597 research outputs found

    Associated production of charged Higgs and top at LHC: the role of the complete electroweak supersymmetric contribution

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    The process of charged Higgs production in association with a top quark at the LHC has been calculated at the complete NLO electroweak level both in a Two Higgs Doublets Model and in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, assuming a mSUGRA breaking scheme. We have numerically explored the size of the one-loop corrections in two typical supersymmetric scenarios, with particular attention to the tan beta dependence, and we have found that they remain perturbatively small but possibly sizable, reaching a 20% limit for extreme values of tan beta, when the complete set of Feynman diagrams is taken into account.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, reference adde

    Supersymmetry spectroscopy in stop-chargino production at LHC

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    We consider the process of associated stop-chargino production in the MSSM at LHC and show that, at the simplest Born level, the production rate is dramatically sensitive to the choice of the benchmark points, oscillating from potentially "visible" maxima of the picobarn size to much smaller, hardly "visible", values. Adopting a canonical choice of SM type CKM matrices, we also show that in some "visible" cases the total rate exhibits a possibly relevant dependence on tan(beta).Comment: 23 pages, 18 eps figure

    Semi-inclusive bottom-Higgs production at LHC: The complete one-loop electroweak effect in the MSSM

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    We present the first complete calculation of the one-loop electroweak effect in the process of semi-inclusive bottom-Higgs production at LHC in the MSSM. The size of the electroweak contribution depends on the choice of the final produced neutral Higgs boson, and can be relevant, in some range of the input parameters. A comparison of the one-loop results obtained in two different renormalization schemes is also performed, showing a very good NLO scheme independence. We further comment on two possible, simpler, approximations of the full NLO result, and on their reliabilty

    New records of plants fed upon by the uncommon Heteropterans Cyrtocoris egeris Packauskas & Schaefer and C. trigonus (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cyrtocoridae) in South America.

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    During March 2000, nymphs and adults of the cyrtocorid bugs Cyrtocoris egeris Packauskas & Schaefer and C. trigonus (Germar) were observed on two different plants at two different localities. In Brazil (Londrina, Paraná State) adult C. trigonus were found feeding on stems of the weed plant arrow leaf sida, Sida rhombifolia L. (Malvaceae). Despite egg deposition in the laboratory, nymphs did not develop on this plant. In Argentina (Reconquista, Santa Fé Province), nymphs and adults of C. egeris were observed feeding on immature soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] pods. Under laboratory conditions, nymphs of neither species could be reared beyond the third instar

    Application of multivariate methods to evaluate fatty acids in soybean cultivars.

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    Increased consumption of soyfoods and the world's health problems related to high cholesterol levels, justify surveys to assess levels of fatty acids in soybean grains. Soybean presents high concentration of essential unsaturated acids (oleic, linoleic, and linolenic). In this work, contents of protein, oil and the fatty acids, palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oleic acid (18:1?9c), linoleic acid (18:2?9c,12c) and ?-linolenic acid (18:3?9c,12c,15c) were determined in seeds of 235 Brazilian soybean cultivars, which were analysed and classified as high, medium, low and very low content of fatty acid. All these variables were standardized to an average equal to zero and variance equal to one. For this study, it was use, 50 cultivars with high content of fatty acids. To evaluate the seven responses variables, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method was applied and a linear combination that measures total variation of the variables, Cluster Analysis (CA), biplot graphic, and communality, were considered. Based on a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), biplot method permits to present in the same graph, response variables and treatments, indicating the contribution of both according to its components. The exploratory analysis do not indicated a normal distribution for the oleic acid and linoleic acid. It was observed a strong negative correlation (-0.95) between oleic and linoleic acids. A negative correlation (-0.48) between protein and oil contents were also observed. Negative correlations among these compounds are common in soybean. The remaining correlations ranged from 0.01 to 0.29. By cluster analysis with the method of k-means, Euclidean distance and complete linkage, allowed the cut off level for the five linkage distance in the dendrogram (Fig. 1). The highest variability was found for protein (SD = 1.15) and for linoleic acid (SD = 1.10). In the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was considered the first three eigenvalues greater than and equal to 1.0, which totalize 71.53% of the explained variance (PCA1 = 29.06, PCA2 = 23.76 and PCA3 = 18.71%). The highest average communality for these first three components were 0.99 for the oleic acid and 0.91 for the linoleic acid. It was observed that the response variables that most contributed to this study were the contents of protein, oleic acid and linoleic acid. Cultivars that responded for protein were 1 – MSBRS 169, 22- Campos Gerais , 30-IAC 1, 13-CEP 26, 26-FT Líder. For fatty acids the cultivars were 1-MS BRS 169, 2-FT Sarayba, 3-FT Guaira, 4-Ocepar 6, 5-FT Cometa, 6- Ocepar 13 and 7-BR 38. The fatty acids with low contribution were: palmitic acid and linolenic acid (Fig. 2). By using multivariate methods associated with the biplot, it was possible to indicate cultivars with higher levels of protein, oil and fatty acids

    Reação de progênies de soja, em 2013, para cancro da haste e podridão radicular de fitóftora.

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    Biplot method for evaluation of saponins in soybean cultivars.

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    In agricultural research many variables can be study to meet the demands. A way of reducing the size of the data matrix is to use different multivariate methods. Although it is a complex method for results interpretation, usually graphics facilitate visualization of the phenomenon under study. In this work the measured variables were chemical compounds found in soybeans called steroidal glycosides which are divided in five groups: saponins I, II, III, IV and V. Seeds of 233 soybean cultivars were analyzed and classified into high, medium, low and very low level of saponins. For this study, 50 of the analysed cultivars with medium level of saponins, were used. To evaluate the five compound groups, principal component analysis (PCA) method was applied, and a linear combination that measures total variation of the variables, cluster analysis and biplot graphic, were considered. Based on singular value decomposition, biplot method permits to present in the same graph, response variables and treatments, indicating the contribution of both according to its components. The exploratory analysis indicated a normal distribution only for saponins I and II. A strong negative correlation between saponins I and V (-0.70) and a negative correlation between saponins II and V (-0.60), were observed. The remaining correlations ranged from 0.40 to -0.51. The dendogram based on the method of complete linkage allowed grouping into few groups. The highest variability was found in the saponin I (SD = 0.19) and saponins V (SD = 0.15). The first three components explained 89.6% of the total variance. The saponin I was the most representative in the first two components (Fig 1). Results obtained by PCA (Fig. 2) showed that the cultivars located in the first quadrant are those with high content of saponins, showing that this method is effective to select materials. The highest values of saponin I are located in the first quadrant and are more distant from the origin. When the objective is to find cultivars with high content of saponins, cultivars União, MGBR56, Ocepar 10 in the first quadrant, and Embrapa 58, FT2, Dourados in the second quadrant, are the major contributions compared to the other cultivars. The minor contributions of saponins are indicated by small arrows. The highest correlations occurred when the arrows were closer. By using multivariate methods associated with the biplot, it was possible to indicate cultivars with high levels of saponins

    Fenologia de cultivares de soja para uso como hortaliça.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel