the Astrakhan region

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    The article presents the results of agroecological study of the common bean collection, not only under the conditions of the subtype of light chestnut soils of the Astrakhan region, but also worked out the mode of irrigation of this crop, inoculation of seeds with rhizotorphin on a drip irrigation method. The need for research was primarily due to the insufficient number of bean varieties ideally adapted to the specific climatic conditions of the region, which is associated with insufficient study of both the morphology and biology of the culture. As objects of study, a test culture of beans and the drug rhizotorfin were chosen. The study showed that when cultivating common beans under irrigated Astrakhan region in the subzone of light chestnut soils, it is advisable to carry out pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with rhizotorphin, which ensures a stable yield of common beans on drip irrigation, and also contributes to the accumulation of biological nitrogen. Thus, based on the data obtained, on drip irrigation in the subzone of light chestnut soils, it is economically feasible to sow in a wide-row method (0.70 m) with a seeding rate of 500,000 germinating seeds per hectare and carry out pre-sowing seed inoculation with rhizotorphin

    Chemical nano scale homogeneity of austenitic CrMnCN steels in relation to electronic and magnetic properties

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    Measurements of conduction electron spin resonance, temperature dependent magnetization, small angle neutron scattering, and transmission electron microscopy were used for the analysis of chemical nonhomogeneity in austenitic steels with carbon nitrogen or carbon only. It is shown that all studied steels are characterized by a nonhomogeneous distribution of alloying elements on the fine scale from 3 to 5 nm in CrMnCN steels to about 30 nm in MnC Hadfield type steel. In the CN steels, their chemical homogeneity is improved by decreasing the C N ratio. A ferromagnetic type temperature behavior is observed in the CN steels at temperatures below 86 K, which is attributed to the blocking of magnetic moments of superparamagnetic clusters. The short range decomposition of all studied steels results in a different splitting of dislocations, which corresponds to two different values of the stacking fault energ