2,461 research outputs found

    Use of mebendazole in combination with DEC in bancroftian filariasis

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    A pilot study was conducted in an endemic village for bancroftian filariasis to find out the compliance and antifilarial action of large doses of mebendazole (30 mg/kg/day). Thirty eight patients with early clinical filariasis and 16 with asymptomatic microfilaraemia were treated, under supervision. ‘The compliance for drug consumption was high and there were no serious adverse reactions. Majority of the side effects were gastrointestinal and mild. The drug, in combination with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), showed microfilaricidal effect, but the effect was similar to that seen with DEC alone. In as many as 5 of the 13, who were followed at 1 yr, microfilaria persisted at the end of 1 yr, though with a reduced density. Prolonged (1 yr) treatment with mebendazole in combination with DEC did not have a beneficial effect in most patients with clinical disease

    Prevalence survey of filariasis in two villages in Chingleput district of Tamil Nadu

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    A baseline survey of filariasis was conducted in two endemic villages in Chingleput district of Tamil Nadu, to obtain the prevalence rate of microfilaraemia and that of clinical filarial disease along with its various clinical patterns. Of the 2921 dejure population registered, in 2735 a comprehensive clinical examination for filariasis was carried out by a physician. In 2658 persons of those clinically examined, night blood samples were collected by finger prick. The results of the survey confirmed that the two village were highly endemic for filariasis, the prevalence rates of clinical disease and microfilaraemia being 20 and 12 per cent respectively. The endemicity rate was 31 per cent. Nocturnally periodic Wuchereria bancrofti was the only species identified. The major manifestations of clinical disease were lymphadenitis in the acute phase, hydrocele and oedema of the lower limbs in the chronic phase and involvement of the lower limbs in the elephantiasis phase. Among males with disease in the chronic phase, genital involvement was more than that of the lower limbs. The distributions of the patients by age in the three phases, although overlapping, suggested that the disease generally progressed with age from acute to chronic to elephantiasis phase. The microfilarial rate among persons with clinical disease was lower as compared to that among persons without disease. An entomological survey of one of the villages showed that Culex quinquefasciatus was the vector with high infection and infectivity rates

    Extended Self-similarity in Kinetic Surface Roughening

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    We show from numerical simulations that a limited mobility solid-on-solid model of kinetically rough surface growth exhibits extended self-similarity analogous to that found in fluid turbulence. The range over which scale-independent power-law behavior is observed is significantly enhanced if two correlation functions of different order, such as those representing two different moments of the difference in height between two points, are plotted against each other. This behavior, found in both one and two dimensions, suggests that the `relative' exponents may be more fundamental than the `absolute' ones.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures included (some changes made according to referees' comments. accepted for publication in PRE Rapid Communication

    High Temperature Ferromagnetism with Giant Magnetic Moment in Transparent Co-doped SnO2-d

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    Occurrence of room temperature ferromagnetism is demonstrated in pulsed laser deposited thin films of Sn1-xCoxO2-d (x<0.3). Interestingly, films of Sn0.95Co0.05O2-d grown on R-plane sapphire not only exhibit ferromagnetism with a Curie temperature close to 650 K, but also a giant magnetic moment of about 7 Bohr-Magneton/Co, not yet reported in any diluted magnetic semiconductor system. The films are semiconducting and optically highly transparent.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Neutron Diffraction from the Vortex Lattice in UPt3

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    Neutron scattering experiments have recently been performed in the superconducting state of UPt3 to determine the structure of the vortex lattice. The data show anomalous field dependence of the aspect ratio of the unit cell in the B phase. There is apparently also a change in the effective coherence length on the transition from the B to the C phases. Such observations are not consistent with conventional superconductvity. A theory of these results is constructed based on a picture of two-component superconductivity for UPt3. In this way, these unusual observations can be understood. There is a possible discrepancy between theory and experiment in the detailed field dependence of the aspect ratio.Comment: 11 pages; uses REVTEX, APS and PRABIB styles; 2 Postscript figure files include

    Variability in stratification and flushing times of the Gautami–Godavari estuary, India

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    In order to examine the influence of forcing (river flow and tides) and anthropogenic activities (dredging and dam regulation) on stratification, a study was conducted over a period of 19 months (June 2008–December 2009) in the Gautami–Godavari estuary (G–GE) during spring and neap tide periods covering entire spectrum of discharge over a distance of 36 km from the mouth. The bathymetry of the estuary was recently changed due to dredging of &#8764;20 km of the estuary from the mouth for transportation of barges. This significantly changed the mean depth and salinity of the estuary from its earlier state. The variations in the distribution of salinity in the Godavari estuary are driven by river discharge during wet period (June–November) and tides during dry period (December–May). The weak stratification was observed during high discharge (July–August) and no discharge (January–June) periods associated with dominant fresh water and marine water respectively. The strong stratification was developed associated with decrease in discharge during moderate discharge period (October–December). Relatively stronger stratification was noticed during neap than spring tides. The 15 psu isohaline was observed to have migrated &#8764;2–3 km more towards upper estuary during spring than neap tide suggesting more salt enters during former than latter period. Total salt content was inversely correlated with river discharge and higher salt of about 400×106 m3 psu was observed during spring than neap tide. Flushing times varied between less than a day and more than a month during peak and no discharge periods respectively with lower times during spring than neap tide. The flushing times are controlled by river discharge during high discharge period, tides during dry period and both (river discharge and tides) under moderate discharge period. This study suggests that modification of discharge, either natural due to weak monsoon or artificial such as dam constructions and re-routing the river flow, may have significant impact on the stratification and biogeochemistry of the Godavari estuary

    Particles Sliding on a Fluctuating Surface: Phase Separation and Power Laws

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    We study a system of hard-core particles sliding downwards on a fluctuating one-dimensional surface which is characterized by a dynamical exponent zz. In numerical simulations, an initially random particle density is found to coarsen and obey scaling with a growing length scale ∼t1/z\sim t^{1/z}. The structure factor deviates from the Porod law in some cases. The steady state is unusual in that the density-segregation order parameter shows strong fluctuations. The two-point correlation function has a scaling form with a cusp at small argument which we relate to a power law distribution of particle cluster sizes. Exact results on a related model of surface depths provides insight into the origin of this behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Mobility Edge in Aperiodic Kronig-Penney Potentials with Correlated Disorder: Perturbative Approach

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    It is shown that a non-periodic Kronig-Penney model exhibits mobility edges if the positions of the scatterers are correlated at long distances. An analytical expression for the energy-dependent localization length is derived for weak disorder in terms of the real-space correlators defining the structural disorder in these systems. We also present an algorithm to construct a non-periodic but correlated sequence exhibiting desired mobility edges. This result could be used to construct window filters in electronic, acoustic, or photonic non-periodic structures.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages including 2 Postscript figure

    Intrinsic Zeeman Effect in Graphene

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    The intrinsic Zeeman energy is precisely one half of the cyclotron energy for electrons in graphene. As a result a Landau-level mixing occurs to create the energy spectrum comprised of the 4j4j-fold degenerated zero-energy level and 4-fold degenerated nonzero-energy levels in the jj-layer graphene, where j=1,2,3j=1,2,3 for monolayer, bilayer and trilayer, respectively. The degeneracy manifests itself in the quantum Hall (QH) effect. We study how the degeneracy is removed by the Coulomb interactions. With respect to the zero-energy level, an excitonic gap opens by making a BCS-type condensation of electron-hole pairs at the filling factor ν=0\nu =0. It gives birth to the Ising QH ferromagnet at ν=±1\nu =\pm 1 for monolayer, ν=±1,±3\nu =\pm 1,\pm 3 for bilayer, and ν=±1,±3,±5\nu =\pm 1,\pm 3,\pm 5 for trilayer graphene from the zero-energy degeneracy. With respect to the nonzero-energy level, a remarkable consequence is derived that the effective Coulomb potential depends on spins, since a single energy level contains up-spin and down-spin electrons belonging to different Landau levels. The spin-dependent Coulomb interaction leads to the valley polarization at ν=±4,±8,±12,...\nu =\pm 4, \pm 8, \pm 12, ... for monolayer, ν=±2,±6,±10,>...\nu =\pm 2, \pm 6, \pm 10, >... for bilayer, and ν=±2,±4,±8,±12,...\nu =\pm 2,\pm 4, \pm 8, \pm 12, ... for trilayer graphene.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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