78 research outputs found

    Will present day glacier retreat increase volcanic activity? Stress induced by recent glacier retreat and its effect on magmatism at the Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland

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    Global warming causes retreat of ice caps and ice sheets. Can melting glaciers trigger increased volcanic activity? Since 1890 the largest ice cap of Iceland, Vatnajokull, with an area of similar to 8000 km(2), has been continuously retreating losing about 10% of its mass during last century. Present-day uplift around the ice cap is as high as 25 mm/yr. We evaluate interactions between ongoing glacio-isostasy and current changes to mantle melting and crustal stresses at volcanoes underneath Vatnajokull. The modeling indicates that a substantial volume of new magma, similar to 0.014 km(3)/yr, is produced under Vatnajokull in response to current ice thinning. Ice retreat also induces significant stress changes in the elastic crust that may contribute to high seismicity, unusual focal mechanisms, and unusual magma movements in NW-Vatnajokull

    The 2008–2010 subsidence of Dallol Volcano on the spreading Erta Ale Ridge. InSAR observations and source models

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    In this work, we study the subsidence of Dallol, an explosive crater and hydrothermal area along the spreading Erta Ale ridge of Afar (Ethiopia). No volcanic products exist at the surface. However, a diking episode in 2004, accompanied by dike-induced faulting, indicates that Dallol is an active volcanic area. The 2004 diking episode was followed by quiescence until subsidence started in 2008. We use InSAR to measure the deformation, and inverse, thermoelastic and poroelastic modelling to understand the possible causes of the subsidence. Analysis of InSAR data from 2004–2010 shows that subsidence, centered at Dallol, initiated in October 2008, and continued at least until February 2010 at an approximately regular rate of up to 10 cm/year. The inversion of InSAR average velocities finds that the source causing the subsidence is shallow (depth between 0.5 and 1.5 km), located under Dallol and with a volume decrease between 0.63 and 0.26 106 km3/year. The most likely explanation for the subsidence of Dallol volcano is a combination of outgassing (depressurization), cooling and contraction of the roof of a shallow crustal magma chamber or of the hydrothermal system

    Mapping of major volcanic structures on Pavonis Mons in Tharsis, Mars

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    Pavonis Mons, with its 300 km of diameter and 14 km of height, is one of the largest volcanoes of Mars. It rests on a topographic high called Tharsis rise and it is located in the centre of a SW-NE trending row of volcanoes, including Arsia and Ascraeus Montes. In this study we mapped and analyzed the volcanic and tectonic structures of Pavonis Mons in order to understand its formation and the relationship between magmatic and tectonic activity. We use the mapping ArcGIS software and vast set of high resolution topographic and multi-spectral images including CTX (6 m/pixel) as well as HRSC (12.5 m/pixel) and HiRiSE (∼0.25 m/pixel) mosaic images. Furthemore, we used MOLA (∼463 m/pixel in the MOLA MEGDR gridded topographic data), THEMIS thermal inertia (IR-day, 100 m/pixel) and THEMIS (IR-night, 100 m/pixel) images global mosaic to map structures at the regional scale. We found a wide range of structures including ring dykes, wrinkle ridges, pit chains, lava flows, lava channels, fissures and depressions that we preliminary interpreted as coalescent lava tubes. Many sinuous rilles have eroded Pavonis’ slopes and culminate with lava aprons, similar to alluvial fans. South of Pavonis Mons we also identify a series of volcanic vents mainly aligned along a SW-NE trend. Displacements across recent crater rim and volcanic deposits (strike slip faults and wrinkle ridges) have been documented suggesting that, at least during the most recent volcanic phases, the regional tectonics has contributed in shaping the morphology of Pavonis. The kinematics of the mapped structures is consistent with a ENE-SSW direction of the maximum horizontal stress suggesting a possible interaction with nearby Valles Marineris. Our study provides new morphometric analysis of volcano-tectonic features that can be used to depict an evolutionary history for the Pavonis Volcano

    Current plate boundary deformation of the Afar rift from a 3-D velocity field inversion of InSAR and GPS

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    Extension, faulting, and magmatism are the main controls on the magnitude and localization of strain at mid‐ocean ridges. However, the temporal and spatial patterns of such processes are not clear since the strain distribution has not been resolved in the past at sufficient spatial resolution and over extended areas. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and GPS data with unprecedented resolution are now available to us from the Afar rift of Ethiopia. Here we use a velocity field method to combine InSAR and GPS to form the first high‐resolution continuous three‐dimensional velocity field of Afar. We study an area that is 500 km wide and 700 km long, covering three branches of the Afar continental rift and their triple junctions. Our velocity field shows that plate spreading is currently achieved in Afar in contrasting modes. A transient postdiking deformation is focused at the Dabbahu rift segment, while in central Afar, spreading is distributed over several overlapping segments and southern Afar exhibits an interdiking deformation pattern focused at the Asal–Ghoubbet segment. We find that current spreading rates at Dabbahu, following the 2005–2010 intrusions, are up to 110 mm/yr, 6 times larger than the long‐term plate divergence. A segment‐centered uplift of up to 80 mm/yr also occurs, indicating that magma flow is still a primary mechanism of deformation during postdiking. On the other hand, no vertical displacements are currently observed in central and southern Afar, suggesting lack of significant magmatic activity at shallow levels

    Tectonics of the Afar triple junction from InSAR and GPS derived strain maps and seismicity

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    Strain and seismicity show us the mode by which deformation is accommodated in rifting continents. Here we present a combined analysis of InSAR and GPS derived strain maps and seismicity to understand the tectonics of the current Afar triple junction plate boundary zone. Our results show that that the plate spreading motion is accommodated in different ways in the Red Sea Rift after jumping southeastward along the Gulf of Aden Rift. At the Red Sea Rift, extension and shear are coupled with seismicity, occurring both along-rift but also in areas off-rift. In the Gulf of Aden Rift extension and normal faulting occur in the central parts of the rifts while at the rifts tips strike-slip earthquakes are observed. The extensional strains occur over a broad zone encompassing several overlapping rifts. Conversely the strike-slip earthquakes are focused along a narrow EW trending lineament. The pattern suggests that the recent history of magmatic intrusions in the Red Sea Rift still dominates the plate boundary deformation inducing earthquakes even in areas off-rift and with no previous faults mapped. On the other hand, in the Gulf of Aden Rift our strain and seismicity maps are consistent mainly with extensional tectonics occurring over an exceptionally broad zone (over 200 km). We interpret the strike-slip earthquakes observed at the rift tips as the result of shearing at the rifts tips where the extension terminates against continental lithosphere

    Effects of present-day deglaciation in Iceland on mantle melt production rates

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    Ongoing deglaciation in Iceland not only causes uplift at the surface but also increases magma production at depth due to decompression of the mantle. Here we study glacially induced decompression melting using 3‐D models of glacial isostatic adjustment in Iceland since 1890. We find that the mean glacially induced pressure rate of change in the mantle increases melt production rates by 100–135%, or an additional 0.21–0.23 km3 of magma per year beneath Iceland. Approximately 50% of this melt is produced underneath central Iceland. The greatest volumetric increase is found directly beneath Iceland's largest ice cap, Vatnajökull, colocated with the most productive volcanoes. Our models of the effect of deglaciation on mantle melting predict a significantly larger volumetric response than previous models which only considered the effect of deglaciation of Vatnajökull, and only mantle melting directly below Vatnajökull. Although the ongoing deglaciation significantly increases the melt production rate, the increase in melt supply rate at the base of the lithosphere is delayed and depends on the melt ascent velocity through the mantle. Assuming that 25% of the melt reaches the surface, the upper limit on our deglaciation‐induced melt estimates for central Iceland would be equivalent to an eruption the size of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull summit eruption every seventh year

    Geodetic observations of simultaneous rift-scale magma inflow in multiple sills in the Central Afar rift

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    During plate spreading, large volumes of magma can be extracted from the upper mantle and intrude the crust. Geophysical and geochemical studies at active magmatic rifts and passive margins show that crustal intrusions mainly occur in the form of transient sill-like bodies. The sills pond at various crustal levels, potentially feeding shallower plumbing systems, dike intrusions and surface eruptions. Trans-crustal magma migration and intrusion thus have a key role in controlling extension, strain localization and subsidence during rifting. However, a clear understanding of the mechanisms of sill intrusion, their connection to upper mantle processes, as well as the spatial and temporal response of the sills to a new arrival of magma is still limited by the paucity of direct observations. In this study, we provide one of the few direct InSAR observation of rift-scale deformation caused by magma inflow from the upper mantle to multiple crustal sills in the Central Afar (CA) rift. We used InSAR time-series from 255 ESA Sentinel-1 interferograms during 2014-2021 and combined them with available GNSS measurement to retrieve the 3D velocity field and the temporal evolution of surface deformation in CA. We observed four uplift patterns with rates of ~5 mm/yr, that we inverted using four inflating Okada tensile dislocation sources (sills). Our best-fit model shows four sills elongated in a NW-SE direction, similar to the rift trend, and opening rates ranging between 16 and 44 mm/yr. The sills are located at various crustal depths but mainly in the mid-to-lower crust, following the thinning of the crust imaged seismically in CA. Cross-correlation of time-series also show that the uplift above the four sills starts simultaneously in December 2016 and continue until March 2021. We interpreted the simultaneous inflation of four distant sills as the result of a shared pressurization event caused by an episodic magma inflow from a common source in the upper mantle. Our results show that magma supply from the mantle beneath continental rifts is episodic, and occurs across large spatial scales but short temporal scales over which deep crustal magma ponding takes place. Such process could explain how the thick intruded crust common at magma-rich rifted margins is created and could help in understanding the long-term dynamics of rifting episodes and volcanism

    Geodynamic signals detected by geodetic methods in Iceland

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    The geodynamics laboratory provided by Iceland’s position on an active mid-ocean ridge has been recognized for several decades. Geodetic experiments have been designed and carried out in Iceland since 1938 to verify various global geodynamic theories, such as Wegener’s theory of continental drift, the sea floor spreading hypothesis, plate tectonics, mantle plumes etc. State-of-the-art techniques have been used to obtain data on crustal displacements with ever increasing accuracy to constrain the theories. Triangulation and optical levelling were used in the beginning, later EDM-trilateration. Network GPS surveying began in 1986 and has been used extensively since then to study crustal movements. With the addition of InSAR and continuous GPS in the last decade we have made a significant stride towards the goal of giving a continuous representation of the displacement field in time and space. The largest and most persistent signal is that of the plate movements. Geodetic points in East and West Iceland move with the Eurasia and North America Plates, respectively, and the vectors are consistent with global models of plate movements. The plate boundary zones are a few tens of kilometers wide, within which strain accumulates. This strain is released in rifting events or earthquakes that have a characteristic displacement field associated with them. In the Krafla rifting episode in 1975-1984 a 100 km long section of the plate boundary in North Iceland was affected and divergent movement as large as 8-9 m was measured. The June 2000 earthquakes in the South Iceland Seismic Zone were the most significant seismic events in the last decades. Two magnitude 6.5 earthquakes and several magnitude 5 events were associated with strike-slip faulting on several parallel faults along the transform-type plate boundary. Slow post-rifting and post-seismic displacements were detected in the months and years following these events, caused by coupling of the elastic part of the crust with the visco-elastic substratum. Viscosities in the range 0.3-30 x 1018 Pa s have been estimated from the time-decay of these fields. Similar values are obtained from crustal uplift measured around the Vatnajökull glacier due to the reduced load of the glacier in the last century. Magma movements in the roots of volcanoes are reflected by deformation fields measureable around them. The volcanoes inflate or deflate in response to pressure increase or decrease in magma chambers, and intrusive bodies are revealed by bulging of the crust above them. The most active volcanoes in Iceland, Katla, Hekla, and Grímsvötn, appear to be inflating at the present time, whereas Krafla and Askja are slowly deflating. An intrusion episode was documented near the Hengill volcano in 1994-1998 and two intrusion events occurred in the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 1994 and 1999, all of which were accompanied by characteristic deformation fields

    Glacio-isostatic deformation around the Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland, induced by recent climate warming: GPS observations and finite element modeling

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    Glaciers in Iceland began retreating around 1890, and since then the Vatnajökull ice cap has lost over 400 km3 of ice. The associated unloading of the crust induces a glacio‐isostatic response. From 1996 to 2004 a GPS network was measured around the southern edge of Vatnajökull. These measurements, together with more extended time series at several other GPS sites, indicate vertical velocities around the ice cap ranging from 9 to 25 mm/yr, and horizontal velocities in the range 3 to 4 mm/yr. The vertical velocities have been modeled using the finite element method (FEM) in order to constrain the viscosity structure beneath Vatnajökull. We use an axisymmetric Earth model with an elastic plate over a uniform viscoelastic half‐space. The observations are consistent with predictions based on an Earth model made up of an elastic plate with a thickness of 10–20 km and an underlying viscosity in the range 4–10 × 1018 Pa s. Knowledge of the Earth structure allows us to predict uplift around Vatnajökull in the next decades. According to our estimates of the rheological parameters, and assuming that ice thinning will continue at a similar rate during this century (about 4 km3/year), a minimum uplift of 2.5 meters between 2000 to 2100 is expected near the current ice cap edge. If the thinning rates were to double in response to global warming (about 8 km3/year), then the minimum uplift between 2000 to 2100 near the current ice cap edge is expected to be 3.7 meters

    InSAR reveals land deformation at Guangzhou and Foshan, China between 2011 and 2017 with COSMO-SkyMed data

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    Subsidence from groundwater extraction and underground tunnel excavation has been known for more than a decade in Guangzhou and Foshan, but past studies have only monitored the subsidence patterns as far as 2011 using InSAR. In this study, the deformation occurring during the most recent time-period between 2011 and 2017 has been measured using COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) to understand if changes in temporal and spatial patterns of subsidence rates occurred. Using InSAR time-series analysis (TS-InSAR), we found that significant surface displacement rates occurred in the study area varying from -35 mm/year (subsidence) to 10 mm/year (uplift). The 2011-2017 TS-InSAR results were compared to two separate TS-InSAR analyses (2011-2013, and 2013-2017). Our CSK TS-InSAR results are in broad agreement with previous ENVISAT results and levelling data, strengthening our conclusion that localised subsidence phenomena occurs at different locations in Guangzhou and Foshan. A comparison between temporal and spatial patterns of deformations from our TS-InSAR measurements and different land use types in Guangzhou shows that there is no clear relationship between them. Many local scale deformation zones have been identified related to different phenomena. The majority of deformations is related to excessive groundwater extraction for agricultural and industrial purposes but subsidence in areas of subway construction also occurred. Furthermore, a detailed analysis on the sinkhole collapse in early 2018 has been conducted, suggesting that surface loading may be a controlling factor of the subsidence, especially along the road and highway. Roads and highways with similar subsidence phenomenon are identified. Continuous monitoring of the deforming areas identified by our analysis is important to measure the magnitude and spatial pattern of the evolving deformations in order to minimise the risk and hazards of land subsidence