250 research outputs found


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    One of the targets for coal gasification in the near future is capturing 90% of the carbon with less than a 10% increase in cost of electricity. Aggressive goals like this will require innovative gasifier designs to reach the market place quickly, with less risk, and in an economically viable way. Researchers at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) are collaborating with industry, academia, and other national labs on multiphase computational models like the legacy code MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchange) which can help design, operate, and scale-up clean coal gasifiers to meet the challenges or a carbon constrained world. In fact, NETL has hosted a series of multiphase workshops which has produced a multiphase flow science technology roadmap to achieve the goal “that by 2015 multiphase science based computer simulations play a significant role in the design, operation, and troubleshooting of multiphase flow devices in fossil fuel processing plants”. In this study, we present our experience of porting MFIX, an open source multiphase computational fluid dynamic model, to a high performance computing platform and how the resulting high fidelity simulations are impacting the design of clean coal gasifiers of tomorrow. Inherent to these gasifiers is the various time and length scales which require very high spatial resolution, large number of iterations with small time-steps to resolve and predict the spatiotemporal variations in gas and solids volume fractions, velocities, temperatures with any associated phase change and chemical reactions. These requirements resulted in perhaps the largest known simulations of gas-solids reacting flows, providing detailed information about the gas-solids flow structure, pressure, temperature and species distribution in the gasifier. From a computational science perspective, we found that global communication has to be reduced to achieve scalability to 1000s of cores and hybrid parallelization can yield substantial improvement in time-to-solution when utilizing thousands of multi-core processors

    Process Modeling Phase I Summary Report for the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program

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    This report summarizes the results of preliminary work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to demonstrate application of computational fluid dynamics modeling to the scale-up of a Fluidized Bed Chemical Vapor Deposition (FBCVD) process for nuclear fuels coating. Specifically, this work, referred to as Modeling Scale-Up Phase I, was conducted between January 1, 2006 and March 31, 2006 in support of the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Program. The objective was to develop, demonstrate and "freeze" a version of ORNL's computational model of the TRI ISOtropic (TRISO) fuel-particle coating process that can be specifically used to assist coater scale-up activities as part of the production of AGR-2 fuel. The results in this report are intended to serve as input for making decisions about initiating additional FBCVD modeling work (referred to as Modeling Scale-Up Phase II) in support of AGR-2. The main computational tool used to implement the model is the general-purpose multiphase fluid-dynamics computer code known as MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges), which is documented in detail on the DOE-sponsored website http://www.mfix.org. Additional computational tools are also being developed by ORNL for post-processing MFIX output to efficiently summarize the important information generated by the coater simulations. The summarized information includes quantitative spatial and temporal measures (referred to as discriminating characteristics, or DCs) by which different coater designs and operating conditions can be compared and correlated with trends in product quality. The ORNL FBCVD modeling work is being conducted in conjunction with experimental coater studies at ORNL with natural uranium CO (NUCO) and surrogate fuel kernels. Data are also being obtained from ambient-temperature, spouted-bed characterization experiments at the University of Tennessee and theoretical studies of carbon and silicon carbide chemical vapor deposition kinetics at Iowa State University. Prior to the current scale-up activity, considerable effort has gone in to adapting the MFIX code to incorporate the unique features of fuel coating reactors and also in validating the resulting simulation features with experimental observations. Much of this work is documented in previous AGR reports and publications (Pannala et al., 2004, Pannala et al., 2005, Boyalakuntla et al., 2005a, Boyalakuntla et al., 2005b and Finney et al., 2005). As a result of the previous work described above, the ORNL coater model now has the capability for simulating full spatio-temporal details of the gas-particle hydrodynamics and gas-particle heat and mass transfer in the TRISO coater. This capability provides a great deal of information about many of the processes believed to control quality, but the model is not yet sufficiently developed to fully predict coating quality for any given coater design and/or set of operating conditions because the detailed chemical reaction kinetics needed to make the model fully predictive are not yet available. Nevertheless, the model at its current stage of development already provides the most comprehensive and detailed quantitative information available about gas flows, solid flows, temperatures, and species inside the coater during operation. This level of information ought to be highly useful in expediting the scale-up process (e.g., in correlating observations and minimizing the number of pilot-scale tests required). However, previous work had not yet demonstrated that the typical design and/or operating changes known to affect product quality at the lab scale could be clearly discriminated by the existing model. The Modeling Scale-Up Phase I work was initiated to produce such a demonstration, and two detailed examples are discussed in this report

    Common mental disorders among adult members of 'left-behind' international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka

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    BACKGROUND: Nearly one-in-ten Sri Lankans are employed abroad as International migrant workers (IMW). Very little is known about the mental health of adult members in families left-behind. This study aimed to explore the impact of economic migration on mental health (common mental disorders) of left-behind families in Sri Lanka. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey using multistage sampling was conducted in six districts (representing 62% of outbound IMW population) of Sri Lanka. Spouses and non-spouse caregivers (those providing substantial care for children) from families of economic migrants were recruited. Adult mental health was measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire. Demographic, socio-economic, migration-specific and health utilization information were gathered. RESULTS: A total of 410 IMW families were recruited (response rate: 95.1%). Both spouse and a non-spouse caregiver were recruited for 55 families with a total of 277 spouses and 188 caregivers included. Poor general health, current diagnosed illness and healthcare visit frequency was higher in the non-spouse caregiver group. Overall prevalence of common mental disorder (CMD; Depression, somatoform disorder, anxiety) was 20.7% (95%CI 16.9-24.3) with 14.4% (95%CI 10.3-18.6) among spouses and 29.8% (95%CI 23.2-36.4) among non-spouse caregivers. Prevalence of depression (25.5%; 95%CI 19.2-31.8) and somatoform disorder 11.7% (95%CI 7.0-16.3) was higher in non-spouse caregiver group. When adjusted for age and gender, non-returning IMW in family, primary education and low in-bound remittance frequency was associated with CMD for spouses while no education, poor general health and increased healthcare visits was significantly associated in the non-spouse caregiver group. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to explore specific mental health outcomes among adult left-behind family members of IMW through standardized diagnostic instruments in Sri Lanka and in South Asian region. Negative impact of economic migration is highlighted by the considerably high prevalence of CMD among adults in left-behind families. A policy framework that enables health protection whilst promoting migration for development remains a key challenge for labour-sending nations

    The Colombo Twin and Singleton Follow-up Study: a population based twin study of psychiatric disorders and metabolic syndrome in Sri Lanka

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    BACKGROUND: The disease burden related to mental disorders and metabolic syndrome is growing in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). The Colombo Twin and Singleton Study (COTASS) is a population-based sample of twins and singletons in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Here we present prevalence estimates for metabolic syndrome (metS) and mental disorders from a follow-up (COTASS-2) of the original study (COTASS-1), which was a mental health survey. METHODS: In COTASS-2, participants completed structured interviews, anthropometric measures and provided fasting blood and urine samples. Depressive disorder, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and hazardous alcohol use were ascertained with structured psychiatric screens (Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Generalised Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7), PTSD Checklist - Civilian Version (PCL-C), and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)). We defined metS according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria and the revised National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP ATP III) criteria. We estimated the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and metS and metS components, and associations with gender, education and age. RESULTS: Two thousand nine hundred thirty-four twins and 1035 singletons were followed up from COTASS-1 (83.4 and 61.8% participation rate, respectively). Prevalence estimates for depressive disorder (CIDI), depressive symptoms (BDI ≥ 16), anxiety symptoms (GAD-7 ≥ 10) and PTSD (PCL-C DSM criteria) were 3.8, 5.9, 3.6, and 4.5% respectively for twins and 3.9, 9.8, 5.1 and 5.4% for singletons. 28.1 and 30.9% of male twins and singletons respectively reported hazardous alcohol use. Approximately one third met the metS criteria (IDF: 27.4% twins, 44.6% singletons; NCEP ATP III: 30.6% twins, 48.6% singletons). The most prevalent components were central obesity (59.2% twins, 71.2% singletons) and raised fasting blood glucose or diabetes (38.2% twins, 56.7% singletons). CONCLUSION: MetS was highly prevalent in twins, and especially high in singletons, whereas the prevalence of mental disorders was low, but consistent with local estimates. The high levels of raised fasting plasma glucose and central obesity were particularly concerning, and warrant national diabetes prevention programmes

    Biliary and pancreatic lithotripsy devices

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    © 2018 Background and Aims: Lithotripsy is a procedure for fragmentation or destruction of stones to facilitate their removal or passage from the biliary or pancreatic ducts. Although most stones may be removed endoscopically using conventional techniques such as endoscopic sphincterotomy in combination with balloon or basket extraction, lithotripsy may be required for clearance of large, impacted, or irregularly shaped stones. Several modalities have been described, including intracorporeal techniques such as mechanical lithotripsy (ML), electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL), and laser lithotripsy, as well as extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Methods: In this document, we review devices and methods for biliary and pancreatic lithotripsy and the evidence regarding efficacy, safety, and financial considerations. Results: Although many difficult stones can be safely removed using ML, endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPBD) has emerged as an alternative that may lessen the need for ML and also reduce the rate of adverse events. EHL and laser lithotripsy are effective at ductal clearance when conventional techniques are unsuccessful, although they usually require direct visualization of the stone by the use of cholangiopancreatoscopy and are often limited to referral centers. ESWL is effective but often requires coordination with urologists and the placement of stents or drains with subsequent procedures for extracting stone fragments and, thus, may be associated with increased costs. Conclusions: Several lithotripsy techniques have been described that vary with respect to ease of use, generalizability, and cost. Overall, lithotripsy is a safe and effective treatment for difficult biliary and pancreatic duct stones

    Associations between socioeconomic factors and depression in Sri Lanka: The role of gene-environment interplay  

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    Background: Low socioeconomic status is a risk factor for depression. The nature and magnitude of associations can differ cross-culturally and is influenced by a range of contextual factors. We examined the aetiology of so-cioeconomic indicators and depression symptoms and investigated whether socioeconomic indicators moderate genetic and environmental influences on depression symptoms in a Sri Lankan population.Methods: Data were from a population-based sample of twins (N = 2934) and singletons (N = 1035) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Standard of living, educational attainment, and financial strain were used to index socioeconomic status. Depression symptoms were assessed using the Revised Beck Depression Inventory. Structural equation modelling explored genetic and environmental influences on socioeconomic indicators and depression symptoms and moderation of aetiological influences on depression symptoms by socioeconomic status.Results: Depression symptoms were associated with lower standard of living, lower educational attainment, and financial strain. Sex differences were evident in the aetiology of standard of living, with a small contribution of genetic influences in females. Educational attainment was moderately heritable in both males and females. Total variance in depression was greater among less socioeconomically advantaged individuals. Modest evidence of moderation of the aetiology of depression by standard of living and education was observed.Limitations: While the sample is representative of individuals living in Colombo District, it may not be repre-sentative of different regions of Sri Lanka.Conclusions: The aetiology of depression varies across socioeconomic contexts, suggesting a potential mechanism through which socioeconomic disadvantage increases the risk for depression in Sri Lanka. Findings have im-plications for cross-cultural investigations of the role of socioeconomic factors in depression and for identifying targets for social interventions

    Relationship between Neural Alteration and Perineural Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer Patients with Hyperglycemia

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    Background: Patients with higher levels of fasting serum glucose have higher death rates from pancreatic cancer compared to patients with lower levels of fasting serum glucose. However, the reasons have not been studied. The goal of the current study was to examine the neural alterations in pancreatic cancer patients with hyperglycemia and to identify the relationship between the neural alterations and perineural invasion. Methodology/Principal Findings: The clinical and pathological features of 61 formalin-fixed pancreatic cancer specimens and 10 normal pancreases as controls were analyzed. Furthermore, the expression of Protein Gene Product 9.5 (PGP9.5), Myelin P0 protein (MPP), NGF, TrkA, and p75 were examined by immunohistochemistry. The median number of nerves, the median area of neural tissue, and the median nerve diameter per 10 mm 2 were larger in the hyperglycemia group than those in the euglycemia group (p = 0.007, p = 0.009, and p = 0.004, respectively). The integrated optical density (IOD) of MPP staining was lower in the hyperglycemia group than those in the euglycemia group (p = 0.019), while the expression levels of NGF and p75 were higher in the hyperglycemia group than those in the euglycemia group (p = 0.002, and p = 0.026, respectively). The nerve bundle invasion of pancreatic cancer was more frequent in the hyperglycemia group than in the euglycemia group (p = 0.000). Conclusions/Significance: Nerve damage and regeneration occur simultaneously in the tumor microenvironment o
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