3,419 research outputs found

    Identificação de variantes somaclonais em bananeiras 'Prata Anã', utilizando técnicas moleculares e citogenéticas.

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    Variação somaclonal é uma variação fenotípica de origem genética, ou seja, uma variação cromossômica que se torna herdável nas gerações seguintes, ou epigenética, que é uma variação transitória devido ao estresse fisiológico que o material sofre, quando submetido ao cultivo in vitro. Um problema específico envolvendo a variação somaclonal em bananeiras 'Prata Anã' foi observado em Andradas, Minas Gerais, em plantas oriundas de micropropagação. A maior dificuldade na separação dos indivíduos normais e variantes é que os caracteres morfológicos, que são inerentes a este tipo de variação, só se tornam evidentes quando a planta está adulta, o que impossibilita a eliminação dos indivíduos variantes ainda em viveiro. Com o objetivo de identificar, ainda em viveiro aqueles indivíduos variantes somaclonais, técnicas moleculares (RAPD e SSR) e citogenéticas (contagem cromossômica e citometria de fluxo) foram utilizadas. Cento e três primers RAPD, 11 combinações de dois primers RAPD, e 33 pares de primers SSR foram utilizados na tentativa de se encontrar marcadores polimórficos capazes de distinguir os indivíduos normais dos variantes, além de distinguir bananeiras 'Prata Anã' de 'Prata'. O primer OPW-08 gerou um fragmento polimórfico que distinguiu uma planta variante de todas as demais, provando que a variação não ocorre de maneira uniforme no genoma dos indivíduos variantes e que não há um retorno à cultivar Prata. As análises com marcadores SSR e a contagem cromossômica não possibilitaram a distinção dos indivíduos variantes, nem a separação das cultivares Prata e Prata Anã. As análises de citometria de fluxo evidenciaram a grande instabilidade cromossômica das bananeiras, porém elas não foram eficientes na identificação de variantes somaclonais

    Common snook fed in alternate and continuous regimens with diet supplemented with Bacillus subtilis probiotic.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the addition of Bacillus subtilis probiotic to the feed of common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) fingerlings, in alternate and continuous regimens. Six hundred and sixty fish, with verage length of 5.90±0.88 cm and weight of 1.92±0.28g, were stocked in 12 cages of 1.0 m 3 , with 55 fish each. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments and four replicates. The treatments consisted of diet with the addition of probiotic, provided in alternate regimen for 7 days and in continuous regimen; besides a control without probiotic in the feed. Zootechnical performance, body composition, immune response, and blood parameters were evaluated. No significant differences were observed in zootechnical performance indexes and in body composition of fish treated with probiotic, when compared to the control. Fish from the alternate regimen showed an increment in respiratory burst and a lower total erythrocyte count than fish from the continuous regimen and the control. Fish from the continuous regimen did not differ from those of the control. The addition of Bacillus subtilis does not increase growth rates of common snook fingerlings; however, it has an immunostimulant action when supplied in alternate regimen.Título em português: Robalo?flecha alimentado em regimes alternado e contínuo com dieta suplementada com o probiótico Bacillus subtilis

    Modulation of charge-density waves by superlattice structures

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    We discuss the interplay between electronic correlations and an underlying superlattice structure in determining the period of charge density waves (CDW's), by considering a one-dimensional Hubbard model with a repeated (non-random) pattern of repulsive (U>0) and free (U=0) sites. Density matrix renormalization group diagonalization of finite systems (up to 120 sites) is used to calculate the charge-density correlation function and structure factor in the ground state. The modulation period can still be predicted through effective Fermi wavevectors, k_F*, and densities, and we have found that it is much more sensitive to electron (or hole) doping, both because of the narrow range of densities needed to go from q*=0 to \pi, but also due to sharp 2k_F*-4k_F* transitions; these features render CDW's more versatile for actual applications in heterostructures than in homogeneous systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys Rev

    Electron Beam Adjustment in PLATO RTS 2 Including the Effect of Air Gaps

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    Background and Purpose: Beam characterization for electron dose calculations in PLATO RTS 2 treatment planning system requires the tuning of two adjustment parameters: sqx (the initial angular spread) and FMCS (a "fudge" multiple Coulomb scattering parameter). This work provides a set of suggestions to optimise electron dose calculations with PLATO, taking into account the effect of air gaps between the electron applicator and the patient skin. Material and Methods: Two adjustment criteria have been followed: one which uses just one input data set corresponding to the standard (null) air gap and another one that takes into account the whole range of clinically used distances between the electron applicator and the patient surface. The adjusted values of sqx were compared with experimental data and GEANT3 Monte Carlo code results. A systematic study has been carried out of the effect of both adjustment parameters on electron dose calculations in water. Comparisons of dose distributions and point dose values have been done between PLATO RTS2, GEANT3 Monte Carlo code and experimental data. Also the dependence on field size has been assessed. The values of sqx for the different electron energies obtained through the different approaches are discussed. Results and conclusions: The first adjustment criteria yield unrealistic dose distributions whenever the air gap is different from the standard one. A sqx balanced with a proper FMCS parameter leads to reasonably good dose distributions and point dose values that agree with experimental results within less than 1%

    Building with sugar and corn

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    Two alternative and highly sustainable building techniques are presented and described. The techniques are sugar reinforcement of earth based material and corncob based thermal isolation material. Some experimental results highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these two proposed techniques whose study is still beginning. The water resistance of earth based materials may be increased by adding a certain amount of sugar. On the other hand, corn cob material may have a similar thermal behavior as the common thermal insulation materials currently used in the building industry

    Identificação e resistência a antibióticos de gêneros bacterianos presentes em surubins criados em tanques-rede.

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    O surubim é uma espécie apreciada pelo mercado consumidor, entretanto, seu cultivo intensivo em tanques-rede pode trazer problemas de sanidade devido ao estresse dos peixes, caso não sejam utilizadas boas práticas de manejo. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se identificar e verificar a resistência aos antibióticos de gêneros bacterianos isolados de Pseudoplatystoma sp. criados em tanques-rede de baixo volume

    Overview of resistant hypertension: A glimpse of the cardiologist's current standpoint

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    Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, resulting in increased incidence of cerebrovascular events, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, and renal impairment. Thus, it is one of the most important preventable causes of premature morbidity and mortality. Despite current knowledge on the management of hypertension and the availability of several effective antihypertensive medications, uncontrolled hypertension remains a common and challenging clinical problem. Resistant hypertension is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors and overlapping comorbidities. Although there is limited hard evidence regarding resistant hypertension, our understanding of this condition has improved recently. This article will present an overview of resistant hypertension and highlight recent publications about this topic

    Virtual Meson Cloud of the Nucleon and Intrinsic Strangeness and Charm

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    We have applied the Meson Cloud Model (MCM) to calculate the charm and strange antiquark distribution in the nucleon. The resulting distribution, in the case of charm, is very similar to the intrinsic charm momentum distribution in the nucleon. This seems to corroborate the hypothesis that the intrinsic charm is in the cloud and, at the same time, explains why other calculations with the MCM involving strange quark distributions fail in reproducing the low x region data. From the intrinsic strange distribution in the nucleon we have extracted the strangeness radius of the nucleon, which is in agreement with other meson cloud calculations.Comment: 9 pages RevTex, 4 figure