284 research outputs found

    Le rôle international du Québec : possibilités et contraintes

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    À propos de la (re)découverte de l’Évangile de Judas  

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    L’Évangile de Judas, bien loin de présenter Judas comme le disciple fidèle à qui Jésus demande de le libérer de son enveloppe charnelle et comme le modèle du parfait chrétien, fait de l’Iscariote celui qui préside à une interprétation sacrificielle de la crucifixion. Cette interprétation sacrificielle et toutes ses applications (eucharistie, vie chrétienne, martyre), sont perçues par l’Évangile de Judas comme une continuation du culte juif, voué à un dieu inférieur, qui n’est pas le Père de Jésus. Judas est donc démonisé, soumis à la fatalité astrale et assimilé aux archontes dont il est le serviteur. Il est certes appelé à régner, mais son gouvernement ne s’exercera que dans les limites du monde matériel, sur ceux-là mêmes qui le maudiront.Far from presenting Judas as the perfect Christian, the faithful disciple whose assistance Jesus seeks in liberating himself from his material body, the Gospel of Judas actually turns Judas into the leading figure in a sacrificial interpretation of the crucifixion. This sacrificial interpretation, and the various ways in which it is manifested in Christian behaviour (eucharist, Christian life seen as an ongoing sacrifice, martyrdom) is presented in the Gospel of Judas as a continuation of Jewish cultic practice, and as being devoted to an inferior god, who is not the Father of Jesus. Judas is thus (literally !) demonized, put under the power of astral determinism and assimilated to the archons whom he serves. In the gospel that bears his name, Judas is indeed called to reign over others, but his power does not extend beyond the limits of the material world, and those over whom he rules will curse him

    Building Trust and Communication: Overcoming Barriers to Political Incorporation Among Hartford’s Hispanic Immigrant and Migrant Population

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    How are Hartford’s Hispanic immigrants and migrants participating politically? What inhibits or promotes their political incorporation? Close to half of Hartford’s total population identifies as Hispanic, with a portion of those individuals being immigrants or migrants to the city. As a community with a significant presence in Hartford, the political incorporation of Hispanic immigrants and migrants is necessary to ensure the adequate representation of all Hartford residents. This thesis investigates the extent of institutional support for Hispanic immigrant and migrant political incorporation in Hartford. Following an analysis of Hispanic political incorporation in Hartford’s history, the project involved two phases. Phase one employed interviews to evaluate the perceptions of civic and government institutions, while phase two surveyed Hispanic immigrants and migrants about reported barriers to engagement. Responses from Hispanic residents and Hartford leaders find that financial strain and scarce methods of communication negatively impact Hispanic immigrant and migrant political incorporation. The Hispanic community additionally identified significant distrust and a lack of confidence in civic institutional efforts to mobilize and advocate for their community as further obstacles to political incorporation. A final barrier acknowledged by the Hispanic community specifies the confusion on political topics and how to participate politically. The concluding chapter of this thesis outlines policy recommendations to address the acknowledged barriers and improve access to political engagement opportunities

    La nordicité : nouveau mythe canado-québécois de politique étrangère

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    Identité chrétienne et pureté rituelle dans l’Apocalypse de Jean de Patmos : l’emploi du terme koinon en Ap 21,27

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    Dans la langue grecque du judaïsme palestinien du Ier siècle, le terme koinon désigne l’impureté rituelle. Son emploi positif comme critère d’exclusion de la nouvelle Jérusalem en Ap 21,27 tranche avec tous les autres passages du Nouveau Testament qui rejettent la notion de pureté rituelle et les règles qui en découlent. Le but de cet article est d’attirer l’attention sur cet aspect de l’Apocalypse qui n’a pas retenu l’attention des commentateurs jusqu’à présent et qui est à verser au dossier des traits « juifs » de l’oeuvre de Jean de Patmos.In the Greek language of the 1st century Palestinian Judaism, the term koinon indicates ritual impurity. Its use as a criterion of exclusion from the new Jerusalem in Rev. 21,27 stands against all the passages of the New Testament rejecting the very notion of ritual purity and the rules deriving from it. The goal of this article is to draw the attention to this aspect of the Book of Revelation which has been overlooked until now and which should be added to the Jewish side of the work of John of Patmos

    Le Deuxième Traité du Grand Seth (NH VII, 2)

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    PEARSON, Birger A., Gnosticism, Judaism and Early Christianity

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    Immigration Enforcement in the Age of Trump: Local Government Responses to Federal Immigration Rhetoric and Policy Change

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    This thesis explores how local governments, and specifically police departments are responding to the federal immigration rhetoric and policy changes. Previous literature argues that the national government’s role in immigration will strongly shape how local governments respond and how they will change their policies. In the first section, this thesis examines sanctuary cities across the United States and uses a specific data set of sanctuary cities to determine their status and their changes under the new administration. I find that despite the constant change on the national level and the anti-immigrant rhetoric, localities around the United States are pursuing accommodating practices as well as restrictive practices, illustrating a deviation from previous literature. I continue my analysis with a case study in Connecticut and New Hampshire, to discover how practices in police departments may differ in states that have significantly different policies toward immigration and accommodation. Overall, I find that despite the differences in both Connecticut and New Hampshire, police departments on the local level are not experiencing formal changes in their departments despite the significant changes that have developed on the national level. This also demonstrates a divergence from previous literature that maintains that the national government’s changes will have a significant effect on local policymaking
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