31 research outputs found

    E-cigarettes, vaping-related pulmonary illnesses, and asthma: A perspective from inhalation toxicologists

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    The recent outbreak of e-cigarette or vaping-product use–associated lung injury (EVALI) is alarming. As of October 18, 2019, 33 deaths and nearly 1500 hospitalizations associated with e-cigarette use have been reported in 49 states and the US Virgin Islands. Initial epidemiologic investigations of EVALI cases in Illinois and Wisconsin identified that more than 80% of the reported cases occurred in young white male subjects who presented with respiratory, gastrointestinal, and constitutional symptoms that rapidly progressed to severe acute lung injury. Interestingly, underlying asthma was reported in 30% of these cases, which is much higher than the 8% to 10% of asthmatic patients seen in the general population. Although many questions regarding the safety of e-cigarettes have come to the forefront with the emergence of EVALI, health care providers and concerned parents are also asking what might be causing this outbreak and who might be susceptible to EVALI

    Sputum inflammatory cells from patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma have decreased inflammasome gene expression

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    Deficits in inflammasomes, a key element of innate immunity, confer increased susceptibility to infection. We report that sputum cells from asthmatics have decreased expression of inflammasome factors, consistent with reports of increased infection risk in asthmatics

    Airway cells from atopic asthmatic patients exposed to ozone display an enhanced innate immune gene profile

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    This study identifies transcriptional phenotypes of sputum samples from normal volunteers and atopic asthmatics exposed to ozone. Network analyses suggest that asthmatics elevate immune signaling following oxidative stress, while nonasthmatics attempt to mitigate the ozone-induced response

    Neuropilin-2 regulates airway inflammatory responses to inhaled lipopolysaccharide

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    Neuropilins are multifunctional receptors that play important roles in immune regulation. Neuropilin-2 (NRP2) is expressed in the lungs, but whether it regulates airway immune responses is unknown. Here, we report that Nrp2 is weakly expressed by alveolar macrophages (AMs) in the steady state but is dramatically upregulated following in vivo lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhalation. Ex vivo treatment of human AMs with LPS also increased NRP2 mRNA expression and cell-surface display of NRP2 protein. LPS-induced Nrp2 expression in AMs was dependent upon the myeloid differentiation primary response 88 signaling pathway and the transcription factor NF-κB. In addition to upregulating display of NRP2 on the cell membrane, inhaled LPS also triggered AMs to release soluble NRP2 into the airways. Finally, myeloid-specific ablation of NRP2 resulted in increased expression of the chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2) in the lungs and prolonged leukocyte infiltration in the airways following LPS inhalation. These findings suggest that NRP2 expression by AMs regulates LPS-induced inflammatory cell recruitment to the airways and reveal a novel role for NRP2 during innate immune responses in the lungs

    A community-engaged approach to investigate cardiovascular-associated inflammation among American Indian women: A research protocol

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    American Indian women are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than White or African American women. Inflammatory processes may underlie CVD disparities by gender and race and may be critical to understanding population-specific drivers and potential buffers. Exposure to environmental air pollutants, especially particulate matter (PM), is known to be an important catalyst in CVD-associated inflammation. Positive psychological states, associated with low levels of inflammatory gene expression, could serve to moderate the inflammatory response to environmental air pollutants and ultimately lead to better cardiovascular health outcomes. The aim of the ongoing community-engaged and NIH-funded study described in this study protocol is to address the racial and gender gaps in CVD mortality by investigating the contextually relevant and culturally important determinants of health among American Indian women. In this paper we describe the procedures used to examine the relationship between environmental air pollutant exposures (PM 10-2.5 and PM 2.5 ), psychological factors (e.g., depressive symptoms, posttraumatic stress symptoms, eudemonic well-being, and positive emotions), and cardiovascular-associated inflammation (hs-CRP, IL-6, Amyloid A, CBCs with differentials) in a sample of 150 women 18–50 years of age from the Lumbee Tribe in southeastern North Carolina. We describe lessons learned and strategies used in developing a community-engaged approach to enhance recruitment of American Indian women in biomedical research. The empirical data and community infrastructure resulting from this study will be foundational in designing and testing future interventions to reduce CVD-associated morbidity and mortality in American Indian women

    Mucus Hydration in Subjects with Stable Chronic Bronchitis: A Comparison of Spontaneous and Induced Sputum

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    Mucus hydration is important in mucus clearance and lung health. This study sought to test the relative utility of spontaneous sputum (SS) versus the reasonably noninvasive induced sputum (IS) samples for measurement of mucus hydration. SS and IS samples were collected over a 2-day study interval. Sputum was induced with escalating inhaled nebulized 3–5% hypertonic saline. Viscous portions of the samples (“plugs”) were utilized for percent solids and total mucin analyses. Cytokines, nucleotides/nucleosides and cell differentials were measured in plugs diluted into 0.1% Sputolysin. Overall, 61.5% of chronic bronchitis (CB) subjects produced a SS sample and 95.2% an IS sample. Total expectorate sample weights were less for the SS (0.94 ± 0.98 g) than the IS (2.67 ± 2.33 g) samples. Percent solids for the SS samples (3.56% ± 1.95; n = 162) were significantly greater than the IS samples (3.08% ± 1.81; n = 121), p = 0.133. Total mucin concentrations also exhibited a dilution of the IS samples: SS = 4.15 ± 3.23 mg/ml (n = 62) versus IS= 3.34 ± 2.55 mg/ml (n = 71) (p = 0.371). Total mucins (combined SS and IS) but not percent solids, were inversely associated with FEV 1 percent predicted (p = 0.052) and FEV 1 ,/FVC % (p = 0.035). There were no significant differences between sample types in cytokine or differential cell counts. The probability of sample collections was less for SS than IS samples. Measurements of hydration revealed modest dilution of the IS samples compared to SS. Thus for measurements of mucus hydration, both SS and IS samples appear to be largely interchangeable

    Gamma tocopherol-enriched supplement reduces sputum eosinophilia and endotoxin-induced sputum neutrophilia in volunteers with asthma

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    Background: We and others have shown that the gamma tocopherol (γT) isoform of vitamin E has multiple anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions and that γT supplementation reduces eosinophilic and endotoxin (LPS)-induced neutrophilic airway inflammation in animal models and healthy human volunteers. Objective: We sought to determine whether γT supplementation reduces eosinophilic airway inflammation and acute neutrophilic response to inhaled LPS challenge in volunteers with asthma. Methods: Participants with mild asthma were enrolled in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study to assess the effect of 1200 mg of γT daily for 14 days on sputum eosinophils, mucins, and cytokines. We also assessed the effect on acute inflammatory response to inhaled LPS challenge following γT treatment, focusing on changes in sputum neutrophilia, mucins, and cytokines. Mucociliary clearance was measured using gamma scintigraphy. Results: Fifteen subjects with mild asthma completed both arms of the study. Compared with placebo, γT notably reduced pre-LPS challenge sputum eosinophils and mucins, including mucin 5AC and reduced LPS-induced airway neutrophil recruitment 6 and 24 hours after challenge. Mucociliary clearance was slowed 4 hours postchallenge in the placebo group but not in the γT treatment group. Total sputum mucins (but not mucin 5AC) were reduced at 24 hours postchallenge during γT treatment compared with placebo. Conclusions: When compared with placebo, γT supplementation for 14 days reduced inflammatory features of asthma, including sputum eosinophils and mucins, as well as acute airway response to inhaled LPS challenge. Larger scale clinical trials are needed to assess the efficacy of γT supplements as a complementary or steroid-sparing treatment for asthma

    Bronchoscopy-Derived Correlates of Lung Injury following Inhalational Injuries: A Prospective Observational Study

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    Background: Acute lung injury (ALI) is a major factor determining morbidity following burns and inhalational injury. In experimental models, factors potentially contributing to ALI risk include inhalation of toxins directly causing cell damage; inflammation; and infection. However, few studies have been done in humans. Methods: We carried out a prospective observational study of patients admitted to the NC Jaycees Burn Center who were intubated and on mechanical ventilation for burns and suspected inhalational injury. Subjects were enrolled over an 8-month period and followed till discharge or death. Serial bronchial washings from clinically-indicated bronchoscopies were collected and analyzed for markers of cell injury and inflammation. These markers were compared with clinical markers of ALI. Results: Forty-three consecutive patients were studied, with a spectrum of burn and inhalation injury severity. Visible soot at initial bronchoscopy and gram negative bacteria in the lower respiratory tract were associated with ALI in univariate analyses. Subsequent multivariate analysis also controlled for % body surface area burns, infection, and inhalation severity. Elevated IL-10 and reduced IL-12p70 in bronchial washings were statistically significantly associated with ALI. Conclusions: Independently of several factors including initial inhalational injury severity, infection, and extent of surface burns, high early levels of IL-10 and low levels of IL-12p70 in the central airways are associated with ALI in patients intubated after acute burn/inhalation injury. Lower airway secretions can be collected serially in critically ill burn/inhalation injury patients and may yield important clues to specific pathophysiologic pathways

    SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among a southern U.S. population indicates limited asymptomatic spread under physical distancing measures

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    Characterizing the asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2 is important for understanding the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was aimed at determining asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in a suburban, Southern U.S. population during a period of state restrictions and physical distancing mandates. This is one of the first published seroprevalence studies from North Carolina and included multicenter, primary care, and emergency care facilities serving a low-density, suburban and rural population since description of the North Carolina state index case introducing the SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogen to this population. To estimate point seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals over time, two cohort studies were examined. The first cohort study, named ScreenNC, was comprised of outpatient clinics, and the second cohort study, named ScreenNC2, was comprised of inpatients unrelated to COVID-19. Asymptomatic infection by SARS-CoV-2 (with no clinical symptoms) was examined using an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)-approved antibody test (Abbott) for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG. This assay as performed under CLIA had a reported specificity/sensitivity of 100%/99.6%. ScreenNC identified 24 out of 2,973 (0.8%) positive individuals among asymptomatic participants accessing health care during 28 April to 19 June 2020, which was increasing over time. A separate cohort, ScreenNC2, sampled from 3 March to 4 June 2020, identified 10 out of 1,449 (0.7%) positive participants. IMPORTANCE This study suggests limited but accelerating asymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2. Asymptomatic infections, like symptomatic infections, disproportionately affected vulnerable communities in this population, and seroprevalence was higher in African American participants than in White participants. The low, overall prevalence may reflect the success of shelter-in-place mandates at the time this study was performed and of maintaining effective physical distancing practices among suburban populations. Under these public health measures and aggressive case finding, outbreak clusters did not spread into the general population