42 research outputs found


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    Vatari Guggulu has been prepared according to Bhaishajya Ratnavali and is indicated in Amavata, Gridhrasi, Katishula etc. It is an example of Guggulu kalpa in Vati form which means medicines containing equal or more amount of Guggulu as compared to amount of other ingredients. Vatari Guggulu is prepared from Castor oil, Gandhaka (Processed Sulphur), Triphala (Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki) and Guggulu. The present study deals with development of pharmacognostical and preliminary pharmaceutico-analytical profile of Vatari Guggulu which is lacking. It revealed the pH [5% aqueous suspension] is 4.0, water-soluble extractive 29.1% w/w, alcohol-soluble extractive 41.84% w/w, carbon di sulphide extractive 22.76% w/w, petroleum ether soluble extractive 15.48% w/w, ash value 14.77% w/w and loss on drying [at 105°C] are 8.35%w/w. Physical tests revealed average weight of Vatari Guggulu vati is 376 mg and 7.51 mm diameter and has an average 2.18 kg/cm2 hardness, disintegration time 2 hr 45 min [in distilled water] and 0.00043% friability. High performance thin layer chromatography [HPTLC] of alcoholic extract of drug revealed 6 and 5 Rf values at 256 and 366 nm out of which only one Rf was similar among Rf values at either wavelength.

    A proof system for asynchronously communicating deterministic processes

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    Digitizing Interval Duration Logic

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    Interval Duration Logic, (IDL), is a dense time logic for specifying properties of real-time systems. Its validity is undecidable. A corresponding discrete-time logic QDDC has decidable validity. In this paper, we consider a reduction of IDL validity question to QDDC validity using notions of digitization. A new notion of Strong Closure under Inverse Digitization, SCID, is proposed. It is shown that for all SCID formulae, the dense and the discrete-time validity coincide. Moreover, SCID has good algebraic properties which allows us to conveniently prove that many interesting IDL formulae are in fact SCID. We also give some approximation techniques to strengthen/weaken formulae to SCID form. We illustrate the use of this approach by an example where a densetime IDL formula is digitized and then verified using the QDDC validity checker, DCVALID

    Distance-preserving approximations of polygonal paths

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    Given a polygonal path P with vertices p 1, p 2,...,p n and a real number t = 1, a path TeX is a t-distance-preserving approximation of P if 1 = i 1

    Modal Strength Reduction in Quantified Discrete Duration Calculus

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    QDDC is a logic for specifying quantitative timing properties of reactive systems. An automata theoretic decision procedure for QDDC reduces each formula to a finite state automaton accepting precisely the models of the formula. This construction has been implemented into a validity/model checking tool for QDDC called DCVALID. Unfortunately, the size of the final automaton as well as the intermediate automata which are encountered in the construction can some times be prohibitively large. In this paper, we present some validity preserving transformations to QDDC formulae which result into more efficient construction of the formula automaton and hence reduce the validity checking time. The transformations can be computed in linear time. We provide a theoretical as well as an experimental analysis of the improvements in the formula automaton size and validity checking time due to our transformations