6 research outputs found

    Strategies of Increasing Local Taxes in the North Central Timor District

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    This research was conducted to determine the strategy for increasing local taxes implemented by the Regional Revenue Agency of Timor Tengah Utara Regency. The results of this research show that the regional taxes of North Central Timor Regency have not been running optimally because of the 9 (nine) types of taxes not all of them have contributed to the Regional Original Income. A strategy for increasing local taxes through intensification and extensification is needed. Intensification includes 1) aspects of institutional arrangement, 2) aspects of management which include processing regional tax data, determining regional tax data as well as collecting and collecting local taxes. 3) personnel aspects. while the extensification aspect is related to data collection and verification as well as socialization of local taxes. Furthermore, the ratio of the contribution of local taxes to the regional revenue of North Central Timor Regency is still insufficient, the local taxes that contribute the most to local revenue are street lighting taxes while the least contributed taxes are groundwater taxes. In the implementation of regional taxes, there are several supporting factors in the form of the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, adequate budget and cooperation with State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), while the inhibiting factor is the low awareness of taxpayers, unscrupulous officials. dishonest and not yet integrated local tax information system with regional income

    The Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Police Service Model at the Border of Indonesia and Timor Leste

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    The purpose of this study is to show the concept of effective and efficient services for the police service function at the border between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Timor Leste. This study uses a mixed research method (mix method). The data obtained quantitatively are then described qualitatively. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin equation, as many as 100 respondents, while the composition of the sample was obtained through the strata field sampling technique. Quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire, analyzed using the community satisfaction index approach and then tested statistically with t test paired sample t test, while the effectiveness and efficiency of services were analyzed descriptively. The results of hypothesis testing with the t test show that the working hypothesis is accepted, that is, there are significant differences when using the combined service model (online) and the standard service model (conventional). The significant difference is also shown by the increase in the community satisfaction index when using the online service model by 66.32% compared to using the conventional service model of 60.52%. The results of the discussion conclude that the online service model is feasible because it can increase the quality of police services effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Border, Challenge effectiveness, Efficiency, Police, Service DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-11 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Policy Implementation Of Stunting Prevention In Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency

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    Kupang Regency is still one of the 3 regencies in the Province of NTT with a stunting rate of 24.14 percent or 7,207 children experiencing stunting based on data for the February 2022 weighing month and one of the locations for stunting 'pockets' in Kupang Regency so that the target for reducing the prevalence of stunting in Kupang Regency In 2022 the required 16.19 percent has not been fulfilled. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the implementation of stunting prevention policies in Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using primary and secondary data sources collected through qualitative observation, qualitative interviews, qualitative documents and qualitative audio and visual materials. then the data that has been collected is analyzed using the data analysis steps proposed by Creswell (2016: 264-268). The results of the study show that (1) the level of technical difficulty is that there is still sectoral ego and coordination that is not going well, the behavior of the target group has not complied with the policy and the proportion of the target group is relatively small to the total population. (2) The contents of the policy are clear but the implementation is bad (bad execution) and the allocation of resources is minimal. (3) environmental variables from the implementation of policies that are constrained by social, economic and technological conditions but have the support of higher officials but are not supported at the lowest level of policy

    Impact Analysis of Marine Affairs Decentralization Policy on Fishermen's Socio-Economic Conditions in Alor Regency

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    This study explains the impact of the demolition design on Alor fishermen's socio-economic conditions. This research was done in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. This study focuses on the transition in managing government affairs in the budget sector from the District Government to the Provincial Government. The author uses Wolman's opinion in Faquet regarding repeal in the distribution of government affairs as an analytical tool. This theory classifies government affairs into two aspects: efficiency and governance management. This study is a qualitative study involving interviews, documentation, and observation. Miles and Huberman's data analysis approaches were employed to validate study outcomes. Based on economies of scale, the study reveals that the demolition design has no impact on the socio-economic conditions of Alor fishermen. Based on externalities (both positive and negative), the study shows that more negative impacts arise from the arrival of people outside the district (migrant fishermen) in terms of fishing because they dominate more in terms of supervision. In contrast, immigrant fishermen are less controlled and supervised strictly. Other dominance covers the market and areas in Alor Regency. The analysis shows that the provincial government has above-average economic (potential) and administrative capabilities for management quality. Human resources, infrastructure, and budget are still issues. The analysis shows that the provincial government has above-average economic (potential) and administrative capabilities for management quality. Human resources, infrastructure, and budget are still issues. Fortunately, the provincial government is still helped by the partnership syste

    Youth Citizenship: Connected and Unconnected in Public Issues

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    This study is about youth citizenship in the management of public issues. The study based on considerations related to the demographic situation of the population in Indonesia, which is actually dominated by young people. Especially for this study, young people will be placed in two important areas. First, the citizenship of young people and secondly the citizenship of young people who grow up in the context of a region (city) that is economically growing in a moderate range (Kupang City) and a small town (Bajawa City). The main issue raised in this article is how are the conditions and citizenship of young people growing and developing in response to the public issues around them? The method used in this study is a qualitative method based on in-depth interviews, case studies and discussions involving young people ranging in age from 15-25 years. The results of research in these two areas show a tendency for the involvement of young people in public affairs. First, young people in both regions have the ability to define public issues that they consider important. Second, the tendency to use digital media as a forum for organizing and social movements. Digital media allows children's movements which tend to be small, limited. Third, autonomous movement. This independence is especially strongly influenced by their desire not to be interfered with by other groups. Fourth, diametric relations with the government. Even though their efforts are often considered important by the government, they tend to keep their distance from the government

    Manajemen Sumber Daya Terhadap Mutu Pelayanan Neonatus Di Puskesmas PONED Oesao Kupang

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    Terdapat 9 kasus kematian neonatus di tahun 2015 di Puskesmas Oesao.Ditinjau dari aspek sumber daya manusia, aspek  peralatan, aspek obataspek bangunan, aspek SOP belum memenuhi syarat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh manajemen sumber daya secara parsial dan simultan terhadap mutu pelayanan neonatus.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahObservasional Analitik desain cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Oesao Oesao Kabupaten Kupang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang memiliki neonatus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Oesao dari bulan Januari sampai September 2015 sebanyak 396 orang ibu, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling acak sederhana dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 67 ibu yang memiliki neonatus. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa aspek SDM, spek peralatan, aspek obat, aspek bangunan, aspek SOP dan mutu pelayanan neonatus termasuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil Analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial ada pengaruh antara aspek SDM (p value = 0,004), aspek obat(p value = 0,004) terhadap mutu pelayanan neonatus. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan ada pengaruh antara Aspek SDM (p value = 0,004) dan aspek obat (p value = 0,004) terhadap mutu pelayanan neonatus. Public Health Center Oesao was considered under perform in term of aspect of human resources, aspects of equipment, aspects of medicine, aspects of the building, and on procedural aspects. At same time, there were 9 cases of neonatal deaths in 2015. This study aimed to analyze the influence of resource management partially and simultaneously on the quality of neonatal care. This type of research used in this study was observational analytical cross-sectional design. The population in this study are all mothers who had newborns in PHC Oesao from January to September 2015 as many as 396 people a mother, a technique of sampling using simple random sampling and samples are 67 mothers with newborns. Results of univariate analysis showed that the human resources aspect, spec equipment, medicine aspects, aspects of the building, the quality aspects of the draft SOP neonatal care included in both categories. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that partial no influence between aspects of HR (p=0.004), Aspects of Medicines (p=0.004) on the quality of Neonatal Care. Multivariate analysis showed that simultaneously there is influence between the human resources aspect (p=0.004) and Aspects of Medicine (p=0.004) on the Quality Neonatal Services. It was recommendet to further enhance regular supervision to improve the quality, quantity, resource management and quality neonatal care