10 research outputs found

    Submillisecond monaural coincidence detection by octopus cells

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    In vitro and in silico studies have suggested that octopus cells in the mammalian posterior ventral cochlear nucleus (PVCN) are monaural coincidence detectors that encode the temporal structure of complex sounds. In vivo studies on these neurons, however, are rare due to several technical difficulties. We used sharp high-impedance electrodes in anesthetized gerbils to study the responses of octopus cells to click trains. We find that, even though octopus cells only fire an onset spike to pure tones, they fire in sustained fashion to trains of transients. They entrain to click trains up to 400 Hz with vector strength almost equal to one and spike jitter at similar to 100 microseconds. This temporal precision is unmatched by any other cell type in the auditory system

    How secure is in vivo synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held?

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    The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) receives excitatory input from giant presynaptic terminals, the calyces of Held. The MNTB functions as a sign inverter giving inhibitory input to the lateral and medial superior olive, where its input is important in the generation of binaural sensitivity to cues for sound localization. Extracellular recordings from MNTB neurons show complex spikes consisting of a prepotential, thought to reflect synaptic activation, followed by a postsynaptic action potential. This makes the synapse ideal to study synaptic transmission in vivo because presynaptic and postsynaptic activity can be monitored with a single electrode. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies have observed isolated prepotentials in the MNTB suggesting that, under certain stimulus conditions, synaptic transmission fails. We investigated synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held in the MNTB of the adult cat and concluded that synaptic transmission was completely secure in terms of rate of transmitted spikes. However, synaptic transmission was found to be less secure in terms of timing. With increasing spike rate, the synaptic delay showed an increase of up to 100 μs, as well as a decrease in amplitude of the action potential. This variability in delay is of a surprisingly high magnitude given the hypothesized role of these binaural circuits in sound localization and given the fact that this is one of the largest synapses in the mammalian brain. Copyrigh

    Comparison of bandwidths in the inferior colliculus and the auditory nerve. II: Measurement using a temporally manipulated stimulus

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    To localize low-frequency sounds, humans rely on an interaural comparison of the temporally encoded sound waveform after peripheral filtering. This process can be compared with cross-correlation. For a broadband stimulus, after filtering, the correlation function has a damped oscillatory shape where the periodicity reflects the filter's center frequency and the damping reflects the bandwidth (BW). The physiological equivalent of the correlation function is the noise delay (ND) function, which is obtained from binaural cells by measuring response rate to broadband noise with varying interaural time delays (ITDs). For monaural neurons, delay functions are obtained by counting coincidences for varying delays across spike trains obtained to the same stimulus. Previously, we showed that BWs in monaural and binaural neurons were similar. However, earlier work showed that the damping of delay functions differs significantly between these two populations. Here, we address this paradox by looking at the role of sensitivity to changes in interaural correlation. We measured delay and correlation functions in the cat inferior colliculus (IC) and auditory nerve (AN). We find that, at a population level, AN and IC neurons with similar characteristic frequencies (CF) and BWs can have different responses to changes in correlation. Notably, binaural neurons often show compression, which is not found in the AN and which makes the shape of delay functions more invariant with CF at the level of the IC than at the AN. We conclude that binaural sensitivity is more dependent on correlation sensitivity than has hitherto been appreciated and that the mechanisms underlying correlation sensitivity should be addressed in future studies. Copyrigh

    A hybrid architecture using cross-correlation and recurrent neural networks for acoustic tracking in robots

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    Audition is one of our most important modalities and is widely used to communicate and sense the environment around us. We present an auditory robotic system capable of computing the angle of incidence (azimuth) of a sound source on the horizontal plane. The system is based on some principles drawn from the mammalian auditory system and using a recurrent neural network (RNN) is able to dynamically track a sound source as it changes azimuthally within the environment. The RNN is used to enable fast tracking responses to the overall system. The development of a hybrid system incorporating cross-correlation and recurrent neural networks is shown to be an effective mechanism for the control of a robot tracking sound sources azimuthally

    Representation of temporal sound features in the human auditory cortex

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    Physiology of Tuberous Electrosensory Systems

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