9 research outputs found

    Fine Structure Analysis of the Red Bands of Magnesium Oxide and isotope Effect

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    This paper deals with the fine structure analysis of the red bands of magnesium oxide and isotope effect@IAC

    Potential Energy Curves and Structure of the Alkaline Earth Oxides

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    In this paper the potential energy curves for the different electronic states of the alkaline earth oxides has been drawn.@IAC

    The Band Spectrum of Aluminium Bromide

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    This paper deals with the band spectrum of Aluminum Bromide@IAC

    On the Electric Moment of Primary Alcohols

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    This paper deals with the determination of electric moment of primary alcohols@IAC

    Electric Moment and its relation to chemical constitution

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    It deals with the determination of the permanent dipole and polarisability of the organic halides@IAC

    Elektrische Momente von Molekeln

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