43 research outputs found

    Dialogo tra Didattica della Matematica e Didattica Generale: problemi e sinergie

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    The didactic action is an holistic process in which general didactic (GD) and disciplinary didactic (DD) interact. But, how are they related? Two different modes occurred in the past: distinguishing between knowledge and education or removing one of the poles. This work attempts to overcome these two opposite solutions. The two discipline, GD and DD, impact on the same didactic action and each of them acts on the same aspects, although with different perspective. This synergy allows a plural analysis otherwise flawed. In order to gather problems and synergies of a plural analysis, this work analyses a research project, concerning a math teaching sequence for Primary School pupils, which involved researchers of the two disciplinary areas (GD and DD).L’azione didattica è un processo olistico in cui interagiscono la didattica generale (DG) e le didattiche disciplinari (DD). Ma come si relazionano? Nel passato sono emersi due modelli: separando l’intervento tra saperi ed educazioni o eliminando uno dei due poli.Il lavoro che presentiamo cerca di superare i due opposti modelli. Le due discipline, DG e DD, impattano sulla stessa azione didattica e ciascuna interviene su tutti gli aspetti, ma con prospettive differenti. Tale sinergia permette un’analisi plurale che altrimenti sarebbe zoppa. Per cogliere i problemi e le sinergie di un’analisi plurale, il contributo analizza la ricerca relativa a un percorso di didattica della matematica per la Scuola Primaria al cui sviluppo hanno partecipato ricercatori dei due settori disciplinari

    A project of mathematics education in primary schools: from game to mathematical thinking

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    This work presents an experience we have done during a project carried out in third-grade children of two different primary schools. The aim of the classes was to promote the development of mathematical and scientific reasoning through different paths, both curricular and extra-curricular. An assessment moment has been done with adults, parents and teachers in order to give value to children’s mathematical skills which, starting from daily experiences, allowed them to assess their thinking processes