350 research outputs found

    Convex order for path-dependent derivatives: a dynamic programming approach

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    We investigate the (functional) convex order of for various continuous martingale processes, either with respect to their diffusions coefficients for L\'evy-driven SDEs or their integrands for stochastic integrals. Main results are bordered by counterexamples. Various upper and lower bounds can be derived for path wise European option prices in local volatility models. In view of numerical applications, we adopt a systematic (and symmetric) methodology: (a) propagate the convexity in a {\em simulatable} dominating/dominated discrete time model through a backward induction (or linear dynamical principle); (b) Apply functional weak convergence results to numerical schemes/time discretizations of the continuous time martingale satisfying (a) in order to transfer the convex order properties. Various bounds are derived for European options written on convex pathwise dependent payoffs. We retrieve and extend former results obtains by several authors since the seminal 1985 paper by Hajek . In a second part, we extend this approach to Optimal Stopping problems using a that the Snell envelope satisfies (a') a Backward Dynamical Programming Principle to propagate convexity in discrete time; (b') satisfies abstract convergence results under non-degeneracy assumption on filtrations. Applications to the comparison of American option prices on convex pathwise payoff processes are given obtained by a purely probabilistic arguments.Comment: 48

    Multilevel Richardson-Romberg extrapolation

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    We propose and analyze a Multilevel Richardson-Romberg (MLRR) estimator which combines the higher order bias cancellation of the Multistep Richardson-Romberg method introduced in [Pa07] and the variance control resulting from the stratification introduced in the Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method (see [Hei01, Gi08]). Thus, in standard frameworks like discretization schemes of diffusion processes, the root mean squared error (RMSE) ε>0\varepsilon > 0 can be achieved with our MLRR estimator with a global complexity of ε2log(1/ε)\varepsilon^{-2} \log(1/\varepsilon) instead of ε2(log(1/ε))2\varepsilon^{-2} (\log(1/\varepsilon))^2 with the standard MLMC method, at least when the weak error E[Yh]E[Y0]\mathbf{E}[Y_h]-\mathbf{E}[Y_0] of the biased implemented estimator YhY_h can be expanded at any order in hh and YhY02=O(h12)\|Y_h - Y_0\|_2 = O(h^{\frac{1}{2}}). The MLRR estimator is then halfway between a regular MLMC and a virtual unbiased Monte Carlo. When the strong error YhY02=O(hβ2)\|Y_h - Y_0\|_2 = O(h^{\frac{\beta}{2}}), β<1\beta < 1, the gain of MLRR over MLMC becomes even more striking. We carry out numerical simulations to compare these estimators in two settings: vanilla and path-dependent option pricing by Monte Carlo simulation and the less classical Nested Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 38 page

    Stochastic Approximation with Averaging Innovation Applied to Finance

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    The aim of the paper is to establish a convergence theorem for multi-dimensional stochastic approximation when the "innovations" satisfy some "light" averaging properties in the presence of a pathwise Lyapunov function. These averaging assumptions allow us to unify apparently remote frameworks where the innovations are simulated (possibly deterministic like in Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation) or exogenous (like market data) with ergodic properties. We propose several fields of applications and illustrate our results on five examples mainly motivated by Finance