12,961 research outputs found

    Keck Pencil-Beam Survey for Faint Kuiper Belt Objects

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    We present the results of a pencil-beam survey of the Kuiper Belt using the Keck 10-m telescope. A single 0.01 square degree field is imaged 29 times for a total integration time of 4.8 hr. Combining exposures in software allows the detection of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) having visual magnitude V < 27.9. Two new KBOs are discovered. One object having V = 25.5 lies at a probable heliocentric distance d = 33 AU. The second object at V = 27.2 is located at d = 44 AU. Both KBOs have diameters of about 50 km, assuming comet-like albedos of 4%. Data from all surveys are pooled to construct the luminosity function from red magnitude R = 20 to 27. The cumulative number of objects per square degree, N (< R), is fitted to a power law of the form log_(10) N = 0.52 (R - 23.5). Differences between power laws reported in the literature are due mainly to which survey data are incorporated, and not to the method of fitting. The luminosity function is consistent with a power-law size distribution for objects having diameters s = 50 to 500 km; dn ~ s^(-q) ds, where the differential size index q = 3.6 +/- 0.1. The distribution is such that the smallest objects possess most of the surface area, but the largest bodies contain the bulk of the mass. Though our inferred size index nearly matches that derived by Dohnanyi (1969), it is unknown whether catastrophic collisions are responsible for shaping the size distribution. Implications of the absence of detections of classical KBOs beyond 50 AU are discussed.Comment: Accepted to AJ. Final proof-edited version: references added, discussion of G98 revised in sections 4.3 and 5.

    Dimerized and trimerized phases for spin-2 Bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study the phase diagram for spin-2 bosons loaded in a one-dimensional optical lattice. By using non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method we identify three possible phases: ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized phases. We sketch the phase boundaries based on DMRG. We illustrate two methods for identifying the phases. The first method is based on the spin-spin correlation function while in the second method one observes the excitation gap as a dimerization or a trimerization superlattice is imposed. The advantage of the second method is that it can also be easily implemented in experiments. By using the scattering lengths in the literature we estimate that 83^{83}Rb, 23^{23}Na, and 87^{87}Rb be ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Add acknowledgemen

    Visualization of Coherent Destruction of Tunneling in an Optical Double Well System

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    We report on a direct visualization of coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT) of light waves in a double well system which provides an optical analog of quantum CDT as originally proposed by Grossmann, Dittrich, Jung, and Hanggi [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 516 (1991)]. The driven double well, realized by two periodically-curved waveguides in an Er:Yb-doped glass, is designed so that spatial light propagation exactly mimics the coherent space-time dynamics of matter waves in a driven double-well potential governed by the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The fluorescence of Er ions is exploited to image the spatial evolution of light in the two wells, clearly demonstrating suppression of light tunneling for special ratios between frequency and amplitude of the driving field.Comment: final versio

    Quantum Critical Spin-2 Chain with Emergent SU(3) Symmetry

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    We study the quantum critical phase of a SU(2) symmetric spin-2 chain obtained from spin-2 bosons in a one-dimensional lattice. We obtain the scaling of the entanglement entropy and finite-size energies by exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization group methods. From the numerical results of the energy spectrum, central charge, and scaling dimension we identify the conformal field theory describing the whole critical phase to be the SU(3)1_1 Wess-Zumino-Witten model. We find that while in the whole critical phase the Hamiltonian is only SU(2) invariant, there is an emergent SU(3) symmetry in the thermodynamic limit

    Phase-sensitive quantum effects in Andreev conductance of the SNS system of metals with macroscopic phase breaking length

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    The dissipative component of electron transport through the doubly connected SNS Andreev interferometer indium (S)-aluminium (N)-indium (S) has been studied. Within helium temperature range, the conductance of the individual sections of the interferometer exhibits phase-sensitive oscillations of quantum-interference nature. In the non-domain (normal) state of indium narrowing adjacent to NS interface, the nonresonance oscillations have been observed, with the period inversely proportional to the area of the interferometer orifice. In the domain intermediate state of the narrowing, the magneto-temperature resistive oscillations appeared, with the period determined by the coherence length in the magnetic field equal to the critical one. The oscillating component of resonance form has been observed in the conductance of the macroscopic N-aluminium part of the system. The phase of the oscillations appears to be shifted by π\pi compared to that of nonresonance oscillations. We offer an explanation in terms of the contribution into Josephson current from the coherent quasiparticles with energies of order of the Thouless energy. The behavior of dissipative transport with temperature has been studied in a clean normal metal in the vicinity of a single point NS contact.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Low Temp. Phys., v. 29, No. 12, 200

    Spin injection from perpendicular magnetized ferromagnetic δ\delta-MnGa into (Al,Ga)As heterostructures

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    Electrical spin injection from ferromagnetic δ\delta-MnGa into an (Al,Ga)As p-i-n light emitting diode (LED) is demonstrated. The δ\delta-MnGa layers show strong perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, enabling detection of spin injection at remanence without an applied magnetic field. The bias and temperature dependence of the spin injection are found to be qualitatively similar to Fe-based spin LED devices. A Hanle effect is observed and demonstrates complete depolarization of spins in the semiconductor in a transverse magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Chiral Condensates in Quark and nuclear Matter

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    We present a novel treatment for calculating the in-medium quark condensates. The advantage of this approach is that one does not need to make further assumptions on the derivatives of model parameters with respect to the quark current mass. The normally accepted model-independent result in nuclear matter is naturally reproduced. The change of the quark condensate induced by interactions depends on the incompressibility of nuclear matter. When it is greater than 260 MeV, the density at which the condensate vanishes is higher than that from the linear extrapolation. For the chiral condensate in quark matter, a similar model-independent linear behavior is found at lower densities, which means that the decreasing speed of the condensate in quark matter is merely half of that in nuclear matter if the pion-nucleon sigma commutator is six times the average current mass of u and d quarks. The modification due to QCD-like interactions is found to slow the decreasing speed of the condensate, compared with the linear extrapolation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, revtex4 styl

    Interdiffusion: A probe of vacancy diffusion in III-V materials

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    Copyright 1997 by the American Physical Society. Article is available at

    Complete Calabi-Yau metrics from Kahler metrics in D=4

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    In the present work the local form of certain Calabi-Yau metrics possessing a local Hamiltonian Killing vector is described in terms of a single non linear equation. The main assumptions are that the complex (3,0)(3,0)-form is of the form eikΨ~e^{ik}\widetilde{\Psi}, where Ψ~\widetilde{\Psi} is preserved by the Killing vector, and that the space of the orbits of the Killing vector is, for fixed value of the momentum map coordinate, a complex 4-manifold, in such a way that the complex structure of the 4-manifold is part of the complex structure of the complex 3-fold. The link with the solution generating techniques of [26]-[28] is made explicit and in particular an example with holonomy exactly SU(3) is found by use of the linearization of [26], which was found in the context of D6 branes wrapping a holomorphic 1-fold in a hyperkahler manifold. But the main improvement of the present method, unlike the ones presented in [26]-[28], does not rely in an initial hyperkahler structure. Additionally the complications when dealing with non linear operators over the curved hyperkahler space are avoided by use of this method.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    On the Antenna Beam Shape Reconstruction Using Planet Transit

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    The calibration of the in-flight antenna beam shape and possible beamdegradation is one of the most crucial tasks for the upcoming Planck mission. We examine several effects which could significantly influence the in-flight main beam calibration using planet transit: the problems of the variability of the Jupiter's flux, the antenna temperature and passing of the planets through the main beam. We estimate these effects on the antenna beam shape calibration and calculate the limits on the main beam and far sidelobe measurements, using observations of Jupiter and Saturn. We also discuss possible effects of degradation of the mirror surfaces and specify corresponding parameters which can help us to determine these effects.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
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