11 research outputs found


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    On an experimental model of chronic fibrotic liver damage (male rats Wistar (n=60), damage of CCl4, the duration of the experiment 90 days) it was studied the effectiveness of cell therapy for the correction of chronic liver failure. These rats were divided into 3 experimental groups: in the Ist group (control, n=10) isotonic saline (650 mkl.) was injected; in the IInd group (n=20) suspension of liver cells was applicated in a dose 8-10×106 cells; in the IIIrd group (n=30) suspension of liver cells and bone marrow cells (mesenchymal stromal cells) in ratio 5:1 were used as cell associates on microparticles injectable heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel «SpheroGEL» (cell-engineering design) in common dose 8-10×106 cells . It was ascertained that in the 2nd and in the 3rd groups the accelerated normalization of disturbed liver functional indices (ALT, AST, ALP) took place – to 30 days, but in the control group only to 90 days. The reliable differences in rats of normalization of functional indices were absent between the IInd and the IIIrd groups. But in 90 days by using special histological dyeing it was found out that defibrotic processes in liver tissue were more expressed in the IIIrd group in comparison with the IIInd group. Received results were consequence of prolonged vital activity of cells (liver cells and mesenchymal stromal bone marrow cells) into cell-engineering designs, which were transplanted in the IIIrd group. The obtained effect can be explained by that the developed cell-engineering designs provide adequate conditions for prolonged vital activity of the transplanted cells. (Авторы: С.В. Готье,М.Ю. Шагидулин, Н.А. Онищенко, М.Е. Крашенинников, И.М. Ильинский, Н.П. Можейко, А.В. Люндуп, Е.А. Волкова, К.И. Петраков, П.В.  Аврамов, Н.В. Перова, В.И. Севастьянов) На экспериментальной модели хронического фиброзирующего повреждения печени (крысы-самцы породы Вистар (n=60), затравка CCl4, длительность эксперимента 90 суток) изучена эффективность клеточной терапии при коррекции хронической печеночной недостаточности. Выполнено 3 группы опытов: I группа (n=10) – контрольная (введение физиологического раствора); II группа (n=20) – введение в печень суспензии клеток донорской печени в дозе 8-10×106 клеток; III группа (n=30) – введение в печень ассоциатов клеток донорской печени и донорских мультипотентных мезенхимальных стромальных клеток костного мозга в соотношении 5:1 и в суммарной дозе 8-10×106 клеток на микрочастицах инъекционного гетерогенного биополимерного гидрогеля СфероГЕЛЬ (клеточно-инженерные конструкции). Установлено, что клеточная терапия во II и III группах опытов способствовала достоверно ускоренной нормализации нарушенных функций печени: к 30 суткам вместо 90 суток в контроле (I группа). При этом достоверные различия в темпе нормализации функциональных показателей печени во II и III группах отсутствовали. Однако гистологический анализ показал, что через 90 суток темп дефиброзирования ткани печени в III группе был существенно более выражен, чем во II группе. Полученный эффект можно объяснить тем, что разработанные клеточно-инженерные конструкции обеспечивают адекватные условия для пролонгированной жизнедеятельности трансплантированных клеток. 

    Low density lipoproteins in patients with cholelithiasis and cholesterosis of the gallbladder

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    Aim. To study heterogenic forms of LDLP and LP(a) in blood serum of patients with cholelithiasis (CL) and gallbladder cholesterosis (GBC). Material and methods. Native gradient (3-12%) electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, rocket immunoelectrophoresis with antibodies to apo(a) were made in 20 patients with CL and 20 with GBC, 13 controls without gastrointestinal disease. Correlation of retardation factor (Rf) of LDLP and LP(a) with blood lipids, cholesterol (C) and triglycerides (TG) levels, body mass index (BMI) and age was studied. CL and GBC risk factors were analysed basing on a retrospective assessment in random representative samples of patients (100 CL and 100 GBC patients). Results. There was a shift of the main peak in LDLP spectrum in the direction of smaller particles in GBC (Rf = 0.171 +/- 0.003) which was significant in comparison with CL group (Rf = 0.146 +/- 0.004, p 0.5 in comparison between the groups. The correlation analysis found no correlations between LP9(a), other lipids, BMI and age in both study groups while Rf of LDLP correlated with C and TG levels (r = 0.596 and r = 0.226, respectively, p < 0.05), age and BMI (r = 0.533 and r = 0.363, respectively, p < 0.05) in CL and did not correlate in GBC. Conclusion. A C level in CL changes with age and BMI while in GBC high LDLP C level was caused by other factors. No correlation of LP(a), LDLP Rf with age, body mass and blood lipids indicates that the above factors are independent in development of GBC

    Low density lipoproteins in patients with cholelithiasis and cholesterosis of the gallbladder

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    Aim. To study heterogenic forms of LDLP and LP(a) in blood serum of patients with cholelithiasis (CL) and gallbladder cholesterosis (GBC). Material and methods. Native gradient (3-12%) electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, rocket immunoelectrophoresis with antibodies to apo(a) were made in 20 patients with CL and 20 with GBC, 13 controls without gastrointestinal disease. Correlation of retardation factor (Rf) of LDLP and LP(a) with blood lipids, cholesterol (C) and triglycerides (TG) levels, body mass index (BMI) and age was studied. CL and GBC risk factors were analysed basing on a retrospective assessment in random representative samples of patients (100 CL and 100 GBC patients). Results. There was a shift of the main peak in LDLP spectrum in the direction of smaller particles in GBC (Rf = 0.171 +/- 0.003) which was significant in comparison with CL group (Rf = 0.146 +/- 0.004, p 0.5 in comparison between the groups. The correlation analysis found no correlations between LP9(a), other lipids, BMI and age in both study groups while Rf of LDLP correlated with C and TG levels (r = 0.596 and r = 0.226, respectively, p < 0.05), age and BMI (r = 0.533 and r = 0.363, respectively, p < 0.05) in CL and did not correlate in GBC. Conclusion. A C level in CL changes with age and BMI while in GBC high LDLP C level was caused by other factors. No correlation of LP(a), LDLP Rf with age, body mass and blood lipids indicates that the above factors are independent in development of GBC


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    Hypertensive patients with hyperlipidemia are at high risk to develop coronary heart disease (CHD). Chemotherapeutic correction of hyperlipidemia seems most reliable modality to prevent CHD. Hypolipidemic effect and tolerance of leskol (fluvastatin) in dietotherapy-resistant hypercholesterolemia were studied in 74 patients with essential hypertension treated with hypotensive drugs. The patients were included in a multicenter trial. A 12-week course reduced total cholesterol level under 6.2 mmol/l in 59% of the patients, under 5.2 mmol/l in 29% of them. LDLP cholesterol lowered to 3.5% in 34% of the patients. Mean apo B diminished by 23%. There was a 27% decrease in the proportion of atherogenic fraction apo B to antiatherogenic fraction to transport proteins apo A-I. Leskol is well tolerated and effective against hypercholesterolemia, it is safe in relation to side effects and blood biochemistry

    Hypolipidemic effect and leskol tolerance in hypertensive patients with hypercholesterolemia: Results of multicenter trial

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    Hypertensive patients with hyperlipidemia are at high risk to develop coronary heart disease (CHD). Chemotherapeutic correction of hyperlipidemia seems most reliable modality to prevent CHD. Hypolipidemic effect and tolerance of leskol (fluvastatin) in dietotherapy-resistant hypercholesterolemia were studied in 74 patients with essential hypertension treated with hypotensive drugs. The patients were included in a multicenter trial. A 12-week course reduced total cholesterol level under 6.2 mmol/l in 59% of the patients, under 5.2 mmol/l in 29% of them. LDLP cholesterol lowered to 3.5% in 34% of the patients. Mean apo B diminished by 23%. There was a 27% decrease in the proportion of atherogenic fraction apo B to antiatherogenic fraction of transport proteins apo A-I. Leskol is well tolerated and effective against hypercholesterolemia, it is safe in relation to side effects and blood biochemistry


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    Hypertensive patients with hyperlipidemia are at high risk to develop coronary heart disease (CHD). Chemotherapeutic correction of hyperlipidemia seems most reliable modality to prevent CHD. Hypolipidemic effect and tolerance of leskol (fluvastatin) in dietotherapy-resistant hypercholesterolemia were studied in 74 patients with essential hypertension treated with hypotensive drugs. The patients were included in a multicenter trial. A 12-week course reduced total cholesterol level under 6.2 mmol/l in 59% of the patients, under 5.2 mmol/l in 29% of them. LDLP cholesterol lowered to 3.5% in 34% of the patients. Mean apo B diminished by 23%. There was a 27% decrease in the proportion of atherogenic fraction apo B to antiatherogenic fraction to transport proteins apo A-I. Leskol is well tolerated and effective against hypercholesterolemia, it is safe in relation to side effects and blood biochemistry

    Hypolipidemic effect and leskol tolerance in hypertensive patients with hypercholesterolemia: Results of multicenter trial

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    Hypertensive patients with hyperlipidemia are at high risk to develop coronary heart disease (CHD). Chemotherapeutic correction of hyperlipidemia seems most reliable modality to prevent CHD. Hypolipidemic effect and tolerance of leskol (fluvastatin) in dietotherapy-resistant hypercholesterolemia were studied in 74 patients with essential hypertension treated with hypotensive drugs. The patients were included in a multicenter trial. A 12-week course reduced total cholesterol level under 6.2 mmol/l in 59% of the patients, under 5.2 mmol/l in 29% of them. LDLP cholesterol lowered to 3.5% in 34% of the patients. Mean apo B diminished by 23%. There was a 27% decrease in the proportion of atherogenic fraction apo B to antiatherogenic fraction of transport proteins apo A-I. Leskol is well tolerated and effective against hypercholesterolemia, it is safe in relation to side effects and blood biochemistry

    Alpha-feto-protein during development and in disease.

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