4 research outputs found

    Brazilian Soybean Products: Functional Properties And Bioactive Compounds

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    Brazil is the second largest soybean producer in the world, representing 25% of the total world production. Soy has become an important agricultural commodity in the Brazilian economy, because of the application of soy ingredients in a variety of market products and due to their functional properties, as well as biological and health benefits. Consumption of soybean has been linked to cholesterol reduction and prevention of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, diabetes and obesity. The health benefits of soy are attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds such as isoflavones, saponins, lunasin and others. It is possible to improve the nutritional value of soybeans when the seeds are submitted to certain processes such as germination. Germination can cause significant changes in the biochemical characteristics of seeds and during this process storage proteins can be degraded by proteases, improving their digestibility; antinutritional factors can be reduced and oligosaccharides hydrolyzed. © 2012 American Chemical Society.1109259277Han, K.K., Kati, L.M., Haidar, M.A., Girão, M.J.B.C., Baracat, E.C., Yim, D.K., Carrão-Panizzi, M.C., Efeito da isoflavona sobre os sintomas da síndrome de climatério (2001) Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Os Benefícios da Soja Para A Saúde Humana, pp. 28-32. , Embrapa: Londrina, PR(2011) Tecnologias de Produção da Soja: Região Central Do Brasil, , http://www.cnpso.embrapa.br/producaosoja, Embrapa Soja. 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    Development Of Functional Fresh Food Adding Soy Protein Isolate And Polidextrose Using Paprika As Coloring Agent [desenvolvimento De Massa Alimentícia Fresca Funcional Com A Adição De Isolado Protéico De Soja E Polidextrose Utilizando Páprica Como Corante]

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    The trend of the current consumer is to use foods that are easy to prepare and that besides having nutritional quality provide health benefits. In this work, fresh food with functional characteristics was developed incorporating Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) and polidextrose using paprika as the coloring agent. The consumption of IPS could contribute to decrease cholesterol levels while polidextrose, acting as a fiber, could promote the reduction of risk of colon cancer. The optimization of the formulation was carried out using a 23 complete factorial design considering independent variables the following contents: i) SPI; ii) polidextrose; and iii) paprika. The effects of these variables on the quality of the food were evaluated through physical-chemical characteristics (color and cooking test), instrumental texture, and sensory analysis. Regarding the physical parameters, instrumental color of the raw pasta was affected only by the addition of paprika. The parameters cooking time (2.5 minutes), increase in mass (1.40 to 1.64%), and loss of solids (3.80 to 5.56%) were not influenced by the ingredients used. Elasticity (instrumental texture parameter) was reduced with the increase of polidextrose. Regarding sensory analysis of the raw food, an increase in the addition of SPI and a reduction in the addition of polidextrose positively affected global acceptance and purchase intention. An increases in SPI and paprika increased color acceptance. Regarding sensory analysis of the cooked food, SPI had a positive effect on texture while polidextrose and paprika negatively affected this parameter. Nevertheless, the ingredients used did not influence purchase intention of the cooked food. The ideal percentages of polidextrose, soy protein isolate, and paprika were 3.5, 8.0, and 1.5%, respectively.284767778(2000) Approved Methods, , AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISTS, 10 ed. 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