190 research outputs found

    Exon 3 of the NUMB Gene Emerged in the Chordate Lineage Coopting the NUMB Protein to the Regulation of MDM2

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    MDM2 regulates a variety of cellular processes through its dual protein:protein interaction and ubiquitin ligase activities. One major function of MDM2 is to bind and ubiquitinate P53, thereby regulating its proteasomal degradation. This function is in turn controlled by the cell fate determinant NUMB, which binds to and inhibits MDM2 via a short stretch of 11 amino acids, contained in its phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, encoded by exon 3 of the NUMB gene. The NUMB-MDM2-P53 circuitry is relevant to the specification of the stem cell fate and its subversion has been shown to be causal in breast cancer leading to the emergence of cancer stem cells. While extensive work on the evolutionary aspects of the MDM2/P53 circuitry has provided hints as to how these two proteins have evolved together to maintain conserved and linked functions, little is known about the evolution of the NUMB gene and, in particular, how it developed the ability to regulate MDM2 function. Here, we show that NUMB is a metazoan gene, which acquired exon 3 in the common ancestor of the Chordate lineage, first being present in the Cephalochordate and Tunicate subphyla, but absent in invertebrates. We provide experimental evidence showing that since its emergence, exon 3 conferred to the PTB domain of NUMB the ability to bind and to regulate MDM2 functions

    The role of non-coding RNAs in the regulation of stem cells and progenitors in the normal mammary gland and in breast tumors

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    The outlook on stem cell biology is shifting from a rigid hierarchical to a more flexible model in which the identity and the behavior of adult stem cells (SCs), far from being fixed, are determined by the dynamic integration of cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. Within this framework, the recent discovery of thousands of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) with regulatory function is redefining the landscape of transcriptome regulation, highlighting the interplay of epigenetic, transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms in the specification of cell fate and in the regulation of developmental processes. Furthermore, the expression of ncRNAs is often tissue- or even cell type-specific, emphasizing their involvement in defining space, time and developmental stages in gene regulation. Such a role of ncRNAs has been investigated in embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, and in numerous types of adult SCs and progenitors, including those of the breast, which will be the topic of this review. We will focus on ncRNAs with an important role in breast cancer, in particular in mammary cancer stem cells and progenitors, and highlight the ncRNA-based circuitries whose subversion alters a number of the epigenetic, transcriptional and post-transcriptional events that control "stemness" in the physiological setting

    TPT1/TCTP-regulated pathways in phenotypic reprogramming

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    Evolutionary conserved and pleiotropic, the TPT1/TCTP gene (translationally controlled tumor protein, also called HRF, fortilin), encodes a highly structured mRNA shielded by ribonucleoproteins and closely resembling viral particles. This mRNA activates, as do viruses, protein kinase R (PKR). The TPT1/TCTP protein is structurally similar to mRNA-helicases and MSS4. TPT1/TCTP has recently been identified as a prognostic factor in breast cancer and a critical regulator of the tumor suppressor p53 and of the cancer stem cell (SC) compartment. Emerging evidence indicates that TPT1/TCTP is key to phenotypic reprogramming, as shown in the process of tumor reversion and possibly in pluripotency. We provide here an overview of these diverse functions of TPT1/TCTP

    The Rab-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) regulates vacuolar ATPase acting on the V1G1 subunit

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    RILP is a downstream effector of the Rab7 GTPase. GTP-bound Rab7 recruits RILP on endosomal membranes and, together, they control late endocytic traffic, phagosome and autophagosome maturation and are responsible for signaling receptor degradation. We have identified, using different approaches, the V1G1 subunit of the vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) as a RILP interacting protein. V1G1 is a component of the peripheral stalk and it is fundamental for correct V-ATPase assembly. We established that RILP regulates the recruitment of V1G1 subunit to late endosomal/lysosomal membranes but also controls V1G1 stability. Indeed, we demonstrated that V1G1 is ubiquitinated and that RILP is responsible for proteasomal degradation of V1G1. Furthermore, we demonstrated that alterations of V1G1 expression levels impair V-ATPase activity. Thus, our data demonstrate for the first time that RILP regulates the activity of the V-ATPase through the interaction with V1G1. Given the importance of V-ATPase in several cellular processes and human diseases, these data suggest that modulation of RILP activity could be used to control V-ATPase function

    RILP regulates vacuolar ATPase through interaction with the V1G1 subunit

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    Erratum for RILP regulates vacuolar ATPase through interaction with the V1G1 subunit. [J Cell Sci. 2014

    Pre-clinical validation of a selective anti-cancer stem cell therapy for Numb-deficient human breast cancers

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    The cell fate determinant Numb is frequently downregulated in human breast cancers (BCs), resulting in p53 inactivation and an aggressive disease course. In the mouse mammary gland, Numb/p53 downregulation leads to aberrant tissue morphogenesis, expansion of the stem cell compartment, and emergence of cancer stem cells (CSCs). Strikingly, CSC phenotypes in a Numb-knockout mouse model can be reverted by Numb/p53 restoration. Thus, targeting Numb/p53 dysfunction in Numb-deficient human BCs could represent a novel anti-CSC therapy. Here, using patient-derived xenografts, we show that expansion of the CSC pool, due to altered self-renewing divisions, is also a feature of Numb-deficient human BCs. In these cancers, using the inhibitor Nutlin-3 to restore p53, we corrected the defective self-renewal properties of Numb-deficient CSCs and inhibited CSC expansion, with a marked effect on tumorigenicity and metastasis. Remarkably, a regimen combining Nutlin-3 and chemotherapy induced persistent tumor growth inhibition, or even regression, and prevented CSC-driven tumor relapse after removal of chemotherapy. Our data provide a pre-clinical proof-of-concept that targeting Numb/p53 results in a specific anti-CSC therapy in human BCs

    A serum circulating miRNA diagnostic test to identify asymptomatic high-risk individuals with early stage lung cancer

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    Lung cancer is the first cause of cancer mortality worldwide, and its early detection is currently the main available strategy to improve disease prognosis. While early diagnosis can be successfully achieved through tomography-based population screenings in high-risk individuals, simple methodologies are needed for effective cancer prevention programs. We developed a test, based on the detection of 34 microRNAs (miRNAs) from serum, that could identify patients with early stage non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs) in a population of asymptomatic high-risk individuals with 80% accuracy. The signature could assign disease probability accurately either in asymptomatic or symptomatic patients, is able to distinguish between benign and malignant lesions, and to capture the onset of the malignant disease in individual patients over time. Thus, our test displays a number of features of clinical relevance that project its utility in programs for the early detection of NSCLC

    The Numb/p53 circuitry couples replicative self-renewal and tumor suppression in mammary epithelial cells

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    The cell fate determinant Numb orchestrates tissue morphogenesis and patterning in developmental systems. In the human mammary gland, Numb is a tumor suppressor and regulates p53 levels. However, whether this function is linked to its role in fate determination remains unclear. Here, by exploiting an ex vivo system, we show that at mitosis of purified mammary stem cells (SCs), Numb ensures the asymmetric outcome of self-renewing divisions by partitioning into the progeny that retains the SC identity, where it sustains high p53 activity. Numb also controls progenitor maturation. At this level, Numb loss associates with the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and results in differentiation defects and reacquisition of stemness features. The mammary gland of Numb-knockout mice displays an expansion of the SC compartment, associated with morphological alterations and tumorigenicity in orthotopic transplants. This is because of low p53 levels and can be inhibited by restoration of Numb levels or p53 activity, which results in successful SC-targeted treatment

    Identification and clinical validation of a multigene assay that interrogates the biology of cancer stem cells and predicts metastasis in breast cancer : a retrospective consecutive study

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancers show variations in the number and biological aggressiveness of cancer stem cells that correlate with their clinico-prognostic and molecular heterogeneity. Thus, prognostic stratification of breast cancers based on cancer stem cells might help guide patient management. METHODS: We derived a 20-gene stem cell signature from the transcriptional profile of normal mammary stem cells, capable of identifying breast cancers with a homogeneous profile and poor prognosis in in silico analyses. The clinical value of this signature was assessed in a prospective-retrospective cohort of 2, 453 breast cancer patients. Models for predicting individual risk of metastasis were developed from expression data of the 20 genes in patients randomly assigned to a training set, using the ridge-penalized Cox regression, and tested in an independent validation set. FINDINGS: Analyses revealed that the 20-gene stem cell signature provided prognostic information in Triple-Negative and Luminal breast cancer patients, independently of standard clinicopathological parameters. Through functional studies in individual tumours, we correlated the risk score assigned by the signature with the proliferative and self-renewal potential of the cancer stem cell population. By retraining the 20-gene signature in Luminal patients, we derived the risk model, StemPrintER, which predicted early and late recurrence independently of standard prognostic factors. INTERPRETATION: Our findings indicate that the 20-gene stem cell signature, by its unique ability to interrogate the biology of cancer stem cells of the primary tumour, provides a reliable estimate of metastatic risk in Triple-Negative and Luminal breast cancer patients independently of standard clinicopathological parameters

    High USP6NL levels in breast cancer sustain chronic AKT phosphorylation and GLUT1 stability fueling aerobic glycolysis

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    USP6NL, also named RN-tre, is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) involved in control of endocytosis and signal transduction. Here we report that USP6NL is overexpressed in breast cancer (BC), mainly of the basal-like/integrative cluster 10 subtype. Increased USP6NL levels were accompanied by gene amplification and were associated with worse prognosis in the METABRIC dataset, retaining prognostic value in multivariable analysis. High levels of USP6NL in BC cells delayed endocytosis and degradation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), causing chronic AKT activation. In turn, AKT stabilized the glucose transporter GLUT1 at the plasma membrane, increasing aerobic glycolysis. In agreement, elevated USP6NL sensitized BC cells to glucose deprivation, indicating that their glycolytic capacity relies on this protein. Depletion of USP6NL accelerated EGFR/AKT downregulation and GLUT1 degradation, impairing cell proliferation exclusively in BC cells that harbored increased levels of USP6NL. Overall, these findings argue that USP6NL overexpression generates a metabolic rewiring that is essential to foster the glycolytic demand of BC cells and promote their proliferation
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