9 research outputs found

    Beyond Kappa: Estimating Inter-Rater Agreement with Nominal Classifications

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    Item does not contain fulltextCohen’s Kappa and a number of related measures can all be criticized for their definition of correction for chance agreement. A measure is introduced that derives the corrected proportion of agreement directly from the data, thereby overcoming objections to Kappa and its related measures

    Stability of peer victimization: A meta-analysis of longitudinal research

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    Item does not contain fulltextA meta-analysis was conducted of 77 longitudinal studies that contained at least one over-time correlation (range 1 to 36) between scores for peer victimization measured at different time points. The overall stability of self-reported peer victimization was determined at centered values (age 10, one-year interval). The effects of interval length, age, and type of informant (self, peer, teacher, other/combined) on the stability of victimization were also examined. Moderate overall stability of self-reported victimization at age 10 across a 1-year interval was found. Stability decreased across larger longitudinal intervals. Peer- and other/combined-reports of peer victimization yielded higher stability estimates than self-reports. Teacher-reports yielded stability estimates that were equal to those for self-reports. An interaction was found between age and informant type (peer vs. self), indicating a larger increase in the stability of victimization with age for peer-reports than for self-reports. Implications for further research and practice were discussed.25 p

    Peer influence in a micro-perspective: Imitation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

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    Contains fulltext : 90810.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Ample experimental research has found evidence for imitation of alcohol consumption in social encounters. However, these studies cannot reveal whether imitation is specifically related to alcohol and not to consumption in general. We investigated whether imitation is more evident when peers drink alcohol compared to other beverages. We observed sipping behavior during a 30-minute interaction between same-sex confederates and participants in an ad lib semi-naturalistic drinking context (bar lab). We expected a stronger imitation effect when both participant and confederate drank alcoholic beverages. A random occasion multilevel analysis was conducted to take repeated measurements into account. Findings showed that participants imitated the sips of the confederates, but that the likelihood of participants imitating a sip was lower when confederates were drinking alcoholic beverages and participants non-alcoholic beverages compared to when both were consuming alcohol.4 p

    A randomized controlled trial of combined exercise and psycho-education for low-SES women: Short- and long-term outcomes in the reduction of stress and depressive symptoms

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    Item does not contain fulltextExercise may have both a preventive and a therapeutic impact on mental health problems. The Exercise without Worries intervention aims to reduce stress and depressive symptoms in low-SES women by means of a group-based program combining physical exercise and psycho-education. Between September 2005 and May 2008, 161 Dutch low-SES women with elevated stress or depressive symptom levels were randomly assigned to the combined exercise/psycho-education intervention (EP), exercise only (E) or a waiting list control condition (WLC). The E condition provided low to moderate intensity stretching, strength, flexibility, and body focused training as well as relaxation, while the EP program integrated the exercise with cognitive-behavioral techniques. Depressive symptoms (CES-D) and perceived stress (PSS) were measured before and immediately after the intervention and at 2, 6 and 12 month follow-up. Multilevel linear mixed-effects models revealed no differential patterns in reduction of CES-D or PSS scores between the EP, E and WLC groups on the short (post-test and 2 month follow-up) or long term (6 and 12 months follow-up). Depressive symptom outcomes were moderated by initial depressive symptom scores: women from the EP and E groups with fewer initial symptoms benefited from participation on the short term. Further, women in the EP and E groups with the lowest educational level reported more stress reduction at post-test than women with higher educational levels. In the overall target population of low-SES women, no indications were found that the Exercise without Worries course reduced depressive symptom and stress levels on the short or long term. The findings do suggest, however, that exercise alone or in combination with psycho-education may be a viable prevention option for certain groups of disadvantaged women. Especially those low-SES women with less severe initial problems or those with low educational attainment should be targeted for future depression prevention practice

    How context, mood, and emotional memory interact in depression: A study in everyday life

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    Cognitive theories of depression hold that negative contextual triggers (e.g., stressful events) induce more negative and less positive mood, in turn instigating negatively biased memories. However, context-related variability in mood and emotional memory has received insufficient attention, while the dynamic interaction between these factors plays a crucial role in the kindling of new depressive episodes. Experience Sampling Method (ESM) for repeated, daily life measures of context, mood, and autobiographic emotional memory was used in 46 currently depressed, 90 remitted-depressed, and 55 never-depressed individuals. Currently depressed individuals showed strongest negative processing style and never-depressed most positive, with remitted-depressed patients scoring intermediate. The moderated mediation model indicated that context appraisal had a direct effect on the appraisal of the recalled event (i.e., our operationalization of emotional memory), which was mediated by positive (but hardly by negative) mood and was independent of depression status. This mediation strength was relatively similar to the strength of the direct effect of context on memory. Results are in line with cognitive theories of depression. Especially context seems important for emotional memory. The association between context, mood, and memory, however, may be independent of depression status. Yet, the "level" of mood, context, and event appraisal does depend on depression status

    Biases in interpretation as a vulnerability factor for children of parents with an anxiety disorder

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    Item does not contain fulltextObjective: Children of parents with an anxiety disorder have a higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder than children of parents without an anxiety disorder. Parental anxiety is not regarded as a causal risk factor itself, but is likely to be mediated via other mechanisms, for example via cognitive factors. We investigated whether children of parents with an anxiety disorder would show an interpretation bias corresponding to the diagnosis of their parent. We also explored whether children's interpretation biases were explained by parental anxiety and/or children’s levels of anxiety. Method: In total, 44 children of parents with a panic disorder (PD), 27 children of parents with a social anxiety disorder (SAD), 7 children of parents with SAD/PD, and 84 children of parents without an anxiety disorder (controls) participated in this study. Parents and children filled out the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) questionnaire, and children performed two ambiguous scenario tasks: one with and one without video priming. Results: Children of parents with PD displayed significantly more negative interpretations of panic scenarios and social scenarios than controls. Negative interpretations of panic scenarios were explained by parental PD diagnosis and children’s anxiety levels. These effects were not found for children of parents with SAD. Priming did not affect interpretation. Conclusion: Our results showed that children of parents with PD have a higher chance of interpreting ambiguous situations more negatively than children of parents without anxiety disorders. More research is needed to study whether this negative bias predicts later development of anxiety disorders in children.9 p

    Interpretation modification training reduces social anxiety in clinically anxious children

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe present study was designed to examine the effects of training in positive interpretations in clinically anxious children. A total of 87 children between 7 and 12 years of age were randomly assigned to either a positive cognitive bias modification training for interpretation (CMB-I) or a neutral training. Training included 15 sessions in a two-week period. Children with an interpretation bias prior to training in the positive training group showed a significant reduction in interpretation bias on the social threat scenarios after training, but not children in the neutral training group. No effects on interpretation biases were found for the general threat scenarios or the non-threat scenarios. Furthermore, children in the positive training did not self-report lower anxiety than children in the neutral training group. However, mothers and fathers reported a significant reduction in social anxiety in their children after positive training, but not after neutral training. This study demonstrated that clinically anxious children with a prior interpretation bias can be trained away from negative social interpretation biases and there is some evidence that this corresponds to reductions in social anxiety. This study also highlights the importance of using specific training stimuli.7 p