230 research outputs found

    Evaluated activation cross section data for proton induced nuclear reactions on W up to 3 GeV incidence energy (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7628)

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    Evaluated cross-section data files were prepared for the stable tungsten isotopes to provide reliable and sound nuclear data for activation and inventory calculations of the European Spallation Source (ESS) which utilizes a tungsten target. The data files contain yields of radionuclides produced by proton induced reactions with incident energies up to 3 GeV. The data were obtained from the analysis of calculations using advanced nuclear models, available experimental data and systematics

    New evaluations of n + Cu and n + Zr cross-section data for neutron energies up to 200 MeV

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    This work presents evaluated general purpose nuclear data files for the n+ 63,65Cu and n+ 90,91,92,94,96Zr reactions for neutron energies up to 200 MeV. The TALYS-1.8 code was used for the nuclear model simulations in the energy range from 1 keV to 200 MeV. To improve the pre-equilibrium particle emission the Geometry-Dependent Hybrid model (GDH) was used as option implemented in an extended version of the code as option. Resonance data based on recent measurements and their covariances were included in the files. A set of covariance data for all nuclear reactions was also prepared and included in the evaluations. The adjustments of the nuclear model parameters were performed to fit both available differential and integral measured data. The evaluated data were carefully checked against the latest fusion relevant integral measurements

    Evaluated data files for n+ 180^{180}W and 183^{183}W irradiation at incident neutron energies up to 200 MeV

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    New evaluation of nuclear data was performed for tungsten isotopes 180^{180}W and 183^{183}W at incident neutron energies up to 200 MeV. Calculations were carried out using aspecial version of the TALYS code implementing the geometry dependent hybridmodel and models for the non-equilibrium light cluster emission.The evaluation was performed using the results of calculations, availablemeasured data, systematics predictions, and covariance information. The TEFALcode and the FOX code from the BEKED package were applied for the formatting ofthe data
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