397 research outputs found

    Desempenho e variabilidade genética de linhagens de tilápia Tailandesa e Red koina cultivadas em água salobra.

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    O experimento testou duas linhagens de tilápia: Tailandesa e Red koina. O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho das linhagens cultivadas em água salobra e realizar análise da variabilidade genética das mesmas. Os peixes, machos revertidos sexualmente, com peso inicial de médio de 87,95 ± 22 g da Red Koina e 96,20 ± 25 g da Tailandesa, foram colocados em tanques-rede de 4 m3 de volume útil, em densidade de três peixes.m-3. Os tanques-rede estavam instalados em um viveiro revestido de geomembrana de PVC. Os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial, na proporção de 5% da biomassa total estimada dos tanques. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: ganho em peso total, peso final, ganho em peso médio diário, taxa de conversão alimentar, consumo de ração e sobrevivência. O delineamento experimental foi totalmente ao acaso com dois tratamentos e três repetições. Após o experimento, os dados de desempenho zootécnico foram submetidos à ANOVA e análise de comparação de médias pelo PROC GLM, SAS. Resultados de desempenho comprovaram que a linhagem Tailandesa obteve desempenho superior ao da Red Koina. Resultados da análise de variabilidade genética indicaram que a variabilidade genética do estoque está preservada.bitstream/item/53773/1/BPD84.pd

    Macromineral requirements by beef cattle under pasture supplementation.

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    The objective of this work was to determine macromineral requirements by Zebu steers grazing Brachiaria decumbens supplemented with concentrate. It was used 24 non-castrated steers, at an average age of 7 months and at initial average weight 180 kg. Eight control animals were slaughtered for determining initial body composition. The 16 remaining animals were divided in four four-animal plots, in a complete random design. Each plot received mineral mixture or supplements at the levels 0.75; 1.50 or 2.25 kg/animal/day. The right half-carcass of eight animals, two per group, was dissected in muscle, fat and bones and all body constituents were weighted for determination of empty body weight and body composition. Net requirements of calcium and phosphorus for an animal at 400 kg body weight were 11.13 g and 5.40 g, respectively. To estimate dietary requirements of maintenance and after, sum them to dietary requirements for gain in order to obtain total dietary requirements, it was adopted endogenous losses and bioavailability present in literature for each mineral macroelement. Total dietary requirement for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and potassium for a 400-kg BW animal with 1.0-kg daily weight gain were 34.59; 17.36; 7.82; 5.19 and 41.11 g/day, respectively. Macromineral requirements by beef cattle under pasture supplementation are similar to those recommended by BR-Corte for beef cattle in feedlots

    Desempenho e variabilidade genética de linhagens de tilápia cultivada em água salobra.

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    O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho das linhagens cultivadas em água salobra e realizar análise da variabilidade genética das mesmas

    Rendimento de tecidos não componentes da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com glicerina bruta.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de inclusão de glicerina bruta (GB) na dieta cordeiros em terminação sobre o rendimento dos não componentes da carcaça

    Glicerina bruta na alimentação de cordeiros em confinamento e seus efeitos sobre o peso e rendimento de cortes comerciais da carcaça.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos da inclusão da glicerina bruta, na alimentação de cordeiros em terminação, sobre o peso e rendimento de cortes comerciais da carcaça

    pH e força de cisalhamento da carne de cordeiros alimentados com glicerina bruta na fase de terminação.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da inclusão de glicerina bruta (GB) na dieta de cordeiros em terminação, sobre o pH, a temperatura (TºC), a força de cisalhamento (FC) e as perdas obtidas pelo descongelamento (PDESC) e cocção (PCOC) da carne de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês

    Seasonal characteristics of small- and medium-scale gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over the Brazilian equatorial region

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    The present work reports seasonal characteristics of small- and medium-scale gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. All-sky images of the hydroxyl (NIR-OH) airglow emission layer over São João do Cariri (7.4° S, 36.5° W; hereafter Cariri) were obtained from September 2000 to December 2010, during a total of 1496 nights. For investigation of the characteristics of small-scale gravity waves (SSGWs) and medium-scale gravity waves (MSGWs), we employed the Fourier two-dimensional (2-D) spectrum and keogram fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques, respectively. From the 11 years of data, we could observe 2343 SSGW and 537 MSGW events. The horizontal wavelengths of the SSGWs were concentrated between 10 and 35 km, while those of the MSGWs ranged from 50 to 200 km. The observed periods for SSGWs were concentrated around 5 to 20 min, whereas the MSGWs ranged from 20 to 60 min. The observed horizontal phase speeds of SSGWs were distributed around 10 to 60 m s−1, and the corresponding MSGWs were around 20 to 120 m s−1. In summer, autumn, and winter both SSGWs and MSGWs propagated preferentially northeastward and southeastward, while in spring the waves propagated in all directions. The critical level theory of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) was applied to study the effects of wind filtering on SSGW and MSGW propagation directions. The SSGWs were more susceptible to wind filtering effects than MSGWs. The average of daily mean outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) was also used to investigate the possible wave source region in the troposphere. The results showed that in summer and autumn, deep convective regions were the possible source mechanism of the AGWs. However, in spring and winter the deep convective regions did not play an important role in the waves observed at Cariri, because they were too far away from the observatory. Therefore, we concluded that the horizontal propagation directions of SSGWs and MSGWs show clear seasonal variations based on the influence of the wind filtering process and wave source location