1,834 research outputs found

    Morphometric differentiation of hermit crabs, superfamily: Paguroidea from Mumbai, North-West coast of India

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    492-495The present communication deals with an attempt to differentiate species of hermit crabs, collected from Maharashtra region, using morphometric features. A total of 16 morphometric measurements features were recorded from each specimen. The morphometric features like cheliped dactylus length, cheliped propodus length, carapace length, ocular peduncle length, antennular peduncle length and propodal length have been found to be important traits in the separation of the species. Among these first three, cheliped dactylus length, cheliped propodus length and carapace length, are most important in differentiation. The analysis also indicated 99.55 % correct discrimination of the species based on selected traits

    Test of isospin symmetry via low energy 1^1H(π\pi^-,πo\pi^o)nn charge exchange

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    We report measurements of the πpπon\pi^- p \to \pi^o n differential cross sections at six momenta (104-143 MeV/c) and four angles (0-40 deg) by detection of γ\gamma-ray pairs from πoγγ\pi^o \to \gamma \gamma decays using the TRIUMF RMC spectrometer. This region exhibits a vanishing zero-degree cross section from destructive interference between s-- and p--waves, thus yielding special sensitivity to pion-nucleon dynamics and isospin symmetry breaking. Our data and previous data do not agree, with important implications for earlier claims of large isospin violating effects in low energy pion-nucleon interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry

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    We calculate the nucleon sigma term in two-flavor lattice QCD utilizing the Feynman-Hellman theorem. Both sea and valence quarks are described by the overlap fermion formulation, which preserves exact chiral and flavor symmetries on the lattice. We analyse the lattice data for the nucleon mass using the analytical formulae derived from the baryon chiral perturbation theory. From the data at valence quark mass set different from sea quark mass, we may extract the sea quark contribution to the sigma term, which corresponds to the strange quark content. We find that the strange quark content is much smaller than the previous lattice calculations and phenomenological estimates.Comment: 27 page

    Toxidez de alumínio em cafeeiros cultivados em solução nutritiva

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    A solution culture experiment was designed to show the influence of low to excessive concentrations of Al on coffee yields. The treatments consisted of six Al concentrations: 0.0, 0.074, 0.148, 0.296, 0.444, and 0.888 mmol dm-3. Shoot, root and coffee fruit weights were progressively decreased under the Al treatments. There was significant reduction in all growth parameters even at lowest Al treatment. The lateral roots of Al stressed plants were thicker, shorter, and fewer in number than those of the control plants. The development of root tip was inhibited and the roots developed a brown color. The younger leaves of Al stressed plants were small, chlorotic, and curled along the margins. Aluminum toxicity symptoms on older leaves include marginal chlorosis which progressed to the center of leaf. Visual injury symptoms exhibited by coffee leaves were associated with leaf Al concentration above 300 µg g-1. Aluminum toxicity was associated with reduced uptake of Ca, Mg and P, and increased uptake of K and Al.Experimentos com solução nutritiva foram conduzidos, durante dois anos, em casa de vegetação, para estudar a influência dos íons de Al no crescimento e produção de cafeeiros. O Al foi adicionado na solução nutritiva nas concentrações de 0,0, 0,074, 0,148, 0,296, 0,444 e 0,888 mmol dm-3. O crescimento radicular das plantas e a produção de café diminuíram progressivamente com o aumento da concentração de Al na solução. O sintoma inicial da toxidez de Al foi caracterizado por um retardamento no crescimento radicular, aumento no diâmetro das raízes e diminuição no número de raízes laterais por unidade de raiz principal. Os sintomas foliares foram observados após uma prolongada exposição das plantas ao Al: folhas jovens menores, cloróticas, com pequenos pontos necróticos na margem e com aspecto típico de "enrolamento"; e folhas velhas com clorose marginal, a qual progrediu para o centro do limbo. Os sintomas visuais observados nas folhas foram associados com uma concentração de Al acima de 300 µg g-1. A toxidez de AI foi também caracterizada por uma redução na absorção de Ca, Mg e P e um aumento na absorção de K e Al

    Toxidez de metais em plantas. II. Caracterização da toxidez de níquel em cafeeiros

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    The objective was to determine and characterize toxicities of Ni in coffee (Coffea arabica L., cv. Catuai Vermelho) seedlings growing in solution culture with different amounts of Ni. Coffee growth decreased upon adding Ni to the solution culture at rates of 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/1. The thermodynamic analysis of the nutrient solution predicts no solid phases under the conditions of the experiment and the most predominant species of Ni in solution was bound with EDTA. Such ionic form of Ni in the nutritive solution is supposed to be correlated with its absorption and translocation by the roots of the coffee tree. Leaf Ni concentration of 30 to 40 and 70 to 80 μg Ni/g were associated with medium and very severe leaf toxicity symptoms respectively. Nickel toxicity symptons include chlorosis and necrotic spots on younger leaves and internodes; leaves fall prematurely, dieback, and streak necrosis of the leaves, petioles and branches. Excess of Ni in solution increased leaf Mn, Fe, and Zn, decreased leaf Ca, but did not affect leaf Mg and total N. It seems reasonable to speculate that the Ni caused root damage which facilitated Mn, Fe, and Zn uptake. Total leaf chlorophyll decreased as leaf Ni increased. The regression equation for total leaf chlorophyll (Y = mg/g) as related to leaf Ni (μg Ni/g) was: Y= 2.10-0.006 (leaf Ni). It was found that any value of chlorophyll content in the third pair of coffee leaves below 2 mg/g of fresh tissue was associated with leaf chlorosis.A toxidez de Ni em mudas de café (Coffea arabica, L., cv. Catuai Vermelho) foi determinada em solução nutritiva contendo doses crescentes deste metal. O desenvolvimento das mudas de café decresceu progressivamente com a adição de Ni na solução, nas concentrações de 0,0, 0,5 e 1,0 mg/1. Uma análise termodinâmica da solução em estudo revelou a ausência de fases sólidas nas condições do experimento e que a espécie predominante de Ni formava ligações iônicas com EDTA. Esta forma iônica de Ni na solução nutritiva pode ser correlacionada com a absorção e transporte pelas raízes do cafeeiro. Concentrações de Ni no terceiro par de folhas de café, variando de 30 a 40 e de 70 a 80 μg/g foram associadas com sintomas de toxidez médio e muito severo, respectivamente. Os sintomas de toxidez de Ni em mudas de café foram caracterizados inicialmente por cloroses e muitos pontos necróticos nas folhas jovens e nos internódios. Em um estádio mais adiantado de toxidez, as plantas apresentavam, além dos sintomas acima descritos, diminuição no tamanho das folhas e internódios, manchas necróticas nos pecíolos das folhas, e nos caules, desfolha e fenecimento. Observou-se, também, que o excesso de Mina solução aumentou a absorção de Mn, Fe e Zn diminuiu a absorção de Ca e não afetou o Mg e o N-total nas folhas. Provavelmente Ni causou certo dano no sistema radicular facilitando a absorção de outros metais pesados como Mn, Fe e Zn. A concentração de clorofila total nas folhas diminuiu com o aumento de Ni na parte aérea das plantas. A equação de regressão para clorofila total das folhas (Y= mg/g) em relação ao Ni foliar (μg/g de Ni) foi: Y = 2,10 - 0,006 (Ni foliar). Foi observado que qualquer concentração de clorofila no terceiro par de folhas de café abaixo de 2,0 mg/g de tecido verde era associada com cloroses foliares

    La scheda interattiva di INNOVance per prodotti in laterizio

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    Anche per i laterizi la scheda tecnica di prodotto, sviluppata nell’ambito del pro getto INNOVance, assume un ruolo fondamentale a supporto della progettazione e della gestione delle informazioni nelle diverse fasi del processo edilizio. L’insieme di dati contenuti in ciascuna scheda sarà associato alla rappresentazione di oggetti innovativi di tipo BIM 'Building Information Model