5 research outputs found

    Politics and culture in Brazil today

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    The experience of the 1989 presidential elections. Just as the 1980s were years of important change in Brazilian politico-cultural life, so the presidential elections of 1989 marked the introduction of new forms of political communication, bringing renewed interest on the part of the electorate in parties, candidates and the media. At the same time, the "return to democracy process" showed the emergence of new themes requiring thought and debate, new rules governing relations between political actors and a real wish to establish a dialogue between all social partners. These significant changes, combined with the beginnings of a more productive critical interchange between intellectuals and the political world have made the more general relationship between politics and culture a topical issue.Parallèlement aux changements importants survenus dans la vie politico-culturelle au Brésil, au cours des années 80, les élections présidentielles de 1989 ont vu apparaître de nouvelles formes de communication politique, qui ont entraîné chez les électeurs un regain d'intérêt pour les partis, les candidats et les médias. Dans le même temps, le processus du « retour à la démocratie » révélait l'émergence de nouveaux thèmes de réflexion et de débats, de nouvelles règles dans les relations entre les acteurs politiques et une réelle volonté d'ouverture du dialogue entre les différents partenaires sociaux. Ces diverses transformations significatives ainsi que l'amorce d'un échange critique plus fécond entre les intellectuels et le monde politique, remettaient ainsi à l'ordre du jour la question du rapport plus général entre la politique et la culture

    Táticas caminhantes: cinema marginal e flanâncias juvenis pela cidade

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    Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de filmes em formato não-comercial e reflete sobre as tensões existentes entre a cidade visível, configurada no discurso urbanista, e as cidades subjetivas, expressas nas práticas cotidianas de seus consumidores. O centro do argumento consiste na idéia de que os filmes em estudo configuram uma guerrilha semântica que objetivou efetuar novas leituras do espaço urbano com base na localização e ocupação dos lugares da cidade por meio de movimentos táticos. O corpo de fontes é composto por seis filmes do "espectro Torquato Neto" rodados entre 1972 e 1974 em Teresina (PI) e no Rio de Janeiro.<br>This work, from the analysis of film in not-commercial format, reflects about the existing tensions between the visible city, configured in the talk town planner, and the express, subjective cities in the routine practices of his consumers. The center of the argument consists of the idea of that the film in study configure a semantic guerrilla that planned to perform news readings of the urban space from the location and occupation of the places of the city by means of tactical movements. The body of springs is composed for six film of the "spectrum Torquato Neto" rolled between 1972 and 1974 in the cities of Teresina (PI) and Rio de Janeiro

    Mídia e política no Brasil: textos e agenda de pesquisa Midia and politics in Brazil: texts and research agenda

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    Um especialista em estudos de comunicação e um cientista político apresentam conjuntamente um panorama da pesquisa sobre as relações entre os meios de comunicação e os processos políticos no Brasil. Uma agenda de pesquisa é proposta e um elenco de textos nessa área é apresentado.<br>A specialist in communication studies and a political scientist present together a panorama of research on the relations between communication midia and political processes in Brazil A research agenda is proposed and a list of texts in this area is presented