15 research outputs found

    AdS and pp-wave D-particle superalgebras

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    We derive anticommutators of supercharges with a brane charge for a D-particle in AdS(2) x S(2) and pp-wave backgrounds. A coset GL(2|2)/(GL(1))^4 and its Penrose limit are used with the supermatrix-valued coordinates for the AdS and the pp-wave spaces respectively. The brane charges have position dependence, and can be absorbed into bosonic generators by shift of momenta which results in closure of the superalgebras.Comment: 15 page

    On the spectrum of AdS/CFT beyond supergravity

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    We test the spectrum of string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 derived in hep-th/0305052 against that of single-trace gauge invariant operators in free N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Masses of string excitations at critical tension are derived by extrapolating plane-wave frequencies at g_{YM}=0 down to finite J. On the SYM side, we present a systematic description of the spectrum of single-trace operators and its reduction to PSU(2,2|4) superconformal primaries via a refined Eratostenes' supersieve. We perform the comparison of the resulting SYM/string spectra of charges and multiplicities order by order in the conformal dimension \Delta up to \Delta=10 and find perfect agreement. Interestingly, the SYM/string massive spectrum exhibits a hidden symmetry structure larger than expected, with bosonic subgroup SO(10,2) and thirty-two supercharges.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX2

    Loop Operators and the Kondo Problem

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    We analyse the renormalisation group flow for D-branes in WZW models from the point of view of the boundary states. To this end we consider loop operators that perturb the boundary states away from their ultraviolet fixed points, and show how to regularise and renormalise them consistently with the global symmetries of the problem. We pay particular attention to the chiral operators that only depend on left-moving currents, and which are attractors of the renormalisation group flow. We check (to lowest non-trivial order in the coupling constant) that at their stable infrared fixed points these operators measure quantum monodromies, in agreement with previous semiclassical studies. Our results help clarify the general relationship between boundary transfer matrices and defect lines, which parallels the relation between (non-commutative) fields on (a stack of) D-branes and their push-forwards to the target-space bulk.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    On T-Duality and Integrability for Strings on AdS Backgrounds

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    We discuss an interplay between T-duality and integrability for certain classical non-linear sigma models. In particular, we consider strings on the AdS_5 x S^5 background and perform T-duality along the four isometry directions of AdS_5 in the Poincare patch. The T-dual of the AdS_5 sigma model is again a sigma model on an AdS_5 space. This classical T-duality relation was used in the recently uncovered connection between light-like Wilson loops and MHV gluon scattering amplitudes in the strong coupling limit of the AdS/CFT duality. We show that the explicit coordinate dependence along the T-duality directions of the associated Lax connection (flat current) can be eliminated by means of a field dependent gauge transformation. As a result, the gauge equivalent Lax connection can easily be T-dualized, i.e. written in terms of the dual set of isometric coordinates. The T-dual Lax connection can be used for the derivation of infinitely many conserved charges in the T-dual model. Our construction implies that local (Noether) charges of the original model are mapped to non-local charges of the T-dual model and vice versa.Comment: 20 pages; v2: misprints corrected, references and minor clarifications adde

    Superstring in the plane-wave background with RR flux as a conformal field theory

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    We study the type IIB superstring in the plane-wave background with Ramond-Ramond flux and formulate it as an exact conformal field theory in operator formalism. One of the characteristic features of the superstring in a consistent background with RR flux, such as the AdS5xS5 and its plane-wave limit, is that the left- and the right-moving degrees of freedom on the worldsheet are inherently coupled. In the plane-wave case, it is manifested in the well-known fact that the Green-Schwarz formulation of the theory reduces to that of free massive bosons and fermions in the light-cone gauge. This raises the obvious question as to how this feature is reconciled with the underlying conformal symmetry of the string theory. By adopting the semi-light-cone conformal gauge, we will show that, despite the existence of such non-linear left-right couplings, one can construct two independent sets of quantum Virasoro operators in terms of fields obeying the free-field commutation relations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the BRST cohomology analysis reproduces the physical spectrum obtained in the light-cone gauge.Comment: 37 pages, Latex, no figure; published versio