3,954 research outputs found

    Reformulation of the Stochastic Potential Switching Algorithm and a Generalized Fourtuin-Kasteleyn Representation

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    A new formulation of the stochastic potential switching algorithm is presented. This reformulation naturally leads us to a generalized Fourtuin-Kasteleyn representation of the partition function Z. A formula for internal energy E and that of heat capacity C are derived from derivatives of the partition function. We also derive a formula for the exchange probability in the replica exchange Monte Carlo method. By combining the formulae with the Stochastic Cutoff method, we can greatly reduce the computational time to perform internal energy and heat capacity measurements and the replica exchange Monte Carlo method in long-range interacting systems. Numerical simulations in three dimensional magnetic dipolar systems show the validity and efficiency of the method.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to appear in PR

    Continuous loading of 1^{1}S0_{0} calcium atoms into an optical dipole trap

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    We demonstrate an efficient scheme for continuous trap loading based upon spatially selective optical pumping. We discuss the case of 1^{1}S0_{0} calcium atoms in an optical dipole trap (ODT), however, similar strategies should be applicable to a wide range of atomic species. Our starting point is a reservoir of moderately cold (≈300μ\approx 300 \muK) metastable 3^{3}P2_{2}-atoms prepared by means of a magneto-optic trap (triplet-MOT). A focused 532 nm laser beam produces a strongly elongated optical potential for 1^{1}S0_{0}-atoms with up to 350 μ\muK well depth. A weak focused laser beam at 430 nm, carefully superimposed upon the ODT beam, selectively pumps the 3^{3}P2_{2}-atoms inside the capture volume to the singlet state, where they are confined by the ODT. The triplet-MOT perpetually refills the capture volume with 3^{3}P2_{2}-atoms thus providing a continuous stream of cold atoms into the ODT at a rate of 10710^7 s−1^{-1}. Limited by evaporation loss, in 200 ms we typically load 5×1055 \times 10^5 atoms with an initial radial temperature of 85 μ\muK. After terminating the loading we observe evaporation during 50 ms leaving us with 10510^5 atoms at radial temperatures close to 40 μ\muK and a peak phase space density of 6.8×10−56.8 \times 10^{-5}. We point out that a comparable scheme could be employed to load a dipole trap with 3^{3}P0_{0}-atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Liveness-Based Garbage Collection for Lazy Languages

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    We consider the problem of reducing the memory required to run lazy first-order functional programs. Our approach is to analyze programs for liveness of heap-allocated data. The result of the analysis is used to preserve only live data---a subset of reachable data---during garbage collection. The result is an increase in the garbage reclaimed and a reduction in the peak memory requirement of programs. While this technique has already been shown to yield benefits for eager first-order languages, the lack of a statically determinable execution order and the presence of closures pose new challenges for lazy languages. These require changes both in the liveness analysis itself and in the design of the garbage collector. To show the effectiveness of our method, we implemented a copying collector that uses the results of the liveness analysis to preserve live objects, both evaluated (i.e., in WHNF) and closures. Our experiments confirm that for programs running with a liveness-based garbage collector, there is a significant decrease in peak memory requirements. In addition, a sizable reduction in the number of collections ensures that in spite of using a more complex garbage collector, the execution times of programs running with liveness and reachability-based collectors remain comparable

    Immobilized photocatalyst on stainless steel woven meshes assuring efficient light distribution in a solar reactor

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    An immobilized TiO<sub>2</sub> photocatalyst with a high specific surface area was prepared on stainless steel woven meshes in order to be used packed in layers for water purification. Immobilization of such a complex shape needs a special coating technique. For this purpose, dip coating and electrophoretic deposition (EPD) techniques were used. The EPD technique gave the TiO<sub>2</sub> coating films a better homogeneity and adhesion, fewer cracks, and a higher <sup>·</sup>OH formation than the dip coating technique. The woven mesh structure packed in layers guaranteed an efficient light-penetration in water treatment reactor. A simple equation model was used to describe the distribution of light through the mesh layers in the presence of absorbing medium (e.g., colored water with humic acids). Maximum three or four coated meshes were enough to harvest the solar UV light from 300 nm to 400 nm with a high penetration efficiency. The separation distance between the mesh layers played an important role in the efficiency of solar light penetration through the coated mesh layers, especially in case of colored water contaminated with high concentrations of humic acid

    The Diffusion of Humans and Cultures in the Course of the Spread of Farming

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    The most profound change in the relationship between humans and their environment was the introduction of agriculture and pastoralism. [....] For an understanding of the expansion process, it appears appropriate to apply a diffusive model. Broadly, these numerical modeling approaches can be catego- rized in correlative, continuous and discrete. Common to all approaches is the comparison to collections of radiocarbon data that show the apparent wave of advance of the transition to farming. However, these data sets differ in entry density and data quality. Often they disregard local and regional specifics and research gaps, or dating uncertainties. Thus, most of these data bases may only be used on a very general, broad scale. One of the pitfalls of using irregularly spaced or irregularly documented radiocarbon data becomes evident from the map generated by Fort (this volume, Chapter 16): while the general east-west and south-north trends become evident, some areas appear as having undergone anomalously early transitions to farming. This may be due to faulty entries into the data base or regional problems with radiocarbon dating, if not unnoticed or undocumented laboratory mistakes.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society, edited by Armin Bunde, J\"urgen Caro, J\"org K\"arger, Gero Vogl, Chapter 1

    Systematic effects from an ambient-temperature, continuously-rotating half-wave plate

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    We present an evaluation of systematic effects associated with a continuously-rotating, ambient-temperature half-wave plate (HWP) based on two seasons of data from the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) experiment located in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The ABS experiment is a microwave telescope sensitive at 145 GHz. Here we present our in-field evaluation of celestial (CMB plus galactic foreground) temperature-to-polarization leakage. We decompose the leakage into scalar, dipole, and quadrupole leakage terms. We report a scalar leakage of ~0.01%, consistent with model expectations and an order of magnitude smaller than other CMB experiments have reported. No significant dipole or quadrupole terms are detected; we constrain each to be <0.07% (95% confidence), limited by statistical uncertainty in our measurement. Dipole and quadrupole leakage at this level lead to systematic error on r<0.01 before any mitigation due to scan cross-linking or boresight rotation. The measured scalar leakage and the theoretical level of dipole and quadrupole leakage produce systematic error of r<0.001 for the ABS survey and focal-plane layout before any data correction such as so-called deprojection. This demonstrates that ABS achieves significant beam systematic error mitigation from its HWP and shows the promise of continuously-rotating HWPs for future experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; revision to submitted version, Fig. 5 and Eqs. (14) and (15) corrected; added Fig. 9 and description, text revisions for clarification, Fig. 5 revised for better calibration, corrected labeling errors and plotting bugs in Fig. 3, 4, and Eq. (14) and (15

    Characterizing Atacama B-mode Search Detectors with a Half-Wave Plate

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    The Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) instrument is a cryogenic (∼\sim10 K) crossed-Dragone telescope located at an elevation of 5190 m in the Atacama Desert in Chile that observed for three seasons between February 2012 and October 2014. ABS observed the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at large angular scales (40<ℓ<50040<\ell<500) to limit the B-mode polarization spectrum around the primordial B-mode peak from inflationary gravity waves at ℓ∼100\ell \sim100. The ABS focal plane consists of 480 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers. They are coupled to orthogonal polarizations from a planar ortho-mode transducer (OMT) and observe at 145 GHz. ABS employs an ambient-temperature, rapidly rotating half-wave plate (HWP) to mitigate systematic effects and move the signal band away from atmospheric 1/f1/f noise, allowing for the recovery of large angular scales. We discuss how the signal at the second harmonic of the HWP rotation frequency can be used for data selection and for monitoring the detector responsivities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings submitted to the Journal of Low Temperature Detector

    Modulation of CMB polarization with a warm rapidly-rotating half-wave plate on the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) instrument

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    We evaluate the modulation of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization using a rapidly-rotating, half-wave plate (HWP) on the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS). After demodulating the time-ordered-data (TOD), we find a significant reduction of atmospheric fluctuations. The demodulated TOD is stable on time scales of 500-1000 seconds, corresponding to frequencies of 1-2 mHz. This facilitates recovery of cosmological information at large angular scales, which are typically available only from balloon-borne or satellite experiments. This technique also achieves a sensitive measurement of celestial polarization without differencing the TOD of paired detectors sensitive to two orthogonal linear polarizations. This is the first demonstration of the ability to remove atmospheric contamination at these levels from a ground-based platform using a rapidly-rotating HWP.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Published in RSI under the title "Modulation of cosmic microwave background polarization with a warm rapidly rotating half-wave plate on the Atacama B-Mode Search instrument.

    Odd Parity and Line Nodes in Heavy Fermion Superconductors

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    Group theory arguments have demonstrated that a general odd parity order parameter cannot have line nodes in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. In this paper, it is shown that these arguments do not hold on the kz=Ï€/ck_z = \pi/c zone face of a hexagonal close packed lattice. In particular, three of the six odd parity representations vanish identically on this face. This has potential relevance to the heavy fermion superconductor UPt3UPt_3.Comment: 5 pages, revte
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