14 research outputs found

    The “meso” dimension of territorial capital: Evidence from Italy

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    This paper investigates the meso dimension of the Italian territorial capital. Multivariate explorative analysis was carried out on Italian municipalities using several original statistical indicators. We detected two latent dimensions on which three clusters of municipalities were identified: the prevalence of cultural endowments and typicality, the prevalence of environmental and natural endowments, and the prevalence of other endowments. These clusters were then used for analytical purposes, crossing demographic and socio-economic variables. The results showed that some elements of “‘disadvantage,” such as poor accessibility, can, in reality, represent strengths, provided that such an endowment is exploited in sectors that can benefit from it, such as, for example, culture and tourism

    "What did the doctor say?". Ideas and reflections for an effective communication in doctor-migrant patient interaction ["Cosa ha detto il dottore?" Idee e riflessioni per una comunicazione efficace tra medico e paziente migrante]

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    The article reflects about the dynamics of communication between doctor and patient, in particular migrants patient. The analysis starts from considering the possible benefits that the use of pictograms would bring to the goal of enhancing the therapeutic alliance between doctors and patients, positively affecting the processes of attention, comprehension, recall, and adherence. The images used for this purpose, however, have to be culturally sensitive, this can be achieved with a participative process that involves migrant in each step, from the initial drawing to the evaluation of the chosen tools of communication. It is important to emphasize the value of involving migrant in the therapeutic relationship in order to start an empowerment process that will be a significant step towards counterbalancing the evident disparity of migrants' health. Copyright © FrancoAngeli

    The Exposure Geography of Italian Local Economies to Major Foreign Ones. Evidences from a Multiscale Spatial Experiment Based on Granularity

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    An original approach to spatial economic analysis is here proposed with reference to Italy. A granularity approach is applied on microdata related to a panel of firms that have been active during 2007-2017. At each firm is therefore associated a coefficient of exposure to the economic cycle of four major foreign economies: Germany, UK, USA, and China. This information is then linked to territorial level and analyzed at two geographical scales: regional and sub-regional. The autocorrelation spatial analysis carried out lead us to appreciate geography of exposure to positive or negative shocks coming from each of the four foreign economies. This geography is very different from the administrative one and can represent a tool for planning future strategies of economic investments and territorial planning

    Indagine sulle statistiche relative alla distribuzione territoriale delle imprese italiane

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    L’analisi e l’interpretazione statistica dei fenomeni richiede di disporre di informazioni statistiche sempre più dettagliate e tempestive. Con specifico riferimento al territorio, mentre la geografia amministrativa individua le relative partizioni a seguito di fattori politici, storici e socio-culturali, l’individuazione di partizioni statistiche dipende da diversi fattori quali la qualità del dato, l’eventuale ricodifica delle informazioni (gli indicatori scelti per l’analisi), i modelli utilizzati per la sintesi/aggregazione dei dati, la possibilità di georeferenziare i dati. Per le imprese, un’informazione statistica dettagliata e tempestiva è contenuta nell’Archivio Statistico delle Imprese Attive (ASIA), sebbene, come vedremo, le modalità di diffusione dei dati in esso contenuti non consentono ancora un’adeguata rappresentatività dei diversi fenomeni. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quindi di riuscire ad evidenziare le modifiche che sarebbe utile apportare all’informazione statistica ufficiale per meglio rappresentare l’universo imprese a livello territoriale