10,111 research outputs found

    Hadrons in AdS/QCD models

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    We discuss applications of gauge/gravity duality to describe the spectrum of light hadrons. We compare two particular 5-dimensional approaches: a model with an infrared deformed Anti-de Sitter metric and another one based on a dynamical AdS/QCD framework with back-reacted geometry in a dilaton/gravity background. The models break softly the scale invariance in the infrared region and allow mass gap for the field excitations in the gravity description, while keeping the conformal property of the metric close to the four-dimensional boundary. The models provide linear Regge trajectories for light mesons, associated with specially designed infrared gravity properties. We also review the results for the decay widths of the f0's into two pions, as overlap integrals between mesonic string amplitudes, which are in qualitative agreement with data

    Is Brazil really a catholic country? What opinions about abortion, sex between individuals who are not married to each other, and homosexuality say about the meaning of catholicism in three Brazilian cities

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    The idea of being a Catholic country is quite widespread throughout the nation. What does it mean to be Catholic in Brazil? Do Catholics follow the Catholic Doctrine? The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between religion and religious involvement (measured by religious affiliation and service attendance) and opinions about abortion, sex between individuals who are not married to each other, and homosexuality in São Paulo, Porto Alegre, and Recife. Data come from the survey “Spirit and Power: A 10-Country Survey of Pentecostals,” carried out in 2006. Results suggest that Brazilian Catholics are a very heterogeneous group with respect to opinions about abortion and sex between individuals who are not married to each other. In addition, service attendance among Catholics and those opinions are strongly correlated, except for the case of homosexuality, a topic which Catholics tend to have the same opinions about, irrespective of their religious involvement. Committed Protestants are, by far and away, the most conservative group.Brazil

    Vortex and gap generation in gauge models of graphene

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    Effective quantum field theoretical continuum models for graphene are investigated. The models include a complex scalar field and a vector gauge field. Different gauge theories are considered and their gap patterns for the scalar, vector, and fermion excitations are investigated. Different gauge groups lead to different relations between the gaps, which can be used to experimentally distinguish the gauge theories. In this class of models the fermionic gap is a dynamic quantity. The finite-energy vortex solutions of the gauge models have the flux of the "magnetic field" quantized, making the Bohm-Aharonov effect active even when external electromagnetic fields are absent. The flux comes proportional to the scalar field angular momentum quantum number. The zero modes of the Dirac equation show that the gauge models considered here are compatible with fractionalization

    Controle de plantas daninhas em pastagens.

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    A pecuária bovina brasileira apresenta amplo potencial econômico, com o maior rebanho comercial do mundo, distribuído em vasta extensão territorial e representando grande importância na economia no País (CORRÊA, 2000). Dispondo de aproximadamente 170 milhões de hectares de pastagens tropicais (IBGE, 2007), dos quais mais de 120 milhões de hectares dessas pastagens são cultivadas, e rebanho aproximado de 190 milhões de cabeças, o Brasil tem ocupado, desde os últimos três anos, a posição de maior exportador de carne do mundo. A sustentabilidade da pecuária brasileira está baseada na pastagem, pois 90% da carne produzida no Brasil ocorre em sistemas de produção baseados, exclusivamente, em pasto (BARCELLOS et al., 2001; ANUALPEC, 2004; MACEDO, 2005) que, em relação aos sistemas confinados, conferem menores produtividades, mas oferecem grande vantagem competitiva, permitindo a produção de produtos com baixo custo e de boa qualidade (EUCLIDES et al., 2001). Assim, a rentabilidade da pecuária está diretamente relacionada à qualidade das pastagens, que aliada a fatores como melhoramento genético do rebanho, manejo e execução de programas profiláticos dos animais, dentre outros fatores, ditam as regras para o sucesso da atividade. Os problemas causados pelas invasoras são mais significativos em pastagens com algum grau de degradação, em geral devido ao manejo inadequado. Conforme Mascarenhas et al. (1999), dos 23 milhões de hectares de pastagens cultivadas em área originalmente sob floresta na Amazônia, em torno de 5 milhões de hectares encontram-se degradadas. No centro-oeste, estima-se que mais de 50% das pastagens cultivadas encontram-se degradadas ou em processo de degradação. Dias Filho (1998) relata que, além do manejo da pastagem, a competição imposta pelas plantas daninhas constitui em fator importante no processo da degradação. Pitelli (1989) descreve que o distúrbio provocado pelo pastoreio com carga excessiva de animais acelera a adaptação e a proliferação de algumas espécies daninhas. A aplicação dos diferentes métodos de controle de plantas daninhas em pastagem varia conforme a realidade local, ditada pelas características das invasoras, da pastagem, das condições edafoclimáticas, do tamanho da propriedade e do nível tecnológico empregado. Para a obtenção da eficiência no controle das invasoras, em qualquer situação, o principal requisito é o diagnóstico da comunidade infestante, ou seja, identificação das espécies, densidades e distribuição na área. Esses indicadores irão subsidiar o planejamento e a execução do método mais adequado. Ressalta-se, também, que sob o ponto de vista de controle de invasoras, a pastagem deve ser considerada sempre como uma cultura, tão importante como as produtoras de grãos ou fibra.bitstream/item/56278/1/DOC185-1.pd

    Desempenho de genótipos de mandioca em um Argissolo eutrófico na região sudoeste da Amazônia.

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    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar diferentes genótipos de mandioca quanto ao desempenho agronômico e industrial para a região sudoeste amazônica, em Rondônia

    Drug–excipient interactions in ketoprofen: A vibrational spectroscopy study

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    Ketoprofen (3-benzoyl-alpha-methylbenzeneacetic acid) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), always administered in the form of drug-excipient physical mixtures (PMs). The occurrence of possible interactions between ketoprofen and two commonly used excipients-lactose (LAC) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-was evaluated, through vibrational spectroscopy techniques [both Raman and Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS)]. Spectral evidence of drug:excipient close contacts, which were enhanced by aging, was verified for the (1:1) (w:w) (ketoprofen:PVP) and (ketoprofen:LAC) PMs, both by Raman and INS. These interactions were found to involve mainly the central carbonyl and the terminal methyl-carboxylic moieties of the ketoprofen molecule, this being reflected in particular vibrational modes, such as the methyl torsion, the out-of-plane C-OH bending, and the inter-ring C=O stretching

    On Applying the Lackadaisical Quantum Walk Algorithm to Search for Multiple Solutions on Grids

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    Quantum computing holds the promise of improving the information processing power to levels unreachable by classical computation. Quantum walks are heading the development of quantum algorithms for searching information on graphs more efficiently than their classical counterparts. A quantum-walk-based algorithm that is standing out in the literature is the lackadaisical quantum walk. The lackadaisical quantum walk is an algorithm developed to search two-dimensional grids whose vertices have a self-loop of weight ll. In this paper, we address several issues related to the application of the lackadaisical quantum walk to successfully search for multiple solutions on grids. Firstly, we show that only one of the two stopping conditions found in the literature is suitable for simulations. We also demonstrate that the final success probability depends on the space density of solutions and the relative distance between solutions. Furthermore, this work generalizes the lackadaisical quantum walk to search for multiple solutions on grids of arbitrary dimensions. In addition, we propose an optimal adjustment of the self-loop weight ll for such scenarios of arbitrary dimensions. It turns out the other fits of ll found in the literature are particular cases. Finally, we observe a two-to-one relation between the steps of the lackadaisical quantum walk and the ones of Grover's algorithm, which requires modifications in the stopping condition. In conclusion, this work deals with practical issues one should consider when applying the lackadaisical quantum walk, besides expanding the technique to a wider range of search problems.Comment: Extended version of the conference paper available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61377-8_9 . 21 pages, 6 figure