60 research outputs found

    Methods of Age Estimation by Dentition in Sus scrofa ferus sp.

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    In this study we present the practical method of age estimation by dentition in European wild boar Sus scrofa ferus. The dentition age estimation at this species is extremely important for establishing correlations between it and aspects of the body conformation and trophy value, in a strong linkage with the area bonitation, with the population genetic value and veterinary health status. We present the deciduous and permanent teeth aspect, at different ages: four months, six months, one year, one and a half years, two years, two and a half years, three years, five years, seven years, nine years and more. There are illustrated the aspects of incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Those aspects were confirmed by estimations made on 234 wild boars collected from Transylvania, in 2008 and 2009

    Romanian Tritium for Nuclear Fusion

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    The demand for tritium is expected to increase when ITER (the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) begins operation in the mid-2020s. Romania is expected to detritiate its CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) units at Cernavoda starting 2024, with the goal of improving radiological safety and reactor performance. Detritiation will result in a significant quantity of tritium being produced and thus Romania has an opportunity to supply tritium for fusion. In this assessment, ITER has been used as a reference device requiring tritium, as the projected tritium extraction schedule from Cernavoda aligns favourably with ITER operation. The findings suggest that Romania is capable of providing a total of 6.2 kg of tritium to ITER over its 20 year operation, generating a potential revenue of 186M(USD).OpportunitiesassociatedwiththesupplyofRomanianhelium3arealsoconsideredasahedgingoption,whichhasthepotentialtogenerate186 M (USD). Opportunities associated with the supply of Romanian helium-3 are also considered as a hedging option, which has the potential to generate 120 M (USD) in the case of zero tritium sales. Greater involvement in future fission-fusion tritium-related activities through experience in tritium technologies is also discussed as a unique opportunity for Romania

    State estimation of a dehydration process by interval analysis

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    This article presents a general methodology of state estimation by interval analysis in a dynamic system modeled by difference equations. The methodology is applied to a pineapple osmotic dehydration process, in order to predict the behavior of the process within a range of allowed perturbation. The paper presents simulations and validations

    Extraction of potential energy in charge asymmetry coordinate from experimental fission data

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    For fissioning isotopes of Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, and U, the potential energies as a function of the charge asymmetry coordinate are extracted from the experimental charge distributions of the fission fragment and compared with the calculated scission-point driving potentials. The role of the potential energy surfaces in the description of the fission charge distribution is discussed

    Suggestion for examination of a role of multi-chance fission

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    The mass distributions of fission fragments resulting from low- and high-energy fission of the even nuclei 218-228 Th, 240U , and 244Pu are studied with the statistical scission-point model. The calculated results are compared with the available experimental data. The method is suggested for the experimental verification of the models with opposite role of multi-chance fission. Based on the asymmetry of mass (charge) distribution of fission fragments of 228Th one can unambiguously distinguish the models and conclude on the nature of this asymmetry


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