284,574 research outputs found

    Desenvolupament d'un pany d'accionament frontal per una porta d'ascensor semiautomàtica

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    En aquest projecte, es realitza la viabilitat de la fabricació d’un pany d’accionament frontal per a instal·lar en una porta d’ascensor del model Semiautomàtica per un fabricant de portes d’ascensor. Per a la realització d’aquest estudi, s’ha tingut en compte el funcionament del pany d’accionament lateral ja existent. Alhora de dissenyar el nou producte, l’empresa requeria que el nou producte tingués el màxim nombre d’elements comuns que el pany d’accionament lateral, cosa que ens ha abaratit considerablement la fabricació del nou pany. A més a més dels diferents elements ja existents en l’empresa, també s’ha comparat el nou disseny que es vol fer amb altres panys fabricats per la competència directe amb aquesta empresa. Això ens ha servit per tindre clar les característiques que ha de tenir el disseny del nou pany. Evidentment, per tal d’assegurar la viabilitat del producte, s’han realitzat estudis de tensions per tal de verificar la durabilitat del nostre disseny. Per tal de poder fer això, primer s’han realitzat càlculs per tal de definir les forces a les que està sotmès el pany, i seguidament, s’ha realitzat un estudi de tensions pel mètode dels elements finits. Per tal de verificar la viabilitat de la fabricació del nou producte, també cal tindre en compte l’aspecte econòmic. Per això s’ha realitzat un estudi econòmic indicant els diferents costos de fabricació de cadascuna de les peces que formen el pany, juntament amb una inversió inicial que consistirà en la fabricació de diferents motlles i matrius per tal de poder fabricar el nostre producte. Cal tindre en compte que la fabricació del nou pany permetrà a l’empresa la possibilitat de poder abarcar més mercat, ja que hi ha moltes instal·lacions en les que les dimensions per instal·lar una porta d’ascensor són molt limitades, i el nou pany, degut a les seves dimensions de funcionament, permet instal·lar l’ascensor en dimensions molt limitades

    The ECB Monetary Policy and the Current Financial Crisis

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    Our paper presents estimates of Taylor type rules for the euro area using quarterly data for the period 2004(Q4) to 2008(Q3). Unlike other studies, we employ a real-time data set using the quarterly ECB staff projections on inflation and output growth. Estimated realtime rules are also compared with a more conventional specification whereby ex-post data are employed. Our results suggest that: (i) the ECB monetary policy strategy can be represented with a simple interest-rate rule; (ii) the ECB takes into account the quarterly ECB staff projections when deciding on its monetary policy stance; (iii) the accommodative behaviour of the ECB often cited in the literature is related to differences between real-time and ex-post data; and (iv) the estimated simple interest-rate rule continues to capture the ECB monetary policy strategy during the recent financial crisis. In light of the above, we can draw three important policy conclusions. First, the ECB has a stabilising role in the economy. Second, the ECB has become rather hawkish in its monetary policy decision making, responding more to projected changes in inflation than to projected changes in the output growth gap. Finally, the ECB’s response during the recent financial crisis of reducing its interest rate to 1.00% by the first half of 2009 and undertaking non-standard measures to provide support to the financial sector is shown to be equivalent to following a simple interest-rate rule based on its previous practices.Taylor type rules, ECB monetary policy, real-time data, financial crisis

    El forat del pany del món

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    El forat del pany del mó

    Vocabulary and reading comprehension : instructional effects

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    Bibliography: leaves 32-34Supported by the National Institute of Educatio

    Mortgage Debt, Social Customs,and Financial Innovation

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    Although housing can be a powerful channel of monetary policy transmission this channel can be weakened by social customs and financial liberalization as well as accompanying innovation that create alternatives to bank mortgages controlled by a central bank. This paper utilizes some unique questions in the 1999 and 2002 Cyprus Surveys of Consumer Finances, as well as data from the 1998 and 2001 US Surveys of Consumer Finances, in order to study the role of social customs (in the form of parental housing gifts) and financial liberalization for the incidence of homeownership rates, mortgage debt and borrowing constraints. Unlike existing studies of financially developed countries, the data from the Cyprus Surveys suggest that only a very small proportion of Cypriot households are credit constrained and that a number of important economic characteristics of the household are irrelevant for homeownership and for the use of mortgages. Our findings suggest that the presence of such customs may interfere with the monetary transmission mechanism by limiting the sensitivity of housing investment to changes in credit market conditions. Financial liberalization leading to innovation could work in the opposite direction if it leads to increased household participation in formal loans controlled by the central bank.Homeownership, social customs, financial liberalization, monetary policy

    A fixed-point action for the lattice Schwinger model

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    We determine non-perturbatively a fixed-point (FP) action for fermions in the two-dimensional U(1) gauge (Schwinger) model. Our parameterization for the fermionic action has terms within a 7×77\times 7 square on the lattice, using compact link variables. With the Wilson fermion action as starting point we determine the FP-action by iterating a block spin transformation (BST) with a blocking factor of 2 in the background of non-compact gauge field configurations sampled according to the (perfect) Gaussian measure. We simulate the model at various values of β\beta and find excellent improvement for the studied observables.Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX), 2 figures (EPS

    Short-Term Load Forecasting using PSO Based Local Linear Wavelet Neural Network

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    Short-term load forecasting (STLF) plays an important role in the operational planning security functions of an energy management system. The short term load forecasting is aimed at predicting electric loads for a period of minutes, hours, days or week for the purpose of providing fundamental load profiles to the system. The work presented in this paper makes use of PSO based local linear wavelet neural networks (LLWNN) to find the electric load for a given period, with a certain confidence level. The results of the new method show significant improvement in the load forecasting process


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    Mastering the ability to count to children allows can be reviewed at the extent to which the child is able to call and understand numbers, connect and sort numbers, and show, express, and tell the results of work in the form of simple calculations. Mastery of numeracy skills in children can be improved by many methods available, one of which is the method of storytelling. Storytelling activities are listening activities and listening to the contents of the story. The purpose of this study was aimed at finding out how much the increase in numeracy skills using the storytelling method. This research in its implementation uses quantitative methods with a quasi-experimental approach. This research is intended to provide information to educators about the use of storytelling methods in improving children's ability to improve cognitive intelligence when only counting to children. From the results of this study, it was obtained that the gain or the average value of the experimental class was 0.820 while the average gain value of the control class was 0.053, which means counting the experimental class children after the treatment of the storytelling method showed an increase compared to the control class which incidentally was not given treatment. Therefore this study is recommended for all early childhood educators that storytelling methods can improve children's ability to count.Penguasaan kemampuan berhitung pada anak memungkinkan dapat ditinjau pada sejauhmana anak mampu menyebut dan memahami bilangan, menghubungkan dan mengurutkan angka, serta menunjukkan, mengungkapkan, dan menceritakan hasil karya dalam bentuk perhitungan sederhana. Penguasaan kemampuan berhitung pada anak dapat ditingkatkan dengan banyak metode yang tersedia, salah satunya metode bercerita. Kegiatan bercerita adalah kegiatan mendengarkan serta menyimak isi cerita. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah ditujukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatkan kemampuan berhitung menggunakan metode bercerita. Penelitian ini dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan kuasi eksperimen.  Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pendidik tentang penggunaan metode bercerita dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan kognitif sa;ahsatunya berhitung pada anak. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa gain atau nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 0,820 sedangkan nilai gain rata-rata kelas kontrol yaitu 0,053 yang artinya berhitung anak kelas eksperimen setelah diberlakukan treatment metode bercerita lebih menunjukkan peningkatan dibandingkan kelas kontrol yang notabene tidak diberi treatment. Maka dari itu penelitian ini disarankan untuk semua pendidik anak usia dini bahwa metode bercerita dapat meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam berhitung