987 research outputs found

    Comparisons between different techniques for measuring mass segregation

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    We examine the performance of four different methods which are used to measure mass segregation in star-forming regions: the radial variation of the mass function MMF\mathcal{M}_{\rm MF}; the minimum spanning tree-based ΛMSR\Lambda_{\rm MSR} method; the local surface density ΣLDR\Sigma_{\rm LDR} method; and the ΩGSR\Omega_{\rm GSR} technique, which isolates groups of stars and determines whether the most massive star in each group is more centrally concentrated than the average star. All four methods have been proposed in the literature as techniques for quantifying mass segregation, yet they routinely produce contradictory results as they do not all measure the same thing. We apply each method to synthetic star-forming regions to determine when and why they have shortcomings. When a star-forming region is smooth and centrally concentrated, all four methods correctly identify mass segregation when it is present. However, if the region is spatially substructured, the ΩGSR\Omega_{\rm GSR} method fails because it arbitrarily defines groups in the hierarchical distribution, and usually discards positional information for many of the most massive stars in the region. We also show that the ΛMSR\Lambda_{\rm MSR} and ΣLDR\Sigma_{\rm LDR} methods can sometimes produce apparently contradictory results, because they use different definitions of mass segregation. We conclude that only ΛMSR\Lambda_{\rm MSR} measures mass segregation in the classical sense (without the need for defining the centre of the region), although ΣLDR\Sigma_{\rm LDR} does place limits on the amount of previous dynamical evolution in a star-forming region

    Mass segregation in star clusters is not energy equipartition

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    Mass segregation in star clusters is often thought to indicate the onset of energy equipartition, where the most massive stars impart kinetic energy to the lower-mass stars and brown dwarfs/free floating planets. The predicted net result of this is that the centrally concentrated massive stars should have significantly lower velocities than fast-moving low-mass objects on the periphery of the cluster. We search for energy equipartition in initially spatially and kinematically substructured N-body simulations of star clusters with N = 1500 stars, evolved for 100 Myr. In clusters that show significant mass segregation we find no differences in the proper motions or radial velocities as a function of mass. The kinetic energies of all stars decrease as the clusters relax, but the kinetic energies of the most massive stars do not decrease faster than those of lower-mass stars. These results suggest that dynamical mass segregation -- which is observed in many star clusters -- is not a signature of energy equipartition from two-body relaxation

    Was Planet 9 captured in the Sun’s natal star-forming region?

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    The presence of an unseen ‘Planet 9’ on the outskirts of the Solar system has been invoked to explain the unexpected clustering of the orbits of several Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt Objects. We use N-body simulations to investigate the probability that Planet 9 was a free-floating planet (FFLOP) that was captured by the Sun in its birth star formation environment. We find that only 1–6 per cent of FFLOPs are ensnared by stars, even with the most optimal initial conditions for capture in star-forming regions (one FFLOP per star, and highly correlated stellar velocities to facilitate capture). Depending on the initial conditions of the star-forming regions, only 5–10 of 10 000 planets are captured on to orbits that lie within the constraints for Planet 9. When we apply an additional environmental constraint for Solar system formation – namely the injection of short-lived radioisotopes into the Sun’s protoplanetary disc from supernovae – we find the probability for the capture of Planet 9 to be almost zero

    Long-term treatment-related morbidity in differentiated thyroid cancer: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) occurs in relatively young patients and is associated with a good prognosis and long survival. The management of this disease involves thyroidectomy, radioiodine therapy, and long-term thyroid-stimulating hormone suppression therapy (THST). The long-term effects of the treatment and the interaction between subclinical hyperthyroidism and long-term hypoparathyroidism are poorly understood. This review sought to examine the available evidence. Methods: A PubMed search was carried out using the search terms “Thyroid Neoplasms” AND (“Thyroxine” OR “Hypocalcemia” OR “Thyrotropin”). Original English language articles published in the last 30 years studying the morbidity from thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) suppression and hypoparathyroidism following a surgery for DTC were retrieved and reviewed by 2 authors. Results: Of the 3,000 results, 66 papers including 4,517 patients were selected for the present study. Studies reported on a range of skeletal (included in 34 studies, 1,647 patients), cardiovascular (17 studies, 957 patients), psychological (10 studies, 663 patients), and other outcomes (10 studies, 1,348 patients). Nine of 26 studies on patients who underwent THST showed a reduction in bone density, and 13 of 23 studies showed an increase in bone turnover markers. Skeletal effects were more marked in postmenopausal women. There was no evidence of increased fracture risk, and only little data were available on hypoparathyroidism. Four of five studies showed an increased left ventricular mass index on echocardiography, and one study showed a higher prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF). There was little difference in basic physiological parameters and limited literature regarding symptoms or significant events. Six studies showed associations between long-term TSH suppression and impaired quality of life. Impaired glucose metabolism and prothrombotic states were also found in DTC patients. Conclusion: There is limited literature regarding long-term DTC treatment-related morbidity, particularly regarding the effects of long-term hypocalcemia. Most studies have focused on surrogate markers and not on clinical outcomes. A large prospective study on defined clinical outcomes would help characterize the morbidity of treatment and stimulate research on tailoring treatment strategies

    How do binary clusters form?

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    Approximately 10 per cent of star clusters are found in pairs, known as binary clusters. We propose a mechanism for binary cluster formation; we use N-body simulations to show that velocity substructure in a single (even fairly smooth) region can cause binary clusters to form. This process is highly stochastic and it is not obvious from a region's initial conditions whether a binary will form and, if it does, which stars will end up in which cluster. We find the probability that a region will divide is mainly determined by its virial ratio, and a virial ratio above 'equilibrium' is generally necessary for binary formation. We also find that the mass ratio of the two clusters is strongly influenced by the initial degree of spatial substructure in the region

    Hierarchical formation of Westerlund 1: a collapsing cluster with no primordial mass segregation?

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    We examine the level of substructure and mass segregation in the massive, young cluster Westerlund 1. We find that it is relatively smooth, with little or no mass segregation, but with the massive stars in regions of significantly higher than average surface density. While an expanding or bouncing-back scenario for the evolution of Westerlund 1 cannot be ruled out, we argue that the most natural model to explain these observations is one in which Westerlund 1 formed with no primordial mass segregation and at a similar or larger size than we now observe

    The early dynamical evolution of cool, clumpy star clusters

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    Observations and theory both suggest that star clusters form sub-virial (cool) with highly sub-structured distributions. We perform a large ensemble of N-body simulations of moderate-sized (N = 1000) cool, fractal clusters to investigate their early dynamical evolution. We find that cool, clumpy clusters dynamically mass segregate on a short timescale, that Trapezium-like massive higher-order multiples are commonly formed, and that massive stars are often ejected from clusters with velocities > 10 km s−1 (c.f. the average escape velocity of 2.5 km s−1 ). The properties of clusters also change rapidly on very short timescales. Young clusters may also undergo core collapse events, in which a dense core containing massive stars is hardened due to energy losses to a halo of lower-mass stars. Such events can blow young clusters apart with no need for gas expulsion. The warmer and less substructured a cluster is initially, the less extreme its evolution

    Roles of Fast-Cyclotron and Alfven-Cyclotron Waves for the Multi-Ion Solar Wind

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    Using linear Vlasov theory of plasma waves and quasi-linear theory of resonant wave-particle interaction, the dispersion relations and the electromagnetic field fluctuations of fast and Alfven waves are studied for a low-beta multi-ion plasma in the inner corona. Their probable roles in heating and accelerating the solar wind via Landau and cyclotron resonances are quantified. We assume that (1) low-frequency Alfven and fast waves have the same spectral shape and the same amplitude of power spectral density; (2) these waves eventually reach ion cyclotron frequencies due to a turbulence cascade; (3) kinetic wave-particle interaction powers the solar wind. The existence of alpha particles in a dominant proton/electron plasma can trigger linear mode conversion between oblique fast-whistler and hybrid alpha-proton cyclotron waves. The fast-cyclotron waves undergo both alpha and proton cyclotron resonances. The alpha cyclotron resonance in fast-cyclotron waves is much stronger than that in Alfven-cyclotron waves. For alpha cyclotron resonance, an oblique fast-cyclotron wave has a larger left-handed electric field fluctuation, a smaller wave number, a larger local wave amplitude, and a greater energization capability than a corresponding Alfven-cyclotron wave at the same wave propagation angle \theta, particularly at 8080^\circ < \theta < 9090^\circ. When Alfven-cyclotron or fast-cyclotron waves are present, alpha particles are the chief energy recipient. The transition of preferential energization from alpha particles to protons may be self-modulated by differential speed and temperature anisotropy of alpha particles via the self-consistently evolving wave-particle interaction. Therefore, fast-cyclotron waves as a result of linear mode coupling is a potentially important mechanism for preferential energization of minor ions in the main acceleration region of the solar wind.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    MemProtMD: Automated Insertion of Membrane Protein Structures into Explicit Lipid Membranes

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    SummaryThere has been exponential growth in the number of membrane protein structures determined. Nevertheless, these structures are usually resolved in the absence of their lipid environment. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulations enable insertion of membrane proteins into explicit models of lipid bilayers. We have automated the CGMD methodology, enabling membrane protein structures to be identified upon their release into the PDB and embedded into a membrane. The simulations are analyzed for protein-lipid interactions, identifying lipid binding sites, and revealing local bilayer deformations plus molecular access pathways within the membrane. The coarse-grained models of membrane protein/bilayer complexes are transformed to atomistic resolution for further analysis and simulation. Using this automated simulation pipeline, we have analyzed a number of recently determined membrane protein structures to predict their locations within a membrane, their lipid/protein interactions, and the functional implications of an enhanced understanding of the local membrane environment of each protein

    Particle creation, classicality and related issues in quantum field theory: II. Examples from field theory

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    We adopt the general formalism, which was developed in Paper I (arXiv:0708.1233) to analyze the evolution of a quantized time-dependent oscillator, to address several questions in the context of quantum field theory in time dependent external backgrounds. In particular, we study the question of emergence of classicality in terms of the phase space evolution and its relation to particle production, and clarify some conceptual issues. We consider a quantized scalar field evolving in a constant electric field and in FRW spacetimes which illustrate the two extreme cases of late time adiabatic and highly non-adiabatic evolution. Using the time-dependent generalizations of various quantities like particle number density, effective Lagrangian etc. introduced in Paper I, we contrast the evolution in these two limits bringing out key differences between the Schwinger effect and evolution in the de Sitter background. Further, our examples suggest that the notion of classicality is multifaceted and any one single criterion may not have universal applicability. For example, the peaking of the phase space Wigner distribution on the classical trajectory \emph{alone} does not imply transition to classical behavior. An analysis of the behavior of the \emph{classicality parameter}, which was introduced in Paper I, leads to the conclusion that strong particle production is necessary for the quantum state to become highly correlated in phase space at late times.Comment: RevTeX 4; 27 pages; 18 figures; second of a series of two papers, the first being arXiv:0708.1233 [gr-qc]; high resolution figures available from the authors on reques