8,797 research outputs found

    Protection Against Hearing Loss in General Aviation Operations, Phase II

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    An inflight evaluation of four aural protectors is presented. The hearing protection devices studied were ear muffs, plastic ear plugs, rubber ear plugs, and wax ear plugs. It is concluded that ear plugs are satisfactory for providing adequate sound attenuation in general aviation aircraft. However, two problems were found in the use of ear plugs; comfort and interference with cabin communications

    A flight investigation of simulated data-link communications during single-pilot IFR flight. Volume 2: Flight evaluations

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    Key problems in single pilot instrument flight operations are in the management of flight data and the processing of cockpit information during conditions of heavy workload. A flight data console was developed to allow simulation of a digital data link to replace the current voice communications stem used in air traffic control. This is a human factors evaluation of a data link communications system to determine how such a system might reduce cockpit workload, improve flight proficiency, and be accepted by general aviation pilots. The need for a voice channel as backup to a digital link is examined. The evaluations cover both airport terminal area operations and full mission instrument flight. Results show that general aviation pilots operate well with a digital data link communications system. The findings indicate that a data link system for pilot/ATC communications, with a backup voice channel, is well accepted by general aviation pilots and is considered to be safer, more efficient, and result in less workload than the current voice system

    A review of the influence of physical condition parameters on a typical aerospace stress effect: Decompression sickness

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    The study examines data on episodes of decompression sickness, particularly from recent Navy work in which the event occurred under multiple stress conditions, to determine the extent to which decompression sickness might be predicted on the basis of personal characteristics such as age, weight, and physical condition. Such information should ultimately be useful for establishing medical selection criteria to screen individuals prior to participation inactivities involving extensive changes in ambient pressure, including those encountered in space operations. The main conclusions were as follows. There is a definite and positive relationship between increasing age and weight and the likelihood of decompression sickness. However, for predictive purposes, the relationship is low. To reduce the risk of bends, particularly for older individuals, strenuous exercise should be avoided immediately after ambient pressure changes. Temperatures should be kept at the low end of the comfort zone. For space activities, pressure changes of over 6-7 psi should be avoided. Prospective participants in future missions such as the Space Shuttle should not be excluded on the basis of age, certainly to age 60, if their general condition is reasonably good and they are not grossly obese. (Modified author abstract

    A flight investigation of simulated data-link communications during single-pilot IFR flight. Volume 1: Experimental design and initial test

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    A Flight Data Console simulation of a digital communication link to replace the current voice communication system used in air traffic control (ATC) was developed. The study determined how a digital communications system reduces cockpit workload, improve, flight proficiency, and is acceptable to general aviation pilots. It is shown that instrument flight, including approach and landing, can be accomplished by using a digital data link system for ATC communication

    Development of tests for measurement of primary perceptual-motor performance

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    Tests for measuring primary perceptual-motor performance for assessing space environment effects on human performanc

    System for improving measurement accuracy of transducer by measuring transducer temperature and resistance change using thermoelectric voltages

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    A constant current loop measuring system measures a property including the temperature of a sensor responsive to an external condition being measured. The measuring system includes thermocouple conductors connected to the sensor, sensing first and second induced voltages responsive to the external condition. In addition, the measuring system includes a current generator and reverser generating a constant current, and supplying the constant current to the thermocouple conductors in forward and reverse directions generating first and second measured voltages, and a determining unit receiving the first and second measured voltages from the current generator and reverser, and determining the temperature of the sensor responsive to the first and second measured voltages

    Development of an improved perceptual-motor performance measurement system

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    Test console for integrated human perceptual-motor performance battery measurement syste

    Scientific possibilities of a solar electric powered rendezvous with comet Encke

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    The minimum scientific spacecraft instrumentation is considered that is likely to result in as complete an understanding of the composition, structure, and activity of a cometary nucleus as is possible without landing on it. The payload will also give useful results on secondary goals of a better understanding of physical processes in the inner and outer coma. Studies of composition, by means of an actual landing on the surface, details of the internal structure of the nucleus, and sample return were considered beyond the scope of this mission
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