5 research outputs found

    The effect of growing locality on the nutritive value of maize silage hybrids with various FAO number

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.01.24-29Received 7. February 2014 ǀ Accepted 20. March 2014 ǀ Available online 8. April 2014We evaluated the effect of locality on nutritive value of maize silage with various FAO number. There were 8 maize silage hybrids (FAO 220, FAO 230, FAO 260, FAO 280, FAO 390, FAO 450, FAO 550) grown in two similar localities. All 16 groups were cut at milk-wax stage for whole plant silage and ensiled for 1 month in 4 dm3 glasses. Silages were sampled and analyzed for crude protein, NDF, ADL, Starch and IVDMD.  There were found significant differences (P<0.05) between localities within the type of hybrid in crude protein content of FAO 280, FAO 360, FAO 450, in ADL content of FAO 230, in NEL content of FAO 280, in DINAG  of FAO 230 and FAO 280. When compared all groups, IVDMD of the silage from FAO 450 grown in locality 2 has been found significantly higher (P<0.01) than all silages of locality 1, except FAO 550. Calculated content of NEL 7.24 MJ.kg-1 and value of DINAG 46.8 for FAO 450 were the highest in the experiment.Keywords: forage, maize silage, digestibility, earliness, net energy of lactatio

    Lifetime performance and longevity traits in Slovak Spotted dairy cows in dependence on feeding system

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-23 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.114-117The objective of this study was to analyse eight milk yield and longevity traits in dependence on feeding (grazing) system. Data of purebred Slovak Spotted dairy cows (35,812 heads) culled in the period between 2006 and 2019 were evaluated. Only herds those feeding (grazing) system was known were taken into account. Dairy cows were assigned to four groups: (1) heifers not grazed, cows not grazed (17,628 heads), (2) heifers grazed, cows not grazed (13,056 heads), (3) heifers not grazed, cows grazed (156 heads) and (4) heifers grazed, cows grazed (4,972 heads). The highest average 305-day milk yield (6,139.22 kg) and lifetime milk yield (18,606.78 kg) were found in animals of group (1). Contrariwise, longevity traits were found more favourable in animals of group (4). Their productive life was by 102.78 days longer and average parity was by 0.14 higher in comparison to group (1). The differences between groups were found significant.Keywords: milk yield, longevity, grazing, heifers, cows, Slovak Spotted cattleReferencesBujko, J. et al. (2020). Changes in production and reproduction traits in population of the Slovak spotted cattle. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 23(3), 161–166, https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.03.161-166.Čanji, V. et al. (2008). Effect of conformation traits on longevity of cows of Slovak simmental breed. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 83–90.Fuerst–Waltl, B. et al. (2019). Mountain pasturing of rearing stock reduces the culling rist as dairy cows. Animal, 13(1), 209–212, doi: 10.1017/S1751731118001465.Krogmeier, D. et al. (2015). The effect of alpine pasturing of heifers on the longevity and on different yield traits of cows in Simmental and Brown Swiss cattle. Züchtungskunde, 87(2), 107–119.Petrović, M. et al. (2009). The effect of systematic factors on milk yield in Simmental cows over complete lactations. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 25(1-2), 61–71, DOI: 10.2298/BAH0902061P.Ludovic-Toma, C. et al. (2017). Comparative study on production, reproduction and functional traits between Fleckvieh and Braunvieh cattle. Asian – Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 30(5), 666-671, doi: 10.5713/ajas.16.0588.SAS Institute Inc.: SAS/STAT ® 9.2User’s Guide, Second Edition, Cary, NC USA, 2009.Strapák, P. et al. (2008). Effect of selected factors on the lenght of productive life of cows. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 41(2), 77–82.Strapák, P. et al. (2010). Relation of the length of productive life and the body conformation traits in Slovak Simmental breed. Archives Animal Breeding, 53, 393–402. https://doi.org/10.5194/aab-53-393-201

    Vplyv pasenia na celoživotnú úžitkovosť a dlhovekosť dojníc holštajského a slovenského strakatého plemena

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    The objective of the study was to analyse longevity and lifetime performance traits in dependence on access to grazing (G). Data of Holstein and Slovak Spotted dairy cows (143,566 and 30,412 heads culled between 2006 and 2019) were included. Within each breed, three groups of cows were considered: (1) cows not grazed throughout their entire life, (2) cows seasonally grazed as heifers (in summer), (3) cows seasonally grazed throughout their entire life (in summer). Eight (four longevity and four lifetime milk performance) traits were analysed. General Linear Model with fixed factors: G, herd nested within G, culling year, and cow’s age at first calving as covariate was applied. Cows of group (1) had the highest 305-day milk yield: 8,005.0±7.1 kg (Holstein) and 5,985.3±13.0 kg (Slovak Spotted) and lifetime milk yield: 18,408.5±59.4 kg (Holstein) and 18,237.2±129.1 kg (Slovak Spotted). Holstein cows of group (1) had the highest length of productive life (882.4±2.5 days) and number of lactations (2.37±0.01). The highest length of productive life (1,298.0±16.4 days) and number of lactations (3.46±0.04) were found in Slovak Spotted cows of group (3). The best lifetime performance (regardless of breed) was expected in cows not grazed; whereas, the best longevity traits were expected in Slovak Spotted cows seasonally grazed throughout their lives. Surprisingly, in Holstein cows, the best longevity traits were found in animals that were not grazed. This suggests that the living conditions of housed Holstein cows did not negatively affect their longevity.Cieľom tejto práce bolo analyzovať dlhovekosť a celoživotnú úžitkovosť dojníc v závislosti od toho, či dojnice mali alebo nemali prístup k pastve. Využili sme záznamy o mliekovej úžitkovosti dojníc holštajnského a slovenského strakatého plemena (143 566 and 30 412 kráv zabitých v rokoch 2006 až 2019). V rámci plemena sme kravy rozdelili na tri skupiny: 1) kravy bez celoživotného prístupu k letnej pastve, 2) kravy v lete pasené ako jalovice, 3) kravy s celoživotným prístupom k letnej pastve. Analyzovali sme osem ukazovateľov dlhovekosti a celoživotnej úžitkovosti. Použili sme štatistický model s pevnými faktormi: prístup k pastve, stádo v rámci prístupu k pastve, rok vyradenia a vek kravy pri prvom otelení (sprievodná premenná). Dojnice zaradené do skupiny 1) dosiahli najvyššiu produkciu mlieka za normovanú laktáciu (305 dní): 8 005,0±7,1 kg (hojštajnské) a 5 985,3±13,0 kg (slovenské strakaté) a celoživotnú produkciu mlieka: 18 408,5±59,4 kg (holštajnské) a 18 237,2±129,1 kg (slovenské strakaté). Holštajnské dojnice skupiny 1) mali najdlhší produkčný život (882,4±2,5 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (2,37±0,01). Naopak, najdlhší produkčný život (1 298,0±16,4 dní) a najvyšší počet laktácií (3,46±0,04) mali slovenské strakaté dojnice zaradené do skupiny 3). Skutočnosť, že dojnice bez prístupu k pastve (obe plemená) mali najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov mliekovej úžitkovosti bola v súlade s očakávaním. Podobne boli v súlade s očakávaním najlepšie výsledky ukazovateľov dlhovekosti slovenských strakatých dojníc skupiny 3). Prekvapujúce bolo zistenie, že najlepšie ukazovatele dlhovekosti dosiahli holštajnské dojnice skupiny bez prístupu k pastve. To naznačuje, že životné podmienky ustajnených holštajnských dojníc neovplyvnili ich dlhovekosť negatívne

    The quality of farm-scale alfalfa silages

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    Received: 2015-11-03   |   Accepted: 2016-01-29   |   Available online: 2016-05-30dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2016.19.02.54-58The aim of the work was to determine the nutritive and fermentation quality of farm-scale alfalfa silages from West part of Slovakia, analyzed in 2014 on the Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. In alfalfa silages, we found the average dry mater content 372.66 g.kg-1, while 30 % of samples had lower dry mater content than 350 g.kg-1. Only 15 % of samples had higher content of crude protein than 200 g. We don't found content of ADF lower than 300 g.kg-1 of DM in any sample. In alfalfa silages was higher content of NDF than 37.5 % in 70 % of alfalfa silages. The lactic acid content was higher than 10 g of the original mater in all samples except one, ranged from 0.73 to 14.67 % on a dry matter basis. Average content of acetic acid was 29.82 g.kg-1 of DM. Undesirable butyric acid was found in 35 % of samples with average content 8.44 g.kg-1 of DM, with maximal content 108.25 g.kg-1 of DM.Keywords: alfalfa, silage, nutritive value, fermentation, qualityReferencesBaumont, R. (1996) Palatability and feeding behaviour in ruminants. A review. Annales de Zootechnie, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 385-400. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/animres:19960501Bíro, D. et al. (2010) Influence of bacterial-enzyme additive on fermentation process of faba bean, alfalfa and oat mixture silages. In Forage Conservation. Brno 17-19.3. 2010. Brno: Mendel University, pp. 145-147.Bíro, D. et al. (2014) Conservation and Adjustment of Feed. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture (in Slovak).Daniel, J. L. P. et al. (2013) Performance of dairy cows fed high levels of acetic acid or ethanol. Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 398-406.  doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2012-5451Doležal, P. et al. (2012) Feed Conservation. 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    Fatty acid composition of maize silages from different hybrids

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    Received: 2016-12-13 | Accepted: 2016-12-18 | Available online: 2017-12-31http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2017.20.04.95-98The aim of this research was to determine the fatty acid content in maize silages of different hybrids.  Grain hybrid with FAO number 420 and silage hybrid with stay-green maturation with FAO number 450 were evaluated. Maize hybrids were grown under the same agro-ecological conditions, and harvested on growing degree days 1277 (FAO 420) and 1297 (FAO 450).  Whole-plant maize was chopped to 10 mm by harvester with kernel processor and immediately ensiled in plastic barrels (volume 50 dm3). Maize matter was ensiled without silage additives. For fatty acids analyses samples of maize silages were taken after 8 week of ensiling. Content of fatty acids was quantified by gas chromatography. Examined maize of both hybrids had the highest linoleic acid content, followed by oleic acid and third highest content of palmitic acid. The results confirmed differences in fatty acid content in maize silages of different hybrids. In silages of grain hybrid was detected significantly higher content of palmitic acid and cis-11-eicosenoic acid and significantly lower content of oleic acid in compared with silage of silage hybrid. This ultimately resulted in a higher polyunsaturated fatty acids content (P < 0.05) in maize silage from grain hybrid and lower monounsaturated fatty acids content (P < 0.05) in maize silage from stay green hybrid. Keywords: fatty acid, maize, hybrid, silageReferences Alezones, J. et al. (2010) Caracterización del perfil de ácidos grasos en granos de híbridosde maíz blanco cultivados en Venezuela. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 397–404.Alves, S.P. et al. (2011) Effect of ensiling and silage additives on fatty acid composition of ryegrass and corn experimental silages. 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