879 research outputs found

    Thermal radio emission from novae & symbiotics with the Square Kilometre Array

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    The thermal radio emission of novae during outburst enables us to derive fundamental quantities such as the ejected mass, kinetic energy, and density profile of the ejecta. Recent observations with newly-upgraded facilities such as the VLA and e-MERLIN are just beginning to reveal the incredibly complex processes of mass ejection in novae (ejections appear to often proceed in multiple phases and over prolonged timescales). Symbiotic stars can also exhibit outbursts, which are sometimes accompanied by the expulsion of material in jets. However, unlike novae, the long-term thermal radio emission of symbiotics originates in the wind of the giant secondary star, which is irradiated by the hot white dwarf. The effect of the white dwarf on the giant's wind is strongly time variable, and the physical mechanism driving these variations remains a mystery (possibilities include accretion instabilities and time-variable nuclear burning on the white dwarf's surface). The exquisite sensitivity of SKA1 will enable us to survey novae throughout the Galaxy, unveiling statistically complete populations. With SKA2 it will be possible to carry out similar studies in the Magellanic Clouds. This will enable high-quality tests of the theory behind accretion and mass loss from accreting white dwarfs, with significant implications for determining their possible role as Type Ia supernova progenitors. Observations with SKA1-MID in particular, over a broad range of frequencies, but with emphasis on the higher frequencies, will provide an unparalleled view of the physical processes driving mass ejection and resulting in the diversity of novae, whilst also determining the accretion processes and rates in symbiotic stars.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, in proceedings of "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", PoS(AASKA14)116, in pres

    Conductance fluctuations and boundary conditions

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    The conductance fluctuations for various types for two-- and three--dimensional disordered systems with hard wall and periodic boundary conditions are studied, all the way from the ballistic (metallic) regime to the localized regime. It is shown that the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) depend on the boundary conditions. The same holds for the metal to insulator transition. The conditions for observing the UCF are also given.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 5 figures include

    The Screen representation of spin networks: 2D recurrence, eigenvalue equation for 6j symbols, geometric interpretation and Hamiltonian dynamics

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    This paper treats 6j symbols or their orthonormal forms as a function of two variables spanning a square manifold which we call the "screen". We show that this approach gives important and interesting insight. This two dimensional perspective provides the most natural extension to exhibit the role of these discrete functions as matrix elements that appear at the very foundation of the modern theory of classical discrete orthogonal polynomials. Here we present 2D and 1D recursion relations that are useful for the direct computation of the orthonormal 6j, which we name U. We present a convention for the order of the arguments of the 6j that is based on their classical and Regge symmetries, and a detailed investigation of new geometrical aspects of the 6j symbols. Specifically we compare the geometric recursion analysis of Schulten and Gordon with the methods of this paper. The 1D recursion relation, written as a matrix diagonalization problem, permits an interpretation as a discrete Schr\"odinger-like equations and an asymptotic analysis illustrates semiclassical and classical limits in terms of Hamiltonian evolution.Comment: 14 pages,9 figures, presented at ICCSA 2013 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Applicatio

    Universal conductance fluctuations in non-integer dimensions

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    We propose an Ansatz for Universal conductance fluctuations in continuous dimensions from 0 up to 4. The Ansatz agrees with known formulas for integer dimensions 1, 2 and 3, both for hard wall and periodic boundary conditions. The method is based solely on the knowledge of energy spectrum and standard assumptions. We also study numerically the conductance fluctuations in 4D Anderson model, depending on system size L and disorder W. We find a small plateau with a value diverging logarithmically with increasing L. Universality gets lost just in 4D.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Adler Function, DIS sum rules and Crewther Relations

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    The current status of the Adler function and two closely related Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) sum rules, namely, the Bjorken sum rule for polarized DIS and the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule are briefly reviewed. A new result is presented: an analytical calculation of the coefficient function of the latter sum rule in a generic gauge theory in order O(alpha_s^4). It is demonstrated that the corresponding Crewther relation allows to fix two of three colour structures in the O(alpha_s^4) contribution to the singlet part of the Adler function.Comment: Talk presented at 10-th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, W\"orlitz, Germany, 25-30 April 201

    Adler Function, Sum Rules and Crewther Relation of Order O(alpha_s^4): the Singlet Case

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    The analytic result for the singlet part of the Adler function of the vector current in a general gauge theory is presented in five-loop approximation. Comparing this result with the corresponding singlet part of the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule [1], we successfully demonstrate the validity of the generalized Crewther relation for the singlet part. This provides a non-trivial test of both our calculations and the generalized Crewther relation. Combining the result with the already available non-singlet part of the Adler function [2,3] we arrive at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) expression for the Adler function and, as a direct consequence, at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) correction to the e+ee^+ e^- annihilation into hadrons in a general gauge theory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Final published versio

    A Comparative Study of the Formation of Aromatics in Rich Methane Flames Doped by Unsaturated Compounds

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    For a better modeling of the importance of the different channels leading to the first aromatic ring, we have compared the structures of laminar rich premixed methane flames doped with several unsaturated hydrocarbons: allene and propyne, because they are precursors of propargyl radicals which are well known as having an important role in forming benzene, 1,3-butadiene to put in evidence a possible production of benzene due to reactions of C4 compounds, and, finally, cyclopentene which is a source of cyclopentadienylmethylene radicals which in turn are expected to easily isomerizes to give benzene. These flames have been stabilized on a burner at a pressure of 6.7 kPa (50 Torr) using argon as dilutant, for equivalence ratios (?) from 1.55 to 1.79. A unique mechanism, including the formation and decomposition of benzene and toluene, has been used to model the oxidation of allene, propyne, 1,3 butadiene and cyclopentene. The main reaction pathways of aromatics formation have been derived from reaction rate and sensitivity analyses and have been compared for the three types of additives. These combined analyses and comparisons can only been performed when a unique mechanism is available for all the studied additives

    Asymptotes in SU(2) Recoupling Theory: Wigner Matrices, 3j3j Symbols, and Character Localization

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    In this paper we employ a novel technique combining the Euler Maclaurin formula with the saddle point approximation method to obtain the asymptotic behavior (in the limit of large representation index JJ) of generic Wigner matrix elements DMMJ(g)D^{J}_{MM'}(g). We use this result to derive asymptotic formulae for the character χJ(g)\chi^J(g) of an SU(2) group element and for Wigner's 3j3j symbol. Surprisingly, given that we perform five successive layers of approximations, the asymptotic formula we obtain for χJ(g)\chi^J(g) is in fact exact. This result provides a non trivial example of a Duistermaat-Heckman like localization property for discrete sums.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Properties of Flares-Generated Seismic Waves on the Sun

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    The solar seismic waves excited by solar flares (``sunquakes'') are observed as circular expanding waves on the Sun's surface. The first sunquake was observed for a flare of July 9, 1996, from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) space mission. However, when the new solar cycle started in 1997, the observations of solar flares from SOHO did not show the seismic waves, similar to the 1996 event, even for large X-class flares during the solar maximum in 2000-2002. The first evidence of the seismic flare signal in this solar cycle was obtained for the 2003 ``Halloween'' events, through acoustic ``egression power'' by Donea and Lindsey. After these several other strong sunquakes have been observed. Here, I present a detailed analysis of the basic properties of the helioseismic waves generated by three solar flares in 2003-2005. For two of these flares, X17 flare of October 28, 2003, and X1.2 flare of January 15, 2005, the helioseismology observations are compared with simultaneous observations of flare X-ray fluxes measured from the RHESSI satellite. These observations show a close association between the flare seismic waves and the hard X-ray source, indicating that high-energy electrons accelerated during the flare impulsive phase produced strong compression waves in the photosphere, causing the sunquake. The results also reveal new physical properties such as strong anisotropy of the seismic waves, the amplitude of which varies significantly with the direction of propagation. The waves travel through surrounding sunspot regions to large distances, up to 120 Mm, without significant decay. These observations open new perspectives for helioseismic diagnostics of flaring active regions on the Sun and for understanding the mechanisms of the energy release and transport in solar flares.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Magnetic Field Effect for Two Electrons in a Two Dimensional Random Potential

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    We study the problem of two particles with Coulomb repulsion in a two-dimensional disordered potential in the presence of a magnetic field. For the regime, when without interaction all states are well localized, it is shown that above a critical excitation energy electron pairs become delocalized by interaction. The transition between the localized and delocalized regimes goes in the same way as the metal-insulator transition at the mobility edge in the three dimensional Anderson model with broken time reversal symmetry.Comment: revtex, 7 pages, 6 figure