48,467 research outputs found

    CCDM model from quantum particle creation: constraints on dark matter mass

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    In this work the results from the quantum process of matter creation have been used in order to constrain the mass of the dark matter particles in an accelerated Cold Dark Matter model (Creation Cold Dark Matter, CCDM). In order to take into account a back reaction effect due to the particle creation phenomenon, it has been assumed a small deviation ε\varepsilon for the scale factor in the matter dominated era of the form t23+εt^{\frac{2}{3}+\varepsilon}. Based on recent H(z)H(z) data, the best fit values for the mass of dark matter created particles and the ε\varepsilon parameter have been found as m=1.6×103m=1.6\times10^3 GeV, restricted to a 68.3\% c.l. interval of (1.5<m<6.3×1071.5<m<6.3\times10^7) GeV and ε=−0.250−0.096+0.15\varepsilon = -0.250^{+0.15}_{-0.096} at 68.3\% c.l. For these best fit values the model correctly recovers a transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion and admits a positive creation rate near the present era. Contrary to recent works in CCDM models where the creation rate was phenomenologically derived, here we have used a quantum mechanical result for the creation rate of real massive scalar particles, given a self consistent justification for the physical process. This method also indicates a possible solution to the so called "dark degeneracy", where one can not distinguish if it is the quantum vacuum contribution or quantum particle creation which accelerates the Universe expansion.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Major modifications have been done, following the referee suggestions. The deduction of the treatment is now more transparent, figures have been added showing the statistical limits over the dark matter mass, and the best fit for DM mass has been slightly modifie

    Importance of DTM accuracy, precision and acquisition technique for estimating contributing areas of post-fire erosion at the slope and catchment scale

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    Wildfires are a frequent phenomenon in Portugal, affecting over 300.000 ha in dry years like 2003 and 2005. Directly and/or indirectly, wildfires can strongly enhance the hydrological response and associated sediment losses and, thereby, negatively affect land-use sustainability as well as ecosystem functioning of downstream aquatic habitats. Therefore, the EROSFIRE projects aim at developing a GIS-tool for predicting soil erosion hazard following wildfire and post-fire land management practices. Assessment and modeling of runoff and soil erosion rates critically depends on accurate estimates of the contributing areas. In the case of catchments as well as unbounded erosion plots (arguably, the only practical solution for slope-scale measurements), delineation of contributing area requires a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with an adequate resolution and accuracy. The DTM that was available for the Colmeal study area (Goís municipality, central Portugal) was that of the 1:25.000 topographic map produced by the Military Geographic Institute. Since this study area involves a rather small experimental catchment of roughly 10 ha and relatively short study slopes of less than 100 m long, two different data acquisition techniques were used to produce high-resolution and high-accuracy DTM. One is aerial photogrammetry, whilst the other is terrestrial laser scanning. To produce a DTM by photogrammetric means, a dedicated digital aerial photography mission was carried out. The images had a pixel size of 10 cm. Manual measurements permitted to measure breaklines and were complemented by automatic measurements. In this way, a DTM in a TIN format was produced. This was further converted to grid format using the ArcGIS software system. Signalized control points allowed obtaining the DTM in the same global reference system as that employed for terrestrial laser scanning. The terrestrial laser scanning was done using a Riegl LMS Z360I, stationed in 8 points within the area to provide a complete coverage. The resulting dense cloud of points was filtered – by the company carrying out the scanning mission - to remove the non-terrain points (in particular vegetation). Several grids of different sizes were produced (0.10 x 0.10, 0.20 x 0.20, 0.50 x 0.50, 1 x 1 and 2 x 2 m2). The proposed work will compare and analyze estimates of contribution areas that were obtained with the two above-mentioned data acquisition techniques and for different spatial resolutions. This will be done for selected slope-scale sediment fences as well as for the outlet of the experimental catchment. In addition, different algorithms available in ArcGIS for TIN-to-grid conversion will be compared, since preliminary results have suggested that these procedures produce markedly different results

    A new approach on the stability analysis in ELKO cosmology

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    In this work it has been developed a new approach to study the stability of a system composed by an ELKO field interacting with dark matter, which could give some contribution in order to alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem. It is assumed that the potential which characterizes the ELKO field is not specified, but it is related to a constant parameter δ\delta. The strength of the interaction between matter and ELKO field is characterized by a constant parameter β\beta and it is also assumed that both ELKO field as matter energy density are related to their pressures by equations of state parameters ωϕ\omega_\phi and ωm\omega_m, respectively. The system of equations is analysed by a dynamical system approach. It has been found the conditions of stability between the parameters δ\delta and β\beta in order to have stable fixed points for the system for different values of the equation of state parameters ωϕ\omega_\phi and ωm\omega_m, and the results are presented in form of tables. The possibility of decay of ELKO field into dark matter or vice versa can be read directly from the tables, since the parameters δ\delta and β\beta satisfy some inequalities. It allows us to constrain the potential assuming that we have a stable system for different interactions terms between the ELKO field and dark matter. The cosmic coincidence problem can be alleviated for some specific relations between the parameters of the model.Comment: 16 pages, some new comments in the Introduction and at the begining of Section I

    Effect of the Resolution and Accuracy of DTM produced with Aerial Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning on Slope- and Catchment-scale Erosion Assessment in a Recently Burnt Forest Area: a Case Study

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    Wildfires are a common phenomenon in Portugal, affecting on average 100.000 ha of rural areas per year and up to 400.000 ha in dramatic years like 2003 and 2005. Wildfires can strongly enhance the hydrological response and associated sediment losses in recently burnt forest catchments and, thereby, negatively affect land-use sustain- ability of the affected terrains as well as ecosystem functioning of downstream aquatic habitats. Therefore, the EROSFIRE-I and –II projects aim at developing a GIS-tool for predicting soil erosion hazard following wildfire and, ultimately, for assessing the implications of alternative post-fire land management practices. Assessment of runoff and soil erosion rates critically depends on accurate estimates of the corresponding runoff areas. In the case of catchments as well as unbounded erosion plots (arguably, the only practical solution for slope-scale measurements), delineation of runoff area requires a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with an adequate resolution and accuracy. The DTM that was available for the Colmeal study area, localized in the mountain range of Lousã, in the central part of Portugal, of EROSFIRE-II project is that of the 1:25.000 topographic map produced by the Military Geographic Institute. Since the Colmeal area involves a rather small experimental catchment of roughly 10 ha and relatively short study slopes of less than 100 m long, two different data acquisition techniques were used to produce high-resolution and high-accuracy DTM. One of the data acquisition techniques is aerial photogrammetry whilst the other is terrestrial laser scanning. In order to produce a DTM by photogrammetric means, a dedicated digital aerial photography mission was carried out. The images have a pixel size of 10 cm. Manual measurements permitted to measure breaklines and were complemented by automatic measurements. In this way, a DTM in a TIN format was produced. This was further converted to grid format using the ArcGIS software system. Signalized control points allowed obtaining the DTM in the same global reference system as that employed for terrestrial laser scanning. The terrestrial laser scanning was done using a Riegl LMS Z360I, stationed in 8 points within the area to provide a complete coverage. The resulting dense cloud of points was filtered – by the company carrying out the scanning mission - to remove the non-terrain points (in particular vegetation). Several grids of different sizes were produced (0.10 x 0.10, 0.20 x 0.20, 0.50 x 0.50, 1 x 1 and 2 x 2 m2). This work will study the effect on runoff and erosion rates at the slope- and catchment-scale of DTM with differ- ent resolution, but produced with data collected with the same acquisition technique, and of DTM with the same resolution, but produced with data collected with the two different acquisition techniques. The study is being carried out in ArcGIS using DTM in a grid format. Preliminary results suggest that the conver- sion of TIN-to-grid in ArcGIS produces results that depend on the procedure being applied. Therefore, the different algorithms available at ArcGIS for TIN-to-grid conversion are currently being tested, using an artificially produced DTM. This testing includes various interpolation techniques for grid generation, and will be extended to different algorithms for computation of drainage flow direction

    Phantom Accretion by Black Holes and the Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    The accretion of a phantom fluid with non-zero chemical potential by black holes is discussed with basis on the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics. For phantom fluids with positive temperature and negative chemical potential we demonstrate that the accretion process is possible, and that the condition guaranteeing the positiveness of the phantom fluid entropy coincides with the one required by Generalized Second Law. In particular, this result provides a complementary confirmation that cosmological phantom fluids do not need to have negative temperatures

    Some remarks on the attractor behaviour in ELKO cosmology

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    Recent results on the dynamical stability of a system involving the interaction of the ELKO spinor field with standard matter in the universe have been reanalysed, and the conclusion is that such system does not exhibit isolated stable points that could alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem. When a constant parameter δ\delta related to the potential of the ELKO field is introduced in the system however, stable fixed points are found for some specific types of interaction between the ELKO field and matter. Although the parameter δ\delta is related to an unknown potential, in order to satisfy the stability conditions and also that the fixed points are real, the range of the constant parameter δ\delta can be constrained for the present time and the coincidence problem can be alleviated for some specific interactions. Such restriction on the ELKO potential opens possibility to apply the ELKO field as a candidate to dark energy in the universe, and so explain the present phase of acceleration of the universe through the decay of the ELKO field into matter.Comment: 17 pages, section III with minor changes and section IV rewritten with a new analysi
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