826 research outputs found

    Biogas production from dairy cattle manure, under organic and conventional production systems.

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the production of biogas, as well as the biogas production potential resulting from the anaerobic biodigestion of dairy cattle manure under organic (CMOS) and conventional (CMCS) production system. Also, the concentration of thermotolerant coliforms was evaluated after the biodigestion process. Therefore, bench biodigesters prototypes were supplied with CMOS and CMCS for 30 weeks. The experimental design was completely randomized with four repetitions for each treatment. Analysis of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), biogas production potential, most probable number (MPN) of thermotolerant coliforms were made. The cumulative biogas production was 6.18 L and 11.15 L, when using the CMOS and CMCS, respectively. Average biogas production potential of CMCS were 0.2; 2.6 and 2.9 L kg-1 substrate, ST and SV added, respectively and for CMOS 0.1; 1.4 and 1.9 L kg-1substrate, ST and SV added, respectively. After the anaerobic biodigestion process of CMOS and CMCS, it was observed that the concentrations of thermotolerant coliforms were well below than the limit established by law


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    A study of the two-neutron transfer reaction of the O-18 + Ni-64 system at 84 MeV incident energy to the ground and first 2(+) excited state of the residual Ni-66 nucleus is presented. The experiment was performed at the INFN-LNS (Italy) by using the large acceptance MAGNEX spectrometer. Theoretical models are used in order to disentangle the competition between long-range and short-range correlations

    Long-range versus short-range correlations in the two-neutron transfer reaction Ni 64 (O 18, O 16) Ni 66

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    Recently, various two-neutron transfer studies using the (18O,16O) reaction were performed with a large success. This was achieved because of a combined use of the microscopic quantum description of the reaction mechanism and of the nuclear structure. In the present work we use this methodology to study the two-neutron transfer reaction of the 18O+64Ni system at 84 MeV incident energy, to the ground and first 2+ excited state of the residual 66Ni nucleus. All the experimental data were measured by the large acceptance MAGNEX spectrometer at the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare \u2013Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (Italy). We have performed exact finite range cross section calculations using the coupled channel Born approximation (CCBA) and coupled reaction channel (CRC) method for the sequential and direct two-neutron transfers, respectively. Moreover, this is the first time that the formalism of the microscopic interaction boson model (IBM-2) was applied to a two-neutron transfer reaction. From our results we conclude that for two-neutron transfer to the ground state of 66Ni, the direct transfer is the dominant reaction mechanism, whereas for the transfer to the first excited state of 66Ni, the sequential process dominates. A competition between long-range and short-range correlations is discussed, in particular, how the use of two different models (Shell model and IBM's) help to disentangle long- and short-range correlations