8,206 research outputs found

    Data adaptive kernal discriminant analysis using information complexity criterion and genetic algorithm

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    This dissertation proposes a new hybrid approach which is computationally effective and easy-to-use for selecting the best subset of predictor variables in discriminant analysis under the assumption that data sets do not follow the normal distribution. Our approach incorporates the information-theoretic measure of complexity (ICOMP) criterion with the genetic algorithm and kernel density estimators in discriminant analysis. This approach enables researchers to find both the optimal bandwidth matrix for the kernel density estimate and the best model from several competing models, which was a severe obstacle for researchers to apply kernel density estimate for discriminant analysis. The proposed approach is applied to four real data sets and compared with linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), and k-Nearest Neighbor Discriminant Analysis (k-NNDA). Based on our application, we can conclude that our proposed approach performs better than LDA and QDA and performs as well as k-NNDA with respect to classification error rates. With our approach we can do all-possible-subset selection of variables for high-dimensional data to determine the best predictors discriminating between the groups

    Life cycle of Peridinium bipes f. occulatum (Dinophyceae) isolated from Lake Kizaki.

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    Encystment and excystment in the life cycle of a dinoflagellate Peridinium bipes f. occulatum (Lindem.) Lef., which was isolated from Lake Kizaki, were investigated by use of a clonal population. Sexual reproduction was induced in P. bipes inoculating exponentially growing cells into N-free Carefoot's medium. The sexual life history of P. bipes resembles that reported for P. willei and P. cinctum in many respects: isogampus and homothallic gamete; the gametes resemble small, naked, vegetative cells ; lateral fusion with a long living planozygotic stage in which the zygotes enlarge and become warty ; hypnozygote with 3 walls (exsospore, mesospore and endospore); hypnozygote characterized by one or more large red oil droplets. However, the difference of P. bipes from P. cinctum and P. willei is that the post-zygotic cell of P. bipes divided into one cell with a red oil droplet and one without it. From the encystment experiment of P. bipes, very low encystment was observed below 10℃. The temperature range which permitted encystment was 15 to 25℃. Although cyst formation was observed even in continuous dark, the frequency of encystment increased with the light intensity. Under continuous dark conditions, no excystment was observed at any temperature from 5 to 25℃. The cysts illuminated at 105 μE/㎡/S excysted at the frequency of 81 % after 13 days incubation at 15℃, and lower light intensities led to decreases in germination frequency. Excystment frequency of this species depended on light intensity. The experiments described here demonstrate that light is a critical factor in the germination of P. bipes cysts, affecting excystment frequency.Article信州大学理学部紀要 27(2): 87-104(1993)departmental bulletin pape

    Array Pattern Based on Integrated Antenna

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    The number of required antenna elements is rapidly increasing, in compliance with the development of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and beamforming techniques in 5G technology. Integrated antenna, which is composed of multiple antenna elements, will be considered for next-generation technologies. Therefore, in this chapter, we provide the mathematical and practical explanation of the integrated antenna for the next-generation technologies. First, we introduce a mathematical expression of an antenna element based on spherical vector wave modes and explain channel models for the integrated antenna and the antenna array based on the integrated antenna. Second, we provide practical antennas designed as the integrated antenna and verify that the integrated antenna array can be implemented practically. Lastly, we evaluate the performance of the integrated antenna array compared to mono-polarization and dual-polarization dipole arrays


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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C25H31NO3, exists in a twin-chair conformation with an equatorial orientation of the 4-eth­oxy­phenyl groups, as observed for its ortho isomer [Parthiban, Ramkumar, Park & Jeong (2011b ▶), Acta Cryst. E67, o1475–o1476]. The methyl and 4-eth­oxy­phenyl groups are also equatorially oriented on the bicycle, as in the ortho analogue. In particular, although the cyclo­hexa­none ring deviates from an ideal chair, the piperidone ring is closer to an ideal chair, whereas in the ortho isomer both rings are significantly puckered and deviate from ideal chairs. The 4-eth­oxy­phenyl groups on both sides of the secondary amine group are oriented at an angle of 26.11 (3)° with respect to each other, but the 2-eth­oxy­phenyl groups in the ortho isomer are oriented by less than half this [12.41 (4)°]. In contrast to the absence of any significant inter­actions in the crystal packing of the ortho isomer, the title compound features N—H⋯O inter­actions, linking the mol­ecules along the b axis