35 research outputs found
Spin dependence in high elastic pp and np scattering
Using the polarized proton capability of the Argonne ZGS the authors recently made 90 degrees /sub cm/ measurements of elastic pp scattering from 6 to 11.75 GeV/c, determining the parallel and anti- parallel pure initial spin state cross sections and the associated spin-spin parameter A/sub nn/ with the spins normal to the scattering plane. They find that the parallel to anti-parallel cross section ratio rises dramatically from 1.2+or-.06 at p/sub t//sup 2/=3.3 (GeV /c)/sup 2/ to 3.2+or-.4 at 4.8 (GeV/c)/sup 2/, similar to the p/sub T //sup 2/ dependence previously observed at the fixed laboratory momentum of 11.75 GeV/c. They have also extended the measurements at 6 GeV/c and find that A/sub nn/ has a small but sharp rise at 90 degrees /sub cm/. In addition a month of 12 GeV/c polarized deuteron acceleration in the ZGS enabled them to measure two A/sub nn/ at two points at 6 GeV/c for np elastic scattering: A/sub nn/=-.17+or-.04 at p/sub T//sup 2/=.8, A/sub nn/=-.19+or-.05 at P/sub T//sup 2/=1.0. These values are opposite in sign from the pp results at the same momentum. (4 refs)
A multi-attribute examination of consumer conformity in group-level ordering
Using real data acquired from transaction receipts at a cafe, the present research examined individuals' menu choices made in a group setting. Building on previous research, the present research proposed and examined what we call the group referencing effect, and found that individuals' menu choices were more likely to conform to the precedent menu choices made by the others in their group. A unique empirical contribution of the present research is that conformity was assessed and emerged at two levels: end-choice level (whether the choices are the same) and attribute-level (whether the attribute(s) of the choices are the same, independent of whether the end-choice is the same; i.e., similarity). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed