104 research outputs found

    Modelling a portable personal health record

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    Active and responsible involvement of patients in their own health is accepted as an important contribution towards an increased quality of health services in general. Management of Personal Health Information by the patient can play an important role in the improvement in quality of the information available to health care professionals and as a means of patient involvement. Electronic Health Records are a means of storing this kind of information but their management usually falls under the responsibility of an institution and not on the patient himself. A Personal Health Record under the direct control and management of the patient is the natural solution for the problem. When implemented in a storage hardware portable device, a PHR, allows for total mobility. Personal Health Information is very sensitive in nature so any implementation has to address security and privacy issues. With this in mind we propose a structure for a secure Patient Health Record stored in a USB pen device under the patient’s direct management and responsibility

    A review on integrated battery chargers for electric vehicles

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) contain two main power electronics systems, namely, the traction system and the battery charging system, which are not used simultaneously since traction occurs when the EV is travelling and battery charging when the EV is parked. By taking advantage of this interchangeability, a single set of power converters that can perform the functions of both traction and battery charging can be assembled, classified in the literature as integrated battery chargers (IBCs). Several IBC topologies have been proposed in the literature, and the aim of this paper is to present a literature review of IBCs for EVs. In order to better organize the information presented in this paper, the analyzed topologies are divided into classical IBCs, IBCs for switched reluctance machines (SRMs), IBCs with galvanic isolation, IBCs based on multiple traction converters and IBCs based on multiphase machines. A comparison between all these IBCs is subsequently presented, based on both requirements and possible functionalities.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. T.J.C.S. is supported by the FCT scholarships SFRH/BD/134353/2017 and COVID/BD/151993/2021

    Mobile sensing system for cycling power output control

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    This paper describes the development of a novel cycling effort control sys-tem that contributes to promote the users’ physical health and mobility. This system controls the motor assistance level of an electric bicycle in order to ensure that the cyclist’s power output remains inside the desired limits, regardless of changes in variables such as the speed of the bicycle or the slope of the terrain. The power output is monitored using a sensor device that provides raw torque and cadence data, whereas a smartphone application processes these data, implements the effort control algorithm and provides the user interface. Modules on the bicycle handle the data acquisition, wire-less communication with the smartphone and driving of the motor assis-tance level. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the imple-mented power output control system.This work is supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, and by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941

    Agregação de Conteúdos para The European Library e EUROPEANA

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    Nesta comunicação descreve-se a plataforma REPOX, com destaque para as suas possibilidades para uso por qualquer entidade que, num cenário de interoperabilidade em bibliotecas ou repositórios digitais, pretendenda oferecer serviços de “data provider”, “service provider” ou agregador. A plataforma foi toda desenvolvida em linguagem JAVA, e é disponibilizada em código aberto (sendo por isso de uso livre). Está ainda desenhada e desenvolvida para poder funcionar em servidores Windows ou Linux. Descrevem-se ainda os cenários mais típicos de uso desta ferramenta, fornecendo-se detalhes relevantes para entidades potencialmente interessadas no seu uso. São descritas ainda, para referência, as formas de uso da ferramenta nas infraestruturas The European Library e Europeana, assim como noutras iniciativas como os projetos EuropeanaLocal e EuDML

    Towards an EHR architecture for mobile citizens

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    Electronic Health Records are typically created and stored in different places, by different healthcare providers, using different formats and technology. This poses an obstacle to patient mobility and contributes to scatter personal health related information. Patients constantly move between healthcare providers, searching for a better service, lower prices or specialists. It is important that healthcare professionals, regardless of technology and location, have access to the complete patient health record. The access to this personal health record can be granted through a network (web-based, for example) or can be carried by the patient, in a usb drive, for example. Either approach has to enforce the patient consent to access his information, cope with different types of EHR systems and formats. This paper is an ongoing research, part of a PhD on Electronic Health Records for Mobile Citizens.Universidade de Aveiro - DETI / IEET

    A secure personal health record repository

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    Due to strict regulatory, ethic and legal issues, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have been mainly deployed in federated health care scenarios. This situation has been hindering the wide adoption of EHRs, contributing to delaying the establishment of a competitive market where contributions from different providers could take full advantage of information exchange and regular practitioners’ collaboration. Moreover, with the increasing awareness of medical subjects, patients are demanding more control over their own personal data - Personal Health Record (PHR). This paper presents a secure PHR repository which access is controlled through the joint use of a Virtual Health Card Service (VHCS) and an access Broker. This solution can be deployed in any public or private storage service since it behaves as a sandbox system which access policy is defined externally. To assure a friendly query-retrieve interaction the whole repository is indexed, and separated clinical events are kept independently to increase the efficiency of cipher and encipher algorithms

    IoT system for anytime/anywhere monitoring and control of vehicles’ parameters

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    This paper presents an IoT (Internet of Things) system designed to allow the monitoring and control of parameters of the users’ vehicles, anytime and anywhere in the world, through the Internet. The system prototype was developed and tested using an electric vehicle (EV) and the respective sensor systems. The main components of the proposed IoT system are: a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) intra-vehicular wireless sensor network (IVWSN); a mobile device that acts both as the vehicle’s gateway, connecting the IVWSN to the Internet, and as the vehicle’s human machine interface (HMI); an online server/database, based on Firebase; a client, which can be either a mobile device or a personal computer; and a residential wireless sensor network (WSN). The use of a wireless network to collect sensor data inside of the vehicle introduces some advantages when compared with conventional wired networks, whereas the inclusion of a residential WSNs in the proposed IoT architecture allows the provision of additional features, such as automatic control of the EV battery charging process. Experimental results are provided to assess the performance of the developed IVWSN and HMI.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145- FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hybrid electronic health records

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    The research related with digital health records has been a hot topic since the last two decades, producing diverse results, particularly in two main types – Electronic Health Records and Personal Health Records. With the current wider citizen mobility, the liberalization of health care providing, as well as alternative medicine, elderly care and remote patient monitoring, new challenges had emerged. These brought more actors to the scene that can belong to different healthcare networks, private or public sector even from different countries. For creating a true patient-centric electronic health record, those actors need to collaborate in the creation and maintenance of the record. In this work, the Hybrid Electronic Health Record (HEHR) is presented, describing how information can be created and used, as well as focusing on how the patient defines the access control. Some new services are also discussed

    Model predictive current control of a slow battery charger for electric mobility applications

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    This paper presents a model predictive current control applied to a slow electric vehicle (EV) battery charger. Taking into account the similarities between the power converters inside the EV, it is possible to combine the battery charger and the motor driver in a single integrated converter, thus reducing the weight and volume of the proposed solution, and also contributing to reduce the final price of the EV. Due to the bidirectional power flow capability of the integrated power converter, when working as a slow EV battery charger it can operate in grid-to-vehicle (G2V) mode and in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) mode, contributing to make EVs an important assets in the future smart grids. The integrated power converter working as battery charger operates with sinusoidal current and unitary power factor, contributing to improve the power quality of the electrical grid. This paper provides simulation and experimental results that validate the model predictive control algorithm applied to the proposed integrated power converter working as slow EV battery charger.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital control of a novel single-phase three-port bidirectional converter to interface renewables and electric vehicles with the power grid

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    This paper presents the digital control of a novel single-phase three-port bidirectional (STB) converter used to interface renewables from solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and electric vehicles (EVs) with the power grid. Using an appropriated power theory, the STB converter can be used to exchange ener-gy between the PVs, the EVs and the power grid in four distinct modes: (1) The EV receives energy from the power grid (G2V - grid-to-vehicle operation mode) or delivers energy to the power grid (V2G - vehicle-to-grid operation mode); (2) All the energy produced by the PV panels is delivery to the power grid; (3) All the energy produced by the PV panels is delivery to the EV; (4) The EV can receive energy simultaneously from the PV panels and from the power grid (G2V). The currents of the power grid, PV panels and EV are con-trolled through independent predictive current control strategies, which ensure good power quality levels. This paper presents the architecture of the proposed STB converter and the detailed explanation of the digital implementation of the control algorithms, namely, the power theory and the predictive current control strategies. The control algorithms were validated through computational simula-tions and experimental results.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 006941